The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories


Jansdr., Weijn

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Inventory #949
ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/950
TypeOrphan Chamber
Purposeauction, the proceeds of which will be received by the heirs under benefitie van inventaris, that is, provided the assets exceed the debts.
Family NameJansdr.
Owner NameJansdr., Weijn
Owner Notessale held at request of heirs of Weijn Jans and Dominicus Jansz. under benefit of inventory
OccupationRetail merchant |a Book dealer
ResidenceInt schippers straetjen in Amsterdam
IntroductionOp den 8en Augustij 1624 zijn vercocht de naergelaten goederen van Weijn Jansdr. ten versoucke van de erfgenamen van der voors. Weyn Jans ende Dominicus Jansz. onder benefitie van Inventaris, te betalen etc..
CommentaryThe sale contained many books, some of them in several copies. Dominicus Jansz. , who was apparently a book seller, seems to have been bankrupt. This is the only sale known to me of a bankrupt inventory sold by the Orphan Chamber rather than by the Desolate Boedelskamer.
NotaryGerrit Jacobsz. Haringh
Total Value1037 |d 12 st.
Art Value6 |d 9 st.
# of Items6
Montias1 #151
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Lot Type Artist Title Subject Verbatim Entry
0001[a] [ANONYMOUS] 2 printbortgens f -:13:--
0001[b] [ANONYMOUS] 2 printbortgens f -:13:--
0002[a] [ANONYMOUS] 2 uts [printbortgens] f -: 6:--
0002[b] [ANONYMOUS] 2 uts [printbortgens] f -: 6:--
0003 [ANONYMOUS] een boerentronij f 1:15:--
0004 [ANONYMOUS] 1 schildery syde [sic] een lantschap f 4:15:--
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