Martsz., Jan
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Inventory # | 909 |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam |
Call Number | WK 5073/956 |
Date | 1621/09/11 |
City | Amsterdam |
Country | Nederland |
Type | Orphan Chamber |
Purpose | auction |
Family Name | Martsz. |
Owner Name | Martsz., Jan |
Life Dates | ? |d 1621 |
Residence | Inde Corsgenspoortsteegh in Amsterdam |
Introduction | Op den 11en september 1621 zijn vercoft de nagelaten goederen van Jan Martsz. |
Commentary | The owner of the goods sold in this sale has not been identified. He is unlikely to Jan Martsz., cloth dealer, in view of the small proceeds of the sale (507 f.) and of the address (the cloth merchant lived on the Nieuwen Dijck). The stone merchant Jan Martsz. is excluded from consideration as the owner of this inventory because he was still alive in 1631 (Maandblad Amstelodamum 53(1966), p. 1). |
Notary | Jan Dircx van Beuningen |
Total Value | 507 |d 3 st. 8 pen. |
Art Value | 18 |d 5 st. |
# of Items | 3 |
Montias1 # | 812 |
0001 |
painting |
't avontmael |
1 schildery van't avontmael f 4:--:--
0002 |
painting |
de bekeringe Paulj |
1 schildery van de bekeringe Paulj f 4: 5:--
0003 |
painting |
de 5 gersten broden |
1 tafereel schilderij van de 5 gersten broden f 10:--:--