Commentary | There were two individuals of the same name, Francois de Raet I and II, possibly father and son, who may have owned the goods in this inventory. Francois de Raet I was married to Geertruy Albrechts; Francois de Raet II was married, first, to Francijne Bollens and, second, to Geertruy Laurens. On 11 May 1589, Franssoes de Raet, merchant, and his wife Fransyne Bolles had their daughter Sara (I) baptized in the O.K. (DTB 2/14). On 11 May 1589, Francois de Raet, widower of Francijne Bolles, was betrothed to Geertruy Laurens, widow of Willem Eeuwen (DTB 762A/63). The owners of the present inventary may have been Francois de Raet I and Geertruy Laurens. They both had sons named Daniel. It is inferred that Francis de Raet I was the older, perhaps the father, of Francois de Raet II, because Daniel, the son of Francois de Raet I, born in Sandwich, England, was betrothed as early as 14 July 1601 when the other Daniel, the son of Francis de Raet II, baptized on 7 September 1586, was only 15 years old (DTB 1/289). In July 1601, Daniel de Raet of Sandwich, assisted by his mother Gertruyd Albrechts, widow of Francis de Raet, was married to Susanneken Carpentier (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 148). Thus Francois de Raet I died before July 1601. Given the date of the sale, the owner of the goods was probably Francois de Raet II. It was probably Francoijs de Raet I who paid a tax of 20 f. in 1585 (Van Dillen, Amsterdam, p. 169) and also freighted ships from 1591 to 1600 (IJzerman, Economisch-historisch Jaarboek 17(1931), p. 271). The following acts presumably refer to Francis de Raet II. On 2 May 1591, Pieter, son of Francois de Raet and of Francijne Bolles, was baptized, also in the O.K. (DTB 2/89). On 5 December 1593, Sara (II), same parents, was baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Abygel van Harthoeck (DTB 2/205). On 15 July 1595, Francois de Raet, widower of Francijn Bolles, was betrothed to Geertruyt Laurens, widow of Willem Eeuwen (DTB 762A/63). Francoys de Raedt III who wooed Lysbeth van Valckenborch without success (she eventually married the poet Jacob Cats) may have been the son of Francois de Raet I or II (Oud Holland 7(1889), p. 174.) |