Inv#.Lot | 605.0001 |
Lot | 0001 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 55 1 stuck van Sodoma en Gomora f 9:10:-- |
Title | Sodoma en Gomarra |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 9.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Frans Pietersz. Grebe schilder |
Buyer Family | Grebe [Grebber], Frans Pietersz. |
Buyer Notes | This was the painter Frans Pietersz. de Grebber of Haarlem. He was born in Haarlem in 1571 and was active there from the end of the 16th century. In 1618/1619, he served Rubens as a personal emissary in the Flemish artist's dealings with Sir Dudley Carleton, with whom Rubens traded paintings and tapestries against Roman marbles. Frans de Grebber had a large workshop and many assistants. He was frequently called to account by the Haarlem guild for failing to register some of his apprentices. He died in 1649. |
Buyer Religion | Roman Catholic |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21169 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0002 |
Lot | 0002 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 7 1 koockenbort f 101:--:-- |
Title | koocken |
Number | 43 |
Type | painting |
Value | 101 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Hans van Conincksloo (probably II), see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21170 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0003 |
Lot | 0003 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 2 1 stuck schilderij f 14: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Notary Bening |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is probably identical with Willem Benningh notaris of R 27393. |
Montias2 Record# | 21171 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0004 |
Lot | 0004[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 19 en 41 2 rontgens f 26: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 13.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Family | Veelen, Gerrit van |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Gerrit van Veelen, was the father of Femmetge Gerards van Veelen (1590-1659) who married Hendrick Boelens or Boelisz. on 29 May 1607 and of Jan van Veelen of R 29987, On Hendrick Boelisz. see R 31402. Gerrit van Veelen freighted 8 ships between 1590 and 1602 (IJzerman, Economisch Historisch Jaarboek 17 (1931), p. 272) and 14 ships between 1601 and 1608 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel,, R.G.P., 184(1983), p. 602). In all these shipping contracts, he is called koopman te Amsterdam. He was a master of the Spinhuis of Amsterdam in 1605 (Jan Wagenaar, Amsterdam, vol. 2, p. 260). In 1606, Gerrit van Veelen, living on the Rockin in de Hartoch van Cleef, bought lots in the Haarlem lottery for 3 f. 12 st. Femmetgen van Veelen, still living in her father's house, bought lots for 1 f. 16 st. (GAA, 67/54 F 560 and 67/50 F 560). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21172 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0004 |
Lot | 0004[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 19 en 41 2 rontgens f 26: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 13.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21173 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0005 |
Lot | 0005 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 3 1 stuck schilderij f 36:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 36 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Thijs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Hans Thijsz. de jonge, see R 27698. |
Montias2 Record# | 21174 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0006 |
Lot | 0006 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 5 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] f 58:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 58 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Isacxsz. |
Buyer Family | Isaacksz., Pieter |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Pieter Isaacksz., was the painter of that name who was active in Amsterdam at least from 1590 to 1607 and died in Denmark in 1625. On 20 November 1593, Pieter Isaacksz., 25, living on the O.Z. Houttuynen, assisted by his father Isaac Pietersz., was betrothed to Susanna Crayborn Willems, 18, living in the Neustadt, assisted by her aunt Susanna Craeyborn (DTB 406/441). Susanna Crayborn (or Craijeborn) was 44 when she was betrothed to Lenard Swerius (Sweers), widower of Anne Rombouts, on 8 August 1593 (DTB 406/388). On 7 July 1602, Margriet, daughter of Pieter Isacsz. and of Susanna, was baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Philips van der Furde (Oud Holland 4(1886), p.304). On 26 October 1603, Annemarij (later Anna Maria) was baptized in the O.K. in presence of Tanneken Kampeijnis (DTB 4/77). On 12 August 1607, Hester, daughter of Pieter Isaxsen and Susanna Rijborn (sic), was baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Pieter Stevensz. (the painter, resident in Prague?) and Hilleken IJsaakx (DTB 4/209). Pieter Isaacksz. bought a plot on the St. Anthonijsluijs in 1603 for 1425 f. His guarantors were Aert and Hendrick de Keyser (the architect) (Obreen, Archief, vol. 6, p. 43). He was a schutter in the corporaalschap of Captain Simon Willemsz. Nooms and Lieutenant Jacob Poppen (before 1616) (Oud Holland 15(1897), p. 134). He was the brother of the historian and poet Joannes Isaacksz. Pontanus (of R 23409). The painter Isaack Isaacksz. was his oldest son, born about 1598. Pieter Isaacksz. seems to have remarried with Geertruijt van Stralem who was said to be the stepmother of Isaack Isaacksz. in 1656 (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p.1484). Documents on Isaack Isaacksz. were published by Bredius in his Künstler-inventare (pp. 1478-1484). He was also the father of Margaretha Iaaxs, who was assisted by her brother Isaac Isaacxsz. and her uncle Dr. Joannis Pontanis, when she signed a pre-nuptial contract with Cornelis Jacobsz. van Marcken (Bredius, op.cit. p. 1481). For the post-mortem sale of Pieter Isaacksz.'s works of art, see INVNO 623. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21175 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0007 |
Lot | 0007 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 14 1 uts [stuck schilderij] f 25:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 25.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Velen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Montias2 Record# | 21176 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0008 |
Lot | 0008 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 11 1 uts [stuck schilderij] f 31:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 31 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Boelens van Hoorn |
Buyer Family | Boelens, Jan |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was living in Hoorn when the auction took place. He is presumed to have been the son of Dr. Claes Boelens, alias Nicolaus Bulius, born in Hoorn in 1550, schout of Hoorn from 1580 to 1614, who died there in 1615. Claes Boelens married Weyntge Pieters Kies, widow of Jan Gerritsz. Schoterbosch. It is known that his children lived in Hoorn (Elias, Vroedschap, pp. 115-6). Jan Gerritsz. Schoterbosch was apparently the brother of Maria Schoterbosch who married Dirck Corver of R 23516. The presumed sister of Jan Boelens, named Catharina Boelens (Hoorn 1591-1657), married Nicolas Pathuys in 1628. On Nicolas Pathuys, see the TEXT of INVNO 379 at R 296 of Montias1. |
Montias2 Record# | 21177 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0009 |
Lot | 0009 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 18 1 rontgen f 26:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 26 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michiel de Fort |
Buyer Family | Fort, Michiel de (or le) |
Buyer Notes | Michiel le Fort was born in Antwerp. In 1589, he was a member of the College of Consuls of Middelburg (V. Enthoven, Een symbiose tussen koopman en regent in Ondernemers & bestuurders (Lesger and Noordegraaf ed.), Amsterdam, 1999, p. 219). In 1590, he was said to be a commissary in Middelburg for Jacques Bernard (cited in the NOTES to R 31619) and for the company of the wealthy and cultivated De la Faille brothers, Andries and Daniel) (Wijnroks, Handel tussen Rusland en de Nederlanden, 1560-1640, p.242). According to a document of 23 September 1593, Michiel le Fort, still living in Middelburg, was dealing in oil for Frederick Lubmer of Riga (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel, R.G.P. 178(1981), p. 154.) He settled in Amsterdam about 1606 when, as the following document shows, he was already an art dealer. On 24 February 1606, three witnesses declared at the request of Henrick Cornelisz. van Leeuwen, goldsmith in Haarlem, that that they had heard Michiel de Fort, living in Amsterdam, barter two original paintings with Van Leeuwen against one painting, a gilded cup, and a certain amount of money. The two originals were one by Bloemaert of Utrecht and the other by Conincxloo, without any other master having worked on the paintings or any one having made any copies of the paintings. If, on the other hand, it was later found, at any time, that the paintings were not by the afore-said masters or had been copied, then Henrick van Leeuwen could have the two pictures for nothing and would stand to receive 6 Flemish pounds (36 f.) in addition (Oud Holland 34(1916), p. 162). Michiel le Fort kept an inn where his colleague Michiel le Blon stayed (J. Briels, Zuidnederlandse immigratie, p. 111). On 2 August 1618, Michiel de Fort, from Antwerp, widower of Catalijntje Caron, living on the Keysersgracht, was betrothed to Hillegond Symons, widow of Barend Fransz. Ruijs (DTB 422/358). Barend Fransz. Ruijs was the brother of Weijntge Frans Ruijs of R 32158. Soon after his marriage, on 26 March 1619, he requested a deposition from the painter David Finson (the nephew of Louis or Ludovicus Finsonius). Finson, 22 years old, declared that some ago a certain Daniel Evertsen had showed him a silver plate on which he said he would like to be portrayed. He added that he had a niece (nichte) that he also would like to have portrayed. Finson had portrayed both, on separate plates. Both had frequently come to his house to sit for their portraits. Afterwards, Finson had heard that the niece was actually the wife of Michiel de Fort (presumably his second wife Hillegond Symons). De Fort had had the portraits, which were still in Finson's house sequestered (doen arresteren) The silversmith Jacob de Grebber (of R 20988) declared that he had made the silver plates (A. Bredius, Iets over schilders Louys, David en Pieter Finson, Oud Holland 36(1918), pp. 200-201). On 17 April 1624, Michiel de Fort transferred his household goods, paintings, portraits, and so forth to Barent van Someren (of R 20424), probably to cover a debt (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 208n of the Nachträge). On a transaction in paintings also involving Anthoni de Mel, see R 20549. On Barend Fransz. Ruijs and his siblings, see R 32158. On 7 January 1633, Dirck Jelisz. (Gillisz.), painter, 37, and and his wife Grietge Adriaens, 43, declared at the request of the Commissary of the Carriages in Haarlem that they had made an accord with a certain Jacob Block whereby Block would be relieved from the imprisonment (for debt) (soude ontlasten werden van de gyseling dat hy hadde gedaen op een persoon van Hillegont Symons) that he had imposed on the person of Hillegont Symons, to whom he had sold a bolt of damask cloth, and that they, the witnesses, would give (Block) a pair of portraits worth 50 f., which portraits the afore-said Block would be willing to have and would be contented with. Hillegont Symons should therefore never be dunned for the damask (NA 372). Jacob Block, who must be distinguished from the surgeon of the same name of R 39146, was a merchant and shopkeeper for all sorts of silk. He was insinuated for breach of contract on 30 April 1635 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 144(1974), p. 86). On 15 April 1634, Jacob Waertsz., wine dealer, 38, and Dirck Gillisz., painter, 37, declared at the request of Hillegond Simons, that the petitioner (Hillegond Simons) was a well-behaved, industrious, and pious woman and behaved as a woman with honor. They further stated that they knew her very well (NA 843, fol. 598, Not. Hoogeboom). On 1 September 1637, Annetgen Calven, married to Arent Barentsz., aensprecker (mortuary), declared that Dirck Gillisz., painter, their nephew, also living in Amsterdam, will be allowed to collect 130 f. from the Orphan Chamber as one of the heirs of the late Maria Jacobs, his and her great aunt (NA 315, fol. 127, Not. Frederick Banckem). |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21178 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0010 |
Lot | 0010 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 13 1 stuck f 12:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Frans Pietersz. voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21169. |
Montias2 Record# | 21179 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0011 |
Lot | 0011 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 2 1 uts [stuck] f 58:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 58 |t gulden |
Buyer | Anthony Claesz. de Jonge |
Buyer Family | Claesz., Anthony, de Jonge I |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was a merchant in copper ware, a broker (maeckelaer), and probably an art dealer. He was born in 1574, the son of Anthoni Claesz. (de oude) and of Antonnetgen van Beringen, from Antwerp, who settled in Amsterdam in 1590. He became a citizen of Amsterdam in 1600. On 25 February 1600, Anthony Claesz. de Jonghe, from Antwerp, 26, living in the Kalverstraet, assisted by his parents Antoni Claesz. and Antonetgen van Beringen, was betrothed to Elisabeth Janssens, from Antwerp, 22 (DTB 409/122, cited in Briels, Vlaamse schilders, 1997, p. 310). Elisabeth Jansens (or Jans) was the daughter of Gabriel Jansz. and Aeltgen Jans Moens (see TEXT to R 508 of INVNO 608). The prenuptial contract of Anthony Claesz. de Jonghe and Elisabeth Jansens was signed in the presence of Hans Verspreet (the father of Anthoni Verspreet of R 25596) (Briels, ibid.) Anthony Claesz. de jonge, living in the Warmoesstraet in 't Hart, bought lots for 8 f. 8 st. in the Haarlem lottery of 1606 (4/2 F 25). The house in which he lived at the time on the Warmoesstraet was t Roode Hart. The merchant Anthony Claesz. de Jonghe, on his own account and for his company, freighted a ship to load salt and wine in La Rochelle on 13 January 1609 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel, R.G.P., 185(1983), p. 8). He bought a copper mill from Pieter le Febure (probably of INVNO 643) in 1611, which he operated until about 1617. On 18 August 1616, Ambrosius Bosschaert drew up a procuration in Utrecht to transport an obligation to Melchior Pilhem in Dublin, Ireland. The document was passed in the house of Anthoni Claesz. de jonge. Henry Theijvaert (the brother of Jan Thivaert of R 20955) was a witness (Bok, unpublished notes on Anthony Claesz.). On 22 August 1619, Eduart Emtinck, 48, and Nicolaes Bas, 26, made a deposition at the request of Nicolaes Hermansz., merchant in Middelburgh. Emtinck declared that he had known Aeltge Moens for many years and that she had lent him money at interest, as an accounting prepared by her son-in-law Anthony Claessen reveals. But Anthony Claesz. was now insolvent and Emtinck had become one of the curators of his estate. Nicolaes Bas, who had served Anthony Claesz. for some time, confirmed these facts (NA 200, film 111). On 14 September 1619, Pieter Jacobsz. Indische Raven (of R 31326), 39, Eduart Emtinck, 48, both honest merchants merchants declared at the request of Nicolaes Hermansz., residing in Middelburgh, that they were curators of the boedel of Anthony Claessen, gefailleerde (bankrupt). They stated that Aeltge Moens had already distributed 50 bolts of cloth to the creditors (ibid.) Anthony Claesz. de Jonghe I went bankrupt, presumably in Utrecht, about 1619 (Bok, ibid.) On 10 January 1621,the painter Balthasar van der Ast drew up a procuration to collect money from Anthony Claesz. de Jonghe, formerly living in Utrecht, now in Amsterdam (Bok, ibid.) On 18 February 1625, the Orphan Chamber appointed Silvester Casteel as co-guardian, with Michiel Jansz., over the children of Anthony Claesz. (WK 5073/513). The merchant Silvester Kasteel was said to be 45 in a deposition, made at the request of Jacob Volckertsz. of Leeuwarden, dated 5 May 1636 (NA 1276, Not. Barcman, unpaginated). Michiel Jansz. may have been the painter at whose request a deposition was made on 7 December 1638 regarding some scandalous goings on in an inn (NA 1186. fol.92). Could he have been the master of the future painter Anthony Claesz. de Jonghe II (of R 34333), the son of the buyer? This guardianship was presumably made necessary by the death of Elisabeth Jans. On 17 May 1625, Anthony Claesz. was betrothed to Marritje Frerix, born in Embden, widow of Dirck Remmertsz. On 25 September 1627, Salomon Deschamps and Jan Smit, merchants in Amsterdam, gave a procuration to Anthony Claesz., broker in Amsterdam, to sell some diamonds and jewels and to buy some Haarlem ware and linens (Bok, ibid.) Jan Smit seems to be identical with the wine merchant of that name who was appointed guardian by the Orphan Chamber over the minor-age children of Huybert Verniers, the father of Machtelt Verniers, the wife of the painter Daniel Thivaert, the son of Jan Thivaert of R 20955. On 12 May 1637, Jan Smit brought 500 f. on the children's behalf (GA Begijnhof no. 408, Groot Rekenboeck). Anthony Claesz. I died on 6 April 1631 (Bok, ibid.) On 9 September 1631, Rogier Sapes, as husband and guardian of Susanna Claes; Gabriel Claesz., son and sister resp. of Anthony Claesz., together with Silvester Kasteel and Michiel Jansz. (cited above), as ordered guardians over the children of Anthony Claesz., repudiated his estate (NA 189, fol. 174, Not. W. Cluyt). Susanna Claes was apparently Rogier Sapes's second wife. Earlier, on 15 October 1625, he had appeared before the Orphan Chamber on behalf of his son Anthoni, 2 years old, whose mother was Anthonette Jans, and had brought him 600 f. for his mother's inheritance. He also declared that his son was entitled to 1,500 f. from the inheritance of his late uncle Hans Jansz. (WK 5073/789). On 7 December 1632, Anthony Claesz.'s widow, Maritge Fredericx, assisted by the merchant Guilliam Pietersz., drew up a procuration naming Mr. Jacob van Campen, advocate before the Court of Vrieslandt, to represent her (NA 371, Not. W. Cluyt). Anthony Claesz. de Jonghe I was the father of Gabriel Claesz., silkspinner, of INVNO 319 (R 237 of Montias1). On 9 April 1631, the estate of the late Anthonie Claesz., broker, and Lijsbeth Jansdr was brought in to the Orphan Chamber. They had a married son and daughter plus four minor children, including presumably the future flower painter Anthony Claesz. de Jonghe II (Bok, ibid.) |
Buyer Occupation | Retail Merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21180 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0012 |
Lot | 0012 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 35 1 stuck van de Geborte f 325:--:-- |
Title | de Geborte |
Number | 73 |
Type | painting |
Value | 325.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Conincksloo (II), see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21181 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0013 |
Lot | 0013 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 1 1 rontgen f 24:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 24.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Anthony Claesz. voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21180. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21182 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0014 |
Lot | 0014 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 20 1 stuck f 39:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 39 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21183 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0015 |
Lot | 0015 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 16 1 ovael f 38:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | oval |
Value | 38 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michiel de Fort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21178. |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21184 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0016 |
Lot | 0016[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 18 4 getijden f 60:10:-- |
Title | getijd |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 15.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21185 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0016 |
Lot | 0016[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 18 4 getijden f 60:10:-- |
Title | getijd |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 15.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21186 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0016 |
Lot | 0016[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 18 4 getijden f 60:10:-- |
Title | getijd |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 15.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21187 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0016 |
Lot | 0016[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 18 4 getijden f 60:10:-- |
Title | getijd |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 15.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21188 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0017 |
Lot | 0017[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 21 en 22 2 stuckges f 29:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens tot Leyden |
Buyer Family | Boissens, Cornelis |
Buyer Notes | (Bredius read Brassers.) The buyer, Cornelis Dircksz. Boissens, ca. 1567-ca.1634, was a painter, etcher, and calligrapher. He lived in the first years of the century in Amsterdam then established himself in Leiden. He invested 200 f in V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 154). He seems to have been a great connoisseur of prints and had a fine collection which was frequently visited by Arnold van Buchell (Arnoldus Buchelius Res picturae, edited by G.J. Hoogewerff and J.Q. van Regteren Altena, pp. 47, 53, 53, but especially p.6). On 3 June 1623, Mr. Cornelis Boyssens, Schaftmeester (schrijftmeester ?) in Leyden in the Collegie Theologiae, about 55 years old, and Jan van Sonnevelt, organist in the St. Pancreas church, declared under oath, first Boissens, that about 9 weeks previously he had given a clavecimbal to a clavecimbal-maker named Martinus in order to have it repaired, and that Martinus, without his knowledge or consent, had pawned it for 8 f. in the Lombaert; Van Sonnevelt declared that he had given Martinus a clavecimbal, with a beautiful landscape painted on the top to repair, which he had sold to Mr. Isaack Jouderville, formerly Waert in the drie haringen in Leiden (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 126n of Nachträge). Jouderville became a Rembrandt pupil a few years later. The collection of Cornelis Boissens came under the hammer in Leyden in 1636. It contained two little tronies by Lucas van Valckenburch, which were said to be seer aerdigh in waterverwe by Arent van Buchel. Roelof van Gelder and Jaap van der Veen argue these two water colors are identical with two small tronies by Lucas van Valckenburch in Rembrandt's bankrupt inventory. Rembrandt may have bought them at the Boissens sale (Rembrandts schatkamer, Museum het Rembrandthuis, Exh. Cat., 1999, p. 37). |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21189 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0017 |
Lot | 0017[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 21 en 22 2 stuckges f 29:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens tot Leyden |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21190 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0018 |
Lot | 0018 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 24 1 stuck f 61:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 61 |t gulden |
Buyer | idem [Cornelis Boissens tot Leyden] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21191 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0019 |
Lot | 0019 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 9 1 ovael f 12:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | oval |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Adriaen van Loosvelt voor Abraham in de Warmoesstraet |
Buyer Family | Loosvelt, Adriaen van |
Buyer Notes | Adriaen van Loosvelt was a merchant who settled in Amsterdam in 1597 after living some time in Dantzig. On 15 August 1597, Adriaen van Loosvelt, merchant from Dantzig, presently living in this city (Amsterdam), on behalf of his brothers Abraham (of R 19997) and Jacob van Loosvelt, signed an agreement with Lieven Janssoon van Diepholt, merchant in Dantzig, married to Anneken van Loosvelt, widow of Otto Janszoon, concerning the division of the estate of their mother (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 178(1981), p. 479). Adriaen van Loosvelt freighted 5 ships between 1600 ad 1602, another 5 ships between 1603 and 1608 and one ship in 1610 (Winkelman,Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 184(1983), p. 601, 185(1983), p. 117). In 1605, he loaded a ship with grain in partnership with Jorgen Timmerman, one of the original investors in the V.O.C. (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 159.) In 1606, he was living op de Kolck in de Haarlemmersluijs when he bought lots for 30 f. in the Haarlem lottery. The collector was Gerrit van Veelen of R 21172 (GAA, 67/3 F 557). In 1611, he was opposed to a number of wine dealers in a controversy (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven, 69(1929), p.713-4). On 7 October 1600, Adriaen van Loosvelt, from Dordrecht, 34, living on the N.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by his brother Willem van Loosvelt, was betrothed to Christina Michiels van Vaerlaer, 18, living on the Warmoesstraet (DTB 5634, 665/132). The family was Mennonite. The daughters of the couple, Cornelia, born in 1604, and Anna, born in 1606-1607, married respectively Anthonis van Hoeck (27 in 1621) and Cornelis Rutgers (27 in 1624). Anna was assisted by her mother Christina Michiels and lived on the Heeregracht (DTB 559/233). Anna, who may have become R.C., was buried on 24 January 1660. Bells were rung at her funeral (DTB 1055/115). A third daughter named Gertruijd was betrothed to Govaert Schouten on April 21, 1623. According to a declaration dated 5 December 1634, the three brothers-in-law (Anthony van Hoeck, Cornelis Rutgers, and Govert Schouten), who may have been doing business together, lent 1,720 f. to Jan Jansz. van Laen on behalf of his nephew Joannes van Laen (NA 771, Notary Verhey). Jan and Anthony van Hoeck signed the 1645 petition to the Vroedschap of Amsterdam calling for the enforcement of currency regulations issued in 1622 (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken R.G.P. 59(1925), p, 89). Cornelis Rutgers, a Mennonite merchant, died in 1638. His death inventory, drawn up at the request of his widow Anna van Loosvelt, contained two paintings by Rembrandt (INVNO 410 and Strauss, Rembrandt Documents, p. 152.) On the curateurs of his estate, see NA 1466, film 1566, 13 July 1638). After her death a second inventory was taken (INVNO 410) partially duplicating the first. Abraham, the ultimate buyer of this lot, may be Adriaen's brother, the sugar refiner Abraham van Loosvelt of R 19997. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21192 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Family | Ende (Eijnde), Hans (Jan) van den, de Jonge |
Buyer Notes | The merchant Hans (or Jan) van den Eijnde de jonge, son of Hans van den Eijnde de oude of R 21207, born in 1588, first settled in Cologne before migrating to Amsterdam (before 1606). In 1606, Jan van den Eynde, living on the Singel, by the Molensteeg, apparently in the house of his father Hans van den Eynde de oude, of R 21207, bought lots in the Haarlem lottery for 12 st. (GAA, 86/43 F 649). On 15 December 1611, Hans van den Eijnde de jonge, 23 years old, living on the Singel near the Gasthuysbrugge, assisted by his parents, Hans van den Eynde and Janneken Ariaens, was betrothed to Susanneken Elants, assisted by her mother Heynrickgen van Schriek (DTB 416/65). Hans van den Eynde de jonge had a 2-folio account at the Wisselbank at that time (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 125.) He went bankrupt in August 1621, at which time an inventory of his possessions was taken at the request of his creditors (INVNO 517). Shortly before he went bankrupt, he bought a painting by Roeland Savery for 650 f. which he had not paid for a year later (M.J. Bok, Dawn of the Golden Age, Exh. Cat. p. 155) The 12 pieces in this lot may well be identical with twaelff schilderijtgens wesende de 12 maenden van 't jaer in INVNO 517. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21193 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21194 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21195 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21196 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21197 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[f] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21198 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[g] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21199 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[g] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21199 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[h] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21201 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[i] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21202 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[j] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21203 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[k] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21204 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.002 |
Lot | 0020[l] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 28 12 stucken f 172:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Ende de Jonge op't water |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21205 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0021 |
Lot | 0021 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 34 1 stuck f 65:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 65 |t gulden |
Buyer | Louris Jansz. Spiegel schepen |
Buyer Family | Spiegel, Louris Jansz. |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Louris Jansz. Spiegel, was named schepen in 1604 and removed from this responsibility by Prins Maurits in 1618. He was born in 1575 and died in 1623. He was betrothed to Neeltgen Isaacsdr. Ouderogh on 19 July 1597. She was the daughter of Isaack Ouderogh (or Ouwerog) and of Neeltge Claes Grooff (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 293). Ouderogh was a freighter of ships laden with salt (Winkelman in 1599 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel, R.G.P. 178(1981), p. 453-4). Louris Jansz. Spiegel was a merchant and soap boiler (zeepsieder). He was also Heemrad of the Nieuwer Amstel (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 293). In 1606, he was a zeepsieder next to the Gasthuyssluys when he bought lots in the Haarlem lottery for 1 f. 16 st. (GAA, 149/27 F 1074). The daughte of Lourens Spiegel, named Hillegond, was betrothed on 1 July 1615 to Michiel Pauw (of R 34143), the son of the burgomaster Reynier Pauw (Elias, ibid.) |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Soap boiler |
Montias2 Record# | 21206 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0022 |
Lot | 0022 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 45 1 stuck f 17:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 17.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van den Eijnde voors. |
Buyer Family | Eijnde (Ende), Hans van den (de oude, I) |
Buyer Notes | It is assumed very tentatively that, in 1612 and 1613, when Hans van den Eijnde is not expressly named de jonge (II), the father Hans van den Eijnde I is designated. The father was buried on 9 April 1621 (Maandblad Amstelodamum 62(1975), p. 127). He was a merchant and a dealer in spices (kruidenier). On Hans van den Eijnde II, see R 21193 of Montias2 and INVNO 517. Hans van den Eijnde I, alias van Endt, was a spice merchant, born in Mechelen before 1560, who first lived in Middelburg before settling in Amsterdam where he was first noted in 1581 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden p. 299). He lived on the Dam in a house called de Pot in Amsterdam, at least from 1593 to 1604. He was living on the Singel in 1611 when he bought some land on the Rozemarijnstraet in the Jordaen (Maandblad Amstelodamum, loc. cit.) His collection was noted by Carel van Mander (M.J. Bok in Dawn of the Golden Age, Exh. Cat. p. 155). He was a master of the Mannetuchthuis in 1606 (Jan Wagenaar, Amsterdam, vol. 2, p. 256). He was married to Janneken Ariaens de Hondt (with whom he passed a joint testament on 9 April 1621, shortly before his death). Adriana, the daughter of Hans van den Eijnde I, born in Middelburg about 1578, was married to Jerson Metsu on 10 October 1598. Hans van den Eijnde I invested 12000 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares and 14,400 f. in the second in 1612. As stated above, he had a 5-page account at the Wisselbank in 1620 (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister pp. 125 and 259). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Spices |
Montias2 Record# | 21207 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0023 |
Lot | 0023 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 17 1 stuck f 34:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 34 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michiel de Fort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21178. |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21208 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0024 |
Lot | 0024 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 46 1 stuck f 14:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21209 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0025 |
Lot | 0025 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 12 1 stuck f 210:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 210 |t gulden |
Buyer | Louis Jansz. Spiegel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21206. |
Montias2 Record# | 21210 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0026 |
Lot | 0026 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 18 1 stuck f 33:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 33.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Isaack Haeck |
Buyer Family | Haeck, Isaack (II) |
Buyer Notes | Isaack Haeck , the son of Ysaack Haeck I, from Antwerp and of Elisabeth van Solt, the daughter of Hans van Solt I of R 29281), was baptized in Amsterdam on 22 July 1614 (Solt Genealogy, assembled by Wout Spies). On 13 November 1608, Isaack Haeck, 26 years of age, from Antwerp, living in Middelburg, assisted by Pieter Haeck, was betrothed to Elisabeth van Soldt (Solt), from London, assisted by Hans van Solt (I), her father, and Elisabeth Hoormbouts, her mother (DTB 413/321). Pieter Haeck, baptized in Amsterdam on 22 September 1611, was the brother of Isaack Haeck (Solt genealogy). The merchant Pieter Haeck signed a petition in behalf of Adriaen van Ackerlaeck, likewise merchant, on 11 April 1636 (NA 695A, film 4821). Elisabeth was the sister of Hans van Solt II (of R 21567), who married Agatha van Maerlen, the daughter of the rich jeweler and collector Hans van Maerlen. She remarried with Abraham Spiers, from Antwerp, widower of Annetje Sprenckhuysen, at which time she was living on the Cleuveniersburchwal (DTB 426/79). Abraham Spiers was the father of Jan Spiers of R 23553. For his death inventory, see INVNO 611. Haeck died bankrupt before December 1617 when his death inventory was taken (INVNO 1015). On 13 July 1635, Elisabeth van Solt, assisted by Sr. Abraham Spiers, her husband and guardian, named Jacques de Schot, her schoonsoon to represent her to collect money due to her from her share in the inheritance from Hans van Solt I (NA 843, Not. Hoogeboom). On Jacques de Schot, see also the NOTES to R 29995. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21211 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0027 |
Lot | 0027 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 14 1 stuck f 12: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Adriaen van Loosvelt |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21192. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21212 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0028 |
Lot | 0028 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 4 1 stuck f 24:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 24.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Veelen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21213 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0029 |
Lot | 0029 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 17 1 uts [stuck] f 12:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Gerrit van Veelen] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21214 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.003 |
Lot | 0030[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 stuckges verlichterij f 86:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 21.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michel de Fort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21178. |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21215 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.003 |
Lot | 0030[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 stuckges verlichterij f 86:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 21.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michel de Fort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21178. |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21216 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.003 |
Lot | 0030[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 stuckges verlichterij f 86:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 21.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michel de Fort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21178. |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21217 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.003 |
Lot | 0030[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 stuckges verlichterij f 86:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 21.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michel de Fort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21178. |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21218 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0031 |
Lot | 0031[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 2 4 uts. [stuckges verlichterij] f 80:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Family | Wely, Hans (Jan) II |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is the jeweler Hans or Jan van Wely (1569-1616). On 2 January 1597, Jan van Wely de jonge, from Barneveld, 28 years old, living in The Hague, assisted by his father Jan van Wely (I), was betrothed to Leonora Hawkins, from Antwerp, 28, assisted by her mother Anna Wilkens (or Willekens). Anna Willekens was first married to the English linen manufacturer Thomas Hawkins. Leonora was their daughter. After the death of Hawkins, Anna Willekens remarried with Wolfert (Wolphert) van Bylert (Bylaer), widower of Catharina Bolles, the rich widow of the attorney Fabian van Vliet ((Oud Holland 8(1890), p.33, and (DTB 408/50)). Wolphert van Bylaer owned a thriving jewelry business and also dealt in art goods in the Nes. One of his apprentices was Kiliaen van Resselaer, who succeeded him. Rensselaer later became a director of the W.I.C. Rensselaer was one of the founders of New Amsterdam in North America. He married Hillegonda van Byler, the daughter of his former employer (Maandblad Amstelodamum 36(1949), p.113). On 10 May 1615, Johan van Wely and Leonora Hawkins had their son Davit baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Wynant van Wely and Theodora Lermijt (DTB 5/142). Jan van Wely II was a jeweler by trade, an art lover, and a friend of Goltzius, with whom he corresponded and who may have carried out commissions for him (Oud Holland 6(1888), p. 151). He did business with his uncle Wolfaert van Bijler (the brother of his mother Geertruyd van Bylaer) and his brother Willem van Wely (of R 21266). Hendrick de Keyser built a house for him on O.Z. Voorburgwal. Jan van Wely invested 3.000 f in V.O.C. shares in 1602 and 12,000 f in 1612 (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 143 and p. 259). On 5 March 1607, Jan van Wely had Notary Bruyningh insinuate Lieven van Meulener, merchant in Middelburg concerning 5 paintings that Van Wely had bought from him on 19 February 1607, with the aid and under the supervision of Antony Wachtmans, Andries Pit (of R 21344), and Pieter Isaacksz. (the painter, of R 21175). Four of the paintings had been delivered. The fifth, a painting of Adam and Eve by Jan Mabuse (Gossaert) was still in the house of Marten Papenbroeck in the Kalverstraet. Van Wely claimed the painting was worth 500 pounds Flemish to him and said he would not pay for the other four until this one was delivered (NA 106/151vo and 152, Not. Bruyningh, Extracten). Antonio Wachtmans, cited above, was a merchant (probably) of South Netherlandish origin, first noted in Amsterdam in 1600 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 317). Jan was Wely was murdered in a robbery in The Hague in 1616 (M.J. Bok in Dawn of the Golden Age, Exh. Cat. p. 161). On 6 December 1619, Leonora Hawkins, widow of Jan van Wely, contracted with Jasper Jansz. (IJpelaer) and Hans Lenaertsz. (married to Maria Cocqs, whose post-mortem inventories are recorded in INVNO 568 and INVNO 5680), to build a house on a plot she owned on the Heerengracht (no. 280). The house was sold after her death for 15,900 f. on 15 December 1635 (L. Calckoen, Het Klockhuis, Heerengracht 280 Jaarboek Amstelodamum 11(1913), pp. 141-2). Hans van Wely's widow and heirs paid a tax of 750 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 146vo, p. 34). Leonora van Wely, the sister of Hans van Wely II, was 25 when she was betrothed to Jacque l'Hermitte II, 31, on 2 March 1613. He was assisted by his father Jacques l'Hermitte I and she by her mother Geertruyd van Bylaer and her brother Jan van Wely (De Navorscher 8(1858), p. 318). She was buried on 17 February 1645 (DTB 1090/120). The son of Jan van Wely II, Jan van Wely III, was also a buyer at auction in 1621 (R 20500). Another son named Thomas van Wely, born in or around 1601, married Anna Maria Ysacx, the daughter of the painter Pieter Isaacksz., on 9 November 1634 (DTB 443/116). Anna van Wely (called van Weelen in the betrothal document), the daughter of Hans van Wely II and Leonora Hawkins, from Amsterdam, was 26 when she was betrothed to Kiliaen van Renselaer, from Hasselt, widower of Hillegont van Byler, on 18 November 1627. She was assisted by her mother Leonora Hawkins (De Navorscher 8(1858), p. 319). Kilian van Rens(s)elaer was a director of the W.I.C. (1628) and one of the founders of the colony of New Amsterdam. Another daughter of Hans van Wely II married Johannes Gommers. She died, along with her child, on 12 August 1629 (De Navorscher 84(1935), p. 39). |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21219 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0031 |
Lot | 0031[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 2 4 ditos [stuckges verluchterij] f 80:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21220 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0031 |
Lot | 0031[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 2 4 ditos [stuckges verluchterij] f 80:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21221 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0031 |
Lot | 0031[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 2 4 ditos [stuckges verluchterij] f 80:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21222 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0032 |
Lot | 0032 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | No. 2 1 stuck schilderij f 44:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 44 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter de Brul op de Cingel bij 't wacht van de Hall[bardiers ?] |
Buyer Family | Brul, Pieter de |
Buyer Notes | On 21 May 1603, Pieter de Brul, from Rijssel (Lille), 27 years old, living in the Warmoesstraet, was betrothed to Catherina Hermans, from Aken, 22 (DTB 410/259). Pieter du Brul was co-owner of a copper mill (with Bartholomeus Harmans, who may have been his brother-in-law) in 1615 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 78(1933), p. 129.) When he bought a little box of lapis besar (beozar stone) in the sale of Isaack Verbeeck of 27 February 1608 (INVNO 760), he was said to be Geels cosijn. On 7 March 1623, Pieter de Brul, the cousin of the children of Catherina van Geel and of David de Lhomel, was named guardian by the Orphan Chamber over these children whose mother had recently died. The co-guardian was Philips van Geel, the uncle of the children (WK 5073/513, fol. 10). This Catharina van Geel cannot be the woman of that name who was married to Jacques Verbeeck I of INVNO 544 and INVNO 928, who died some time before 1609. David de Lhomel (l'Hommel) was probably de jonge, born in Antwerp about 1584, first noted in Amsterdam in 1608, merchant, related to Hans de l'Hommel of INVNO 230 (Gelderblom, Prosopographic Data Base and Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 306). On 22 December 1622, David de Lhomel brought 12,000 f. to the Orphan Chamber for the inheritance of his late wife Catharina van Geel on behalf of his children David, 12, Catharina, 10, Daeniel, 7, and Sara, 5 (WK 5073/789). Pieter de Brul paid a tax of 5 f. in 1631, at which time he lived in the St. Annastraet (Kohier, fol. 171). In 1628, he lived on the Rouansche Kaij bij de Spaerpot (See R 23693). On 8 April 1632, Pieter de Brul and Jan Dusart bought a house and dye works (Van Dillen, Bronnen ... loc.cit.sup., p.796). Pieter de Brull was the uncle of Anthony de Brull of INVNO 160. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Other |
Montias2 Record# | 21223 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0033 |
Lot | 0033 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 stuck verlichterij f 48:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color or illuminated print |
Value | 48.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21224 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0034 |
Lot | 0034 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 5 1 stuck schilderij f 13:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 13.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21225 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0035 |
Lot | 0035[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 3 en 37 2 rontges f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 4.55 |t gulden |
Buyer | Severyn naest Emaus |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 27383. |
Montias2 Record# | 21226 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0035 |
Lot | 0035[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 3 en 37 2 rontges f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 4.55 |t gulden |
Buyer | Severyn naest Emaus |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21226. |
Montias2 Record# | 21227 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0036 |
Lot | 0036[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 20 en 21 2 uts [rontges] f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 3.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Govert Jansz. int Ossenhooft |
Buyer Family | Jansz., Govert |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was the painter Govert Jansz., born about 1578, active in Amsterdam from 1603 to 1619. On 26 April 1603, Govaert Jansz., painter, 25 years old, living in the Warmoesstraet, assisted by Jan Gerritsz. his father, was betrothed to Grietie Willems, 21, living in the Lastage. The sister of Grietge Willems, named Truytien, was the first wife of the painter Cornelis van der Voort (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 833.) In 1616, he was so loaded with debts that he had to negotiate a settlement with his creditors. These included Wessel Schenck, the uncle of Helena van Juchteren who was betrothed to Jeronimus de Haze in 1605 (R 29604); Jacob van Foreest, father of Jacob van Foreest de jonge of R 32580; Govert Jansz.'s brother-in-law Matheus Antonissen of R 28454; Dirck Ghuertsz. (perhaps Van Beuningen, of R 21904); and Jacob Molengraeff (Bredius, ibid.) Jacob Dircx Molengraeff, who was 40 according to a deposition he made on 30 September 1621, was a wine dealer (NA 255, film 127, fol. 174vo). The next day, 5 January, Govert Jansz., 38, declared at the request of his father-in-law Willem Jansz. and the latter's daughter Guertie Jans that he had given some uitdraagsters the commission to sell the clothing of his late wife, which had been done (Bredius, ibid.) On 28 July 1617, he obtained a cessie met commitimus for his debts from the Higher Court in The Hague. When Govert Jansz. died in 1619, he left three minor children, Tryntje, 14, Truitje, 10, and Jan, 7. (ibid). On 18 January 1619, the Orphan Chamber named Mr. Jan Sybrantsz. de Bonte as guardian of the children of Govert Jansz., painter, whose late mother was Grietgen Willems as also for the estate of Willem Jansz., bode op Hamburg. The act took place in the presence of Geertge Willems (the sister of Grietgen and the daughter of Willem Jansz.) and her husband Matheus Anthonisz. (of R 28454) and of the painter Cornelis van der Voort (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 122n of Nachträge). Jan Sybrantsz. de Bont, born about 1558 (NA 389, fol. 79, act of 29 August 1624) was the brother of Hendrick Sybrantsz. de Bont (alias Bontenos), the first husband of Geertge Willems. Hendrick, born about 1581, was much younger than Jan (NA 843, fol.143, Not. Hoogeboom). The surgeon Jan Sybrantsz. de Bont (or Bonte) exercised his trade in Amsterdam at least from 1584 to 1612 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven, 1933, p.10). Mr. Jan Sybrantsz. (de Bont?) was the manager of the rhetorical chamber In Liefde Bloyende (Oud Holland 24(1906), p.118). As cited above Jacob (Dircx) Molengraeff (Alkmaar 1581-1620) was a wine dealer. In July 1614, when the Concierge of the Town Hall wanted to sell the movable goods of Govert Jansz. to satisfy his creditors, the painter Jan Pynas, who was apparently living in Molengraeff's house, notified him that he was the owner of some of these goods. Note also that Nicholaes Koop (of R 30624) was a witness at the baptism of the daughter of Molengraeff, named Magdalena, on 9 January 1611 (Jaarboek Amstelodamum 76(1984), p. 20). |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21228 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0036 |
Lot | 0036[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 20 en 21 2 uts [rontges] f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 3.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Govert Jansz. int Ossenhooft |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21228. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21229 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0037 |
Lot | 0037 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 13 1 stuck schilderij f 16:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Bartholomeus Moor |
Buyer Family | Moor, Bartholomeus (I) |
Buyer Notes | The rich merchant Bartholomeus Moor (I) was born in Antwerp in 1573 (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 308). On 19 September 1603, Bartholomeus Moor, 30 years old, living in the Warmoesstraet, assisted by his stepfather Joost van Beck (I) and his mother Catalijne Symons, was betrothed to Marie Niquett, assisted by her guardians Jan Niquet and Margerite Bosmans (of INVNO 539), her guardians (DTB 411/31). Joost van Beeck (de oude) was a merchant, born in South Netherlands, who spent some time in Aachen before settling in Amsterdam, where he was first noted in 1602 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 295). He bought jewelry at the Jan van Maerlen sale of 1637, at which time he lived on the Voorburgwal, bij de Vaerckensluijs. In 1606, Bartholomeus Moor (I) bought lots in the Haarlem lottery for 6 f. The collector was Jan Heijckes of R 30667 (GAA, 55/31 F 440). Bartholomeus's daughter Susanna Moor was baptized on 18 November 1608. She married Henry de Pickere (born in 1585), the son of Margareta van der Bruggen (widow of Jeronimus Coymans II who died in 1583) on 27 July 1627. She remarried with Laurens Reael in 1640. Another daughter named Catharina married Daniel Bernard (Elias, ibid.) Bartholomeus Moor (I), living on the Heregracht was taxed 500 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 293, p. 67). He invested 2,400 f. in the first subscription to V.O.C. shares in the Amsterdam Kamer and another 2,400 f. in the Enkhuizen Kamer (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 146 and unpublished information on subscriptions to V.O.C. shares issued by the Enkhuizen Kamer supplied by Roelof van Gelder.) On 8 April 1627, Cathalijne van Leijden, daughter of Pieter van Leijden (II?) passed her testament in which she cited a painting of the Last Judgement by Crispijn van der Pas, for which Bartholomeus Moor had offered Pieter van Leijden de oude 1000 f. in 1594. The painting was bequeathed to Jacob Pieters van Leijden (NA 441, fol. 41 and fol. 43, Not. P. Mathijsz.) Pieter van Leijden I, born in Antwerp before 1560, was a merchant and sugar refiner, who spent some time in Nuremberg before settling in Amsterdam, where he was first noted in 1594. His son Pieter van Leijden II, also born in Antwerp, in 1577, lived until after 1631 (Gelderblom, op. cit., p. 306 and Prosopographic Data Base). In February 1637 (?) (exact date unknown due to fire damage), Sara Nicquet, widow of Dominicus van Heemskerck, drew up her testament naming her brother-in-law Bartholomeus Moor (the husband of her sister Marie) and her nephew Adam Bessels (of R 35041) as executors. Adam Bessels was married to Margarieta Reynst, who was the niece of Jacques Nicquet (R 35041) (NA 948, film 1171, Not. Benedict Baddel). Bartholomeus Moor was buried in the W.K. on 13 May 1633 (DTB 1100A/4). On 27 May 1636, Maria Niquet was cited as the widow and estate-holder of Bartholomeus Moor (I) (WK 5073/789). On 22 April 1638, a dispute was said to have arisen between Bonaventuer Broen and the heirs of Bartholomeus Moor (I) concerning a sum of 1000 crowns that Moor had committed to the heirs of Jan Monnincx in Paris. Isaack van Beeck (cited in the NOTES to R 26643) had arbitered the question (NA 696A, film 4982). According to an act of 18 August 1633, Isaack van Beck was said to be 43 years old (NA 694B, Not. J. Warnaerts). On the relation of Isaack van Beck to Rembrandt, see the TEXT of R 81 of Montias. Bonaventuer Broen was a Nantes-based merchant, noted in Amsterdam on 19 June 1636, when he declared that the honorable Jan Egbertsz. Bisschop (the brother of the famous Remonstrant Rem Egbertsz. Bisschop) had paid into the Bank of Amsterdam (probably the Wisselbank) a sum of 3,025 f. which he, as original owner, had been advanced by his nephew Hendrick Broen (of R 7618) (NA 843, Not. Hoogeboom). On 15 May 1638, the honorable Bartholomeus Moor (II), living in Ceulen and temporarily in Amsterdam, drew up a procuration to collect his part of the inheritance from Jan Schrijver burgomaster of Gogh (NA 1186, fol. 20, Not. J. de Vos). Bartholomeus Moor II was presumably the son of Bartholomeus Moor I. On 20 April 1640, Marcus van Valckenburch (of INVNO 1238) was said to be trading in Brasil with Symon van der Does (of R 28462) and Bonaventura Broen (NA 421, film 6438). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21230 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0038 |
Lot | 0038 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 23 1 rontgen f 21:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 21 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Eyst in Breda in de Warmoesstraet |
Buyer Family | Eyst, Hans van |
Buyer Notes | On 18 September 1618, a child of Hans van Eijst was buried in the N.K. (DTB 1054/42). |
Montias2 Record# | 21231 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0039 |
Lot | 0039 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 40 1 uts. [rontgen] f 20: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 20.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Notaris Benning |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21171. |
Montias2 Record# | 21232 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0040 |
Lot | 0040 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 24 1 uts. [rontgen] f 10: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 10.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Tysz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Hans Thijsz. de jonge, see R 27698. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Buyer Relation | Child |
Montias2 Record# | 21233 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0041 |
Lot | 0041[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [No no.] 2 stuckgen schilderij f 28:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14 |t gulden |
Buyer | Campen |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is probably Cornelis van Campen of R 31987. |
Montias2 Record# | 21234 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0041 |
Lot | 0041[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [No no.] 2 stuckgen schilderij f 28:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14 |t gulden |
Buyer | Campen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21234 and R 20234. |
Montias2 Record# | 21235 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0042 |
Lot | 0042 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 17 1 rontgen f 20:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21236 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0043 |
Lot | 0043[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 47 en 48 2 uts. [rontgens] f 6:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 3 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Eyst |
Montias2 Record# | 21237 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0043 |
Lot | 0043[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 47 en 48 2 uts. [rontgens] f 6:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 3 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Eyst |
Montias2 Record# | 21238 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0044 |
Lot | 0044[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 11 en 24 2 stucken f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.125|t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Gerritsz. Cosijn |
Buyer Family | Cosijn, Pieter Gerritsz. |
Buyer Notes | On 26 October 1592, Pieter Gerritsz., painter, 21 years old, living on the O.Z. Kerckhof, assisted by his father Gerrit Pietersz., was betrothed to Anne Jacobs, 24, living on the O.Z. Burchwal, assisted by her mother Mary Jochums. He signed Pieter Gerson (DTB 406/250). Gerrit Pietersz. Cosijn was tapper (tavern keeper) in the Witte Molen. He was married to Lijntge Pieters, the daughter of the painter Pieter Aertsen (Oud Holland 7 (1889), p. 10). He was buried in the N.K. on 16 July 1595 (DTB 1052/99). On 5 March 1595, Pieter Gerritsz., painter, and Anne Jacobs had their son Jacob baptized in the N.K. in the presence of his godmother Neltgen Jacobs (DTB 38/404). In 1606, he, together with his wife and maid, bought lots for 2 f. 2 st. in the Haarlem lottery (GAA, 147/4 F 1058). On 12 January 1623, Pauwels de Riemer, as husband and guardian of Lysbeth Gerrits Cosijn, the sister of Pieter Gerritsz. Cosijn, and Annetje Jacobs, widow of the latter, sold a house on the Oude Syds Kerckhoff (WK 5073/913). Jan Gerritsz. Cosijn, whose testament was signed by the painter Francois Gysels de oude (I) on 21 November 1595, was probably a brother of Pieter Gerritsz. (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 1915.) It is probable that the sale of the house just mentioned followed the death of Pieter Cosijn, whose widow was cited in 1624. His goods were sold bij executie in that year (Oud Holland, loc.cit.) |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21239 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0044 |
Lot | 0044[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 11 en 24 2 stucken f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Gerritsz. Cosijn |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21239. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21240 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0045 |
Lot | 0045[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 33 en 50 2 uts [stucken] f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 2.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Frans Pietersz. voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21169. |
Montias2 Record# | 21241 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0045 |
Lot | 0045[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 33 en 50 2 uts. [stucken] f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 2.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Frans Pietersz. voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21169. |
Montias2 Record# | 21242 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0046 |
Lot | 0046[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 rontges, Ceres, Bachus, Venus f 12:--:-- |
Title | Ceres |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Klaes van Swieten van Leyden |
Buyer Family | Swieten, Klaes (Nicolaes) van |
Buyer Notes | Klaes van Swieten was apparently a wealthy collector living in Leyden. He bought a number of lots at different sales as Nicolaes van Swieten van Leyden. |
Montias2 Record# | 21243 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0046 |
Lot | 0046[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 rontges, Ceres, Bachus, Venus f 12:--:-- |
Title | Bacchus |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Klaes van Swieten van Leyden |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21243. |
Montias2 Record# | 21244 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0046 |
Lot | 0046[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 rontges, Ceres, Bachus, Venus f 12:--:-- |
Title | Ceres |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Klaes van Swieten van Leyden |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21243. |
Montias2 Record# | 21245 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0047 |
Lot | 0047[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 23 en 39 2 stuckges f 12:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 6.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Jan Meusz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 27902. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21246 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0047 |
Lot | 0047[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 23 en 39 2 stuckges f 12:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 6.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Jan Meusz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 27902. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21247 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0048 |
Lot | 0048 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 5 1 uts. [stuckge] f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 6.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Jan Thivart, or Tievaert, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21248 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0049 |
Lot | 0049 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 3 1 uts. [stuckge] f 93:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 93 |t gulden |
Buyer | Godart Kerckering |
Buyer Family | Kerckering, Godart |
Buyer Notes | On 1 November 1603, Godart Kerckerinck, from Lubeck, 26 years of old,living in the Warmoesstraet (11 years), assisted by his uncle Thomas Kerckerinck, was betrothed to Cornelia Joost Hessels, from Hamburg, living in Rotterdam (DTB 762A/189). Cornelia Hessels was the daughter of Joost Hessels and of Johanna van Loon, the sister of Hans van Loon (of R 7696), from her first marriage to Joost Hessels (of R 7696). On 24 December 1606, Godart Kerckering and Cornelia Hessels had their son Joost baptized in the Lutheran Church in the presence of Hans Widerhuysen (of R 29463) and of Anna Spierings (DTB 138/72). Anna Spierings was undoubtedly related to Cornelis Spiering who received a procuration from Hans and Anna van Loon, Godert Kerckering, dr. Robbert van der Houve (of R 24408) and Pieter Assenberg to sell a house and a warehouse on the South side of the Houttuijn on 23 May 1629 (Van der Hoeve in Ons Voorgeslacht 56(2001), p. 52). On 28 August 1616, Godert Kerckerinck and his unnamed wife had their son Willem baptized in the Lutheran church, in the presence of Jordaen Willemsz. and the wife of Paul Pelgroms (DTB 138/199). Anna Kerckerincx, daughter of Godart Kerckeringh, in her testament of 7 November 1650, bequeathed the portrait of her brother Willem Kerckerincx to her brother (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 1689). Paulus Pelgrom (1574-aft. 1628) was the brother of Steven Pelgrom, who was married to Maria van Offenberg's sister Johanna. The two brothers, the sons of the prosperous Antwerp merchant Geraerd Pelgrom, spent some time in Neurenburg with their brothers Lenaert and Francoijs Pelgroms (cited in R 29592) before settling in Amsterdam around 1600 (Maandblad Amstelodamum 62(1975), p. 135). On 8 May 1612, Cornelia, the daughter of Godart Kerckeringh and Cornelia Hessels, was baptized in the presence of Cornelia Hessel's uncle Hans van Loon (R 7696) and of Regina Dionys. On 7 May 1629, Godart Kerckeringh and Cornelia Hessels made out their testament. They named as guardians over their minor children Dr. Robbert van der Hoeve (cited above), who was the husband of Cornelia's half sister Maria van Offenberg, her uncle Hans van Loon, the brother of her mother Joanna van Loon), and her brother-in-law Dirck Kerckerinck (I) (van der Hoeven, op.cit. p.52). On 29 September 1633, Pieter Honthum, assisted by his brother Arnold Honthum and by his brother-in-law Bartholomeus Hopser, signed a pre-nuptial contract with Cornelia Kerckering, assisted by Godard Kerckering, her father, Hans van Loon (of R 7696), her granduncle, Robbert van der Houve (of R 24408), her uncle, and Dirck Kerckering, her brother (NA 770, Not. Verhey). Godart Kerckering or Kerckerinck was a merchant dealing with the Levant under the firm Godert Kerckerinck and co. He lived on the Keizersgracht over the Westermarkt in Surich. Music was played in his home. Jan Pietersz. Sweelinck (of R 27883), who died in 1621, dedicated his second book of psalm music to eight philomuses de la très renommée ville d'Amsterdam, including Godert Kerckeringh (J.H. Giskes, Amsterdam, Centrum van Musiek in Jaarboek Amstelodamum 86(1994), note 16). Gerrit Kerckringh (probably an error for Godart Kerckering) paid a tax of 300 f. in 1631, living on the Keysersgracht (Kohier, fol. 303, p. 69). Godert Kerckerinck was buried in the W.K. on 28 December 1645 (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 381). Thomas Kerckerinck, Godert's uncle, was said to be the grandfather of Lucretia Kerckerinck who was 22 years old when she was betrothed to the notary Cornelis Meursius, from Loosduinen, on 27 September 1612 (De Navorscher 8(1858), p. 319). By 10 October 1636, Lucretia Kerckering was said to the be widow of the Notary Cornelis Meurs (NA 843, fol. 1333, Not. Hoogeboom). Godart's brother Dirck (I), born in 1604, was a merchant on the Kloveniersburgwal. In 1639, he lived in Hamburg. He was captain of the militia in 1653. He married Margaretha Bassen (baptized 1607), daughter of Dirck Bas and of Grietge Elberts Schaeck, on 6 June 1628 (DTB 433/75. Elias, Vroedschap, p. 916). On 22 July 1638, Dirck (II), the son of Dirck Kerckering and Margarita Bassen, was baptized in the Lutheran Church in the presence of Goodert Kerckeringh and Anna Bas (O. Vlessing, The Excommunication of Baruch Spinoza, Studia Spinozana 13(1997), p.33). However, the child did not survive. Dirck II was born in Hamburg in 1639 and died there on 2 November 1693. He was a well-known physician who became Roman Catholic before his marriage. He married in Amsterdam on 27 February 1671 Maria van den Ende (born Antwerp 1644), daughter of Franciscus Affinius van den Enden, from Antwerp, rector of a special Latin school in Amsterdam and later physician to Louis XIV, married to Clara Maria Vermeren, from Dantzig (Elias, op.cit. p.916). The relation if any, between Franciscus van den Ende and Hans van den E(y)nde I and II (INVNO 527 and R 21193) has not been clarified. Franciscus van den Enden is known to have taught Dirck Kerkering Latin (there was also an unconfirmed report that he had taught Baruch Spinoza Latin. Dirck (II) is known to have praised Spinoza's work with lenses in 1670 (ibid.)). Govaert Flinck (anabaptist) painted the portrait of Godard Kerckrinck about 164- (last digit illegible), not long Kerckrinck's death in 1645. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21249 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0050 |
Lot | 0050 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 2 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 59:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 59 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arnout Cabout de jonge in de Nieuwe Hoochstraet |
Buyer Family | Cabout (Cobbaut), Arnout, de jonge (II) |
Buyer Notes | The address in the Nieuwe Hoochstraet clearly indicates that the buyer was Arnout Cobbaut II, the father of Arnout Cobbaut III (also called de jonge), who lived in the Bredestraet at the time of this sale. Arnout Cobbaut II was born in Oudenaarde about 1555. He was married to Anna van Valckenburg, daughter of Jan van Valckenburg I (probably of R 31706). In the summer of 1604, Aernout Cabout de jonge was summoned by the Kerkeraad of the Reformed Church because dancing had taken place on the occasion of a wedding in his house. He conceded that this may well have happened and that dancing was indeed a sin but that he had always been a great amateur (groot liefhebber) of it (H. Roodenburg, Onder censuur, Hilversum, 1990, p. 328). It was probably Arnout Cobbaut II, living at the time in het Vergulde Hart in the Warmoesstraet, who bought lots in the Haarlem of 1606 lottery for 3 f. 10 st. and, with Clara Coeymans, 5 f. 8 st. (GAA, 85/41 F 642, 85/43 F 642, 4/32 F 26). On 22 April 1610, Arnout Cobbaut de jonge (III), assisted by his father Arnout Cobbaut (II) and his mother Anna van Valkenborch, living in the Bredestraet, was betrothed to Anna Cruijpenninck, also from Antwerp, 20, assisted by her guardian Wouter van der Poort (DTB 414/285). For his death inventory, see INVNO 542. Arnout Cobbaut II invested 20,350 f. in the 1612 subscription for V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, pp. 190 and 259). In 1612, Arnout Cobbaut de jonge (probably II), merchant in Amsterdam, sold several lots (kavels) in the drying up and damming (bedijking) of the Beemster. He was also involved in making dams in the Horstermeer (NA 128, Not. Bruyningh, Extracten). On 22 January 1613, Arnoult Cobbouts de jonge (probably II), merchant in this city, declared at the request of Jan Benninck Koeckebacker, that he had sold to Lenart Ranst a share of 300 Fl. pounds in the V.O.C. (Van Dillen, Economisch-historisch Jaarboek 16(1930),, p. 131). Arnout Cobbaut II, the husband of Anna van Valckenburg, assisted his daughter Sara upon her betrothal to Balthasar de Visscher (of R 20375) on 29 October 1626. His daughter Barbara Cobbaut married, first, Balthasar van der Veecken (of INVNO 677) and, after his death, Toussain Blanche (of INVNO 1191) (betrothal, 22 February 1621). A third daughter, named Judith, married the sugar refiner Hans (or Jean) de l'Hommel. Nicolaes Cocque was cited as the guardian of the minor children of Jean de l'Hommel and Barbara Cobbaut on 13 November 1632 (NA 910, film 1146, Not. Eyloff). On 27 September 1634, Daniel de l'Hommel declared that, pursuant to the compromise reached between Nicolaes Cocqus, as administrator of the goods left by his brother Hans de l'Hommel and Judith Cobbaut, the latter's wife, she was slated to receive 52,263 f. (NA 911, film 1147, Not. Verheij). Arnout Cobbaut II passed his testament on 12 January 1634 (after the death of his wife ?), leaving most of his estate to the children of the late Judith Cobbaut, wife of Jean de l'Hommel (NA 409, film 4787). He must have died shortly thereafter. The post-mortem inventory of the couple (INVNO 1132) was taken on 15 January 1635. They were said to have lived on the Nieuwe Hoogstraet. Portraits of Arnout Cobbaut II and of Anna van Valckenburg are preserved in the Central Museum in Utrecht. One of Anna van Valckenburg's sisters, named Elisabeth, was married to the poet and pensionaris Jacob Cats. When the inventory of Judith Cobbaut, widow of Hans de l'Hommel, was taken on 11 October 1632, she was said to be living in the house of Balthasar Visscher, the husband of Sara Cobbaut cited above (NA 713, Not. P. Carels). |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21250 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0051 |
Lot | 0051[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 19 en 36 2 uts. [stuckges] f 13:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 6.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Frans Pietersz. voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21169. |
Montias2 Record# | 21251 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0051 |
Lot | 0051[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 19 en 36 2 uts. [stuckges] f 13:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 6.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Frans Pietersz. voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21169. |
Montias2 Record# | 21252 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0052 |
Lot | 0052[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 21 en 60 2 uts. [stuckges] f 16:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21253 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0052 |
Lot | 0052[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | nrs. 21 en 60 2 uts. [stuckges] f 16:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21254 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0053 |
Lot | 0053 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 1 1 uts. [stuckge] f 30:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 30 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21255 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0054 |
Lot | 0054 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 3 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 31:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 31.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pinas schilder |
Buyer Family | Pynas, Jan (Symonsz) |
Buyer Notes | The buyer must be Jan Pynas, since Jacob Pynas, born ca. 1592-93, was probably unknown at this early date. Jan Pynas was in Amsterdam in 1612, having bought a house there in the previous year. Jan Pynas was born in Alkmaar in 1581/82 as the second child of Symon Jansz. Brouwer and of Oude Neel Jacobsdr. (van Harencarspel). His father Symon Jansz. acquired citizenship of Amsterdam in 1590. His brother, the painter Jacob Pynas, was born in Amsterdam about 1592. Symon Jansz. went bankrupt in 1598 and again in 1615 and died in Alkmaar in 1622. In May 1611, Jan Pynas bought a house named St. Jacobs schelp on the Nieuwendijck, which he rented to his father. His sister Meynsge married the painter (and future Schout) Jan Tengnagel (of R 19457). On 10 March 1613, Thomas Teunisz. from Alkmaar (the birth place of Jan Pynas), 23, and Jan Gerritsz. from Haarlem, 18, both apprentice cake bakers, declared at the request of Pieter Lambertsz. Brack (a collector of the excise on woolens, cited in the NOTES to R 20398), first, Thomas Teunisz., that about 5 weeks ago, he was in his sleeping room (slapcamer) in the house de twee Bijcorren on the corner of the Colcksteeg on the Nieuwendijk when he heard, in front of the door of the house, a commotion. He opened the window and saw the petitioner (Brack) in a handfight with an individual named, so he learned afterwards, Jan Symonsz. Pinas, and saw that Pijnas pursued the petitioner heatedly .. he observed that Jan Symonsz. was wounded twice in his presence (NA 376, film 4758, Not. Niclaes Jacobsz.) On 26 January 1614, Sijmon Hanszoon Pynas transferred his household goods to his son Jan Symonsz. Pinas as security for three years rent on the house on the Nieuwen Dijck which Sijmon Hanszoon was renting for 450 f. a year. The only paitings were one of the grandfather and one of Moses, both unevaluated (NA 460, film 236, fol.45vo, Not. Palm Mathijs). On 24 June 1630, Jan Pynas married Cathalijntje Aerts Burlon, the daughter of Artus Burlon, musician and maker of musical instruments, and the widow of Gerrit Coop I, likewise maker of musical instruments. (Gerit Coop was the brother of Nicolaes Coop I of R 30624). Jan Pynas was buried on 31 December 1631. His widow remarried with Cornelis Aertsz. van Beyeren (of INVNO 275, the father of Leendert Cornelisz., the Rembrandt pupil, of R 34462) and, after the death of Cornelis Aertsz., with Ernst van de Wall (see the TEXT of INVNO 275 and M.J. Bok in Dawn of the Golden Age, Exh. Cat. 1993-1994, p. 314). For the death inventory of Cathalijntje Aerts, see INVNO 213. On the apprenticeship of Steven van Goor with Jan Pynas see the NOTES to R xxx of Montias2. |
Buyer Religion | Roman Catholic |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21257 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0055 |
Lot | 0055 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 21 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 11:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 11.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Boelens voors. [van Hoorn] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21177. |
Montias2 Record# | 21258 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0056 |
Lot | 0056 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 3 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 86:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 86 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Brul voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. Bredius was not able to read the last name of the buyer, which he left blank. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Other |
Montias2 Record# | 21259 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0057 |
Lot | 0057 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 2 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 180:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 180 |t gulden |
Buyer | Claes van Swieten voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21243. |
Montias2 Record# | 21260 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0058 |
Lot | 0058 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 27 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 71:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 71 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, probably Hans van Conincksloo II, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21261 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0059 |
Lot | 0059 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 38 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 104:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 104 |t gulden |
Buyer | Aernout Cobbout de Jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R. 21250. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21262 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0060 |
Lot | 0060 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 62 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 72:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 72 |t gulden |
Buyer | Godart Kerckering |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21249. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21263 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0061 |
Lot | 0061 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 1 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 84:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 84 |t gulden |
Buyer | Bartholomeus Moor |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21230. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21264 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0062 |
Lot | 0062 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 1 crucifix koper plaet f 53:--:-- |
Title | crucifix |
Number | 73 |
Type | engraved copper plate |
Value | 53 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Family | Stock, Hendrick (Hansz.) |
Buyer Notes | Bredius read the abbreviation of the first name as Hans ?. Hendrick Hansz. Stock, living in the Kalverstraet, bought lots for 1 f. 16 st. in the Haarlem lottery in 1606 (GAA, 21/37 F 147. It was probably the same Hendrick Stock, 29 years old, living on the Singel in the Jan Roodenpoort, assisted by his brother Frans Stock, who was betrothed on 16 October 1610 to Agatha Veen Sijmonsdr., living in The Hague (DTB 762a/285). He may very well be identical with Hendrick van der Stock, living in Leyden, who bought 3 drawings by Rembrandt on 3 May 1645 for 2 f. 18 st. at a sale of the St. Lucas guild in Leyden. Stock is said to have been a liefhebber. He was one of the founders of the guild in 1651 (Strauss and Van der Meulen, The Rembrandt Documents, p. 245). Hendrick van der Stock, living in Leyden, was the brother-in-law of the attorney Jan Engels of R 7620. Hendrick Stock also was a buyer at the Conincxloo sale of 1607. N. de Roever identified him in this connection as the swager of the painter Gerrit Appelman (Oud Holland 3(1885), p. 46). |
Montias2 Record# | 21265 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0063 |
Lot | 0063 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 13 1 stuck f 121:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 121 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Family | Wely, Willem van |
Buyer Notes | Willem van Wely (c.1580-after 1637) was the younger brother and partner in the jewelry business of Jan van Wely II (R 20500), a frequent buyer at the Orphan Chamber auctions. On 8 December 1608, Willem van Wely, from Rijswijck, 29 years old, assisted by his brother Jacob van Wely and by his uncle Wolfaerts van Bylaer (cited in the NOTES to R 21219), was betrothed to Maritge van Valckenborgh, 28, from Antwerp, assisted by her mother Elisabeth Michiels and by her swager Marcus van Vogelaer (Oud Holland, 7(1889), p. 177). Maria van Valckenburg was the daughter of Jan van Valckenburg (I) and of Elisabeth Michels van Varlaer (of R 31706); she was the sister of Lucas van Valckenburg (of R 31704); of Anna van Valckenburgh, married to Aernout Cobbaut de jonge (II) (of R 21250); of Magaretha van Valckeburgh, married to Marcus van Vogelaer (of R 23422); of Elisabeth van Valckenburg, married to the pensionary and poet Jacob Cats; of Susanna van Valckenburg, married to the attorney Fabiaen van Vliet; of Lucas van Valckenburgh, married to Susanna Coymans; of Marcus van Valckenburg, married to Catharina Quingetti (of INVNO 1238); and of Matheus van Valckenburg, married to Jan Eyre (for a complete genealogy, see Nederlandsche Leeuw 6(1944), col. 53 and passim). On 9 June 1622, Willem van Wely and Melchior van Hoorn (of R 20007) were cited as arbiters named by the aldermen in a dispute concerning the delivery of civet (NA 548, fol. 183, Not. Westfrisius). On 25 April 1625, Gabriel Fernandes, merchant in Amsterdam, declared that he owed Wilhem van Wely 200 pounds Vlams, at an interest of 6 1/4 percent, which he would return in 6 months. He pledged 15 paintings of ships and other goods (NA 388, not. Nic. Jacobs). On 12 July 1625, Wilhelm van Wely, Jean Cort, merchants in Amsterdam, and Cornelis Jansz. Belcknap declared that van Wely, Cort and Guillaume Wittenbroot had signed a contract whereby van Wely and Cort promised that they would deliver to Wittenbroot tot oprechtinge van seeckere loterije silver items and paintings. Van Wely and Cort had already delivered the silver and paintings in the hands of Belcknap. Cort was to deliver the silver, van Wely,the paintings. Van Wely would get 2/3 of the lots, Cort, 1/3. Jean Cort is probably identical with Jan de la Court, who was a witness to the testament of Catherine Roseau, the widow of the art dealer Bertran Rotcourt (R 23699) (NA 391, fol. 33, not. Nic. Jacobs, extracten). Cornelis Jansz. Belcknap seems to be identical with the goldsmith Cornelis Jansz. who asked two carpenters to testify on 22 December 1614 regarding the consolidation of his house (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven, R.G.P., 78(1933), p. 101). Willem van Wely paid a tax of 200 f in 1631, at which time he lived on the Heeregracht (Kohier, fol. 86v). On 23 August 1635, Marcus van Valckenburg, 47, declared at the request of Willem van Wely, that it was true that Van Wely had paid him, Valckenburg, for Mr. Cats (the counsillor and poet), the sum of 600 Vlemish pounds (3,600 f.), for which a good accounting had been made (NA 412A, fol. 135, Not. Jacob and Nicolas Jacobsz.) On 19 June 1637, Wilhelmus van Wely, 56, and Adriaen van Breen (of R 21162), 53, merchants in Amsterdam, made a deposition concerning Servaes de Cocq (or Kock) of R 22072 who had illegally copied a silver beaker by Paulus van Vianen (Oud Holland 34(1916), pp. 240-1). |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21266 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0064 |
Lot | 0064 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 1 1 stuck f 64:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 64 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is probably the bode of the Orphan Chamber of R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21267 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0065 |
Lot | 0065 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 29 1 uts. [stuck] f 16:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Boelensz. voors. [van Hoorn] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21177. |
Montias2 Record# | 21268 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0066 |
Lot | 0066 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 34 1 uts. [stuck] f 61:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 61 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Tysz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Hans Tijsz. de jonge, see R 27698. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Buyer Relation | Child |
Montias2 Record# | 21256 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067 |
Entry | no. 34 1 stuck van Lucas van Leyen f 165:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Title Modifier | Undoubtedly a painting, in view of the price. |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 165 |t gulden |
Buyer | Claes van Swieten |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21243. |
Montias2 Record# | 21269 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle goutsmit |
Buyer Family | Maerle, Hans (Jan) |
Buyer Notes | Hans (or Jan) van Maerle (or Meerlen), goldsmith, from Breda, lived in Amsterdam on the Nieuwen Dijck in 1598 and on the Nieuwe Hoogstraet in 1621 and 1626. He died in Amsterdam on 7 August 1637 (De Navorscher 84(1935), p. 39). His possessions were sold at auction in November 1637 (INVNO 270). He was betrothed to Maria van Ghijsen, from Breda, living in Breda, on 19 December 1598 (DTB 762a/115). She died on 12 August 1637, five days after her husband (De Navorscher, loc. cit.) Hans van Maerle was the father of Christina, Agatha, Maria, Constantia, Joannes, and Lucretia van Maerle, most of whom bought lots at this sale. Jan van Maerle, jeweler, living on the South side of the Nieuwe Hoochstraet, paid a tax of 135 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 220, p. 50). |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21270 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21271 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21272 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21273 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21274 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[f] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21275 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[g] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21276 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[h] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21277 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[i] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21278 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[j] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21279 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[k] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21280 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0067 |
Lot | 0067[l] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 15 12 maenden f 102:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.35 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21281 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0068 |
Lot | 0068 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.4 1 stuck bergh van Calvarien f 104:--:-- |
Title | bergh van Calvarien |
Number | 73 |
Type | painting |
Value | 104.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | d'Advocaet Fiscal (Heyndrick Storm) |
Buyer Family | Storm, Heyndrick, advocaet fiscal |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was Heyndrick Storm who became advocaet fiscael of the admiralty in Amsterdam in 1594. He was widower of Johanna Wagewijns when he married Maria Goverts Souburch, the daughter of Govert Souburch, in 1623 (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 103 and the INTRO of INVNO 289). Heyndrick Storm, advocaet fiscal, received 76 f. 18 st. from the settlement of the estate of Gerrit Govertsz. Soutburch by the Orphan Chamber in 1624. On the other hand, he owed the estate een schilderye van de Piscyne valued at 36 f., and a drawing by Goltzius, valued at 24 f. In lot B of the Caveling, there were two paintings by Lucas van Leyden, valued at 120 f. and in lot E a painting of Judith valued at 6 f. (WK, 5073/889, fol. 158vo.) Storm was clearly a significant collector. On 14 December 1637, Jan Storm, son and co-heir of the late Hendrick Storm, counsellor and Advocaet Fiscael of the Admiralty, gave a procuration to his brother-in-law Christoffel van Hove to collect 3,600 f. from the estate of his father (NA 598, fol. 490, Not. Lamberti). Earlier, on 2 August 1636, Jan Storm had his son Pieter apprenticed to the diamond cutter Dirck Jansz. Emmerick for three years and three months (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.P.G. 144(1974), pp.123-4). For the inventory of Gerard Storm (Heyndrick's other son ?), raad fiscaal ter admiraliteit, of 26 November 1650, see NA 5073/978 no. 44, cited in W. Fock in Oud Holland, 112(1998), note 62). Jacques Storm of R 31928 may also have been related to Hendrick Storm. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Admiralty, V.O.C., W.I.C. |
Montias2 Record# | 21283 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0069 |
Lot | 0069 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck f 38:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 38 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens [van Leyden] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21284 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0070 |
Lot | 0070 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.17 1 uts. [stuck] verlichtery f 20:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | illuminated print or water color |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Family | Geel, Maximiliaen van |
Buyer Notes | Maximiliaen van Geel, born in Antwerp about 1565, was the son of Hans (I) van Gheel of INVNO 785 (for his birth year, Gelderblom, Prosopographic Data Base). He was betrothed on 11 February 1595 to Clara Schuermans, also from Antwerp. He was said to be living on the Warmoesstraet (DTB 762A/56). His merchant firm, with Pieter and Elias van Geel, was one of the greatest in Amsterdam at the beginning of the 17th century. The three Van Geels (the brothers Maximiliaen and Pieter, and their cousin Elias, son of Daniel van Geel II) invested 19,200 gulden in the first subscrition to V.O.C. shares. (Elias van Geel, about 1570, here said to be the son of Daniel van Geel(II), the uncle of Maximiliaen and Pieter, may have been their brother, as claimed by Wijnroks (Handel tussen Rusland en de Nederlanden, 1560-1640, p. 262). In 1606, Maximiliaen van Geel was said to be living in Utrecht when he bought lots for 3 f. 12 st. in the Amsterdam subscription for the Haarlem lottery (GAA 4/81 F 29). In 1612, he again invested (33,700 f.) in the V.O.C. (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 153). On 20 January 1620, Maximiliaen van Geel and his wife Clara Schurmans passed their testament, naming each other universal heirs. They were living at the time in the Mereminne on the Kalverstraat. Paintings were cited among the couple's possessions (NA 16, not. Salomon Henrix). On 23 October 1625, the engraver Robbert de Baudoux, 51 years old, and the painter Adriaen van Nieulant, 38, made a deposition at the request of Jan Godtschalck Schurmans (probably a relative of Maximilian's wife Clara Schurmans) concerning a coffer belonging to Maximilian van Geel (NA 3513, film 6406, fol. 502, briefly cited in Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 179). Jan Godtschalck Schurmans may be identical with the wool merchant, born in Hondschoote in Flanders, who was fist noted in Amsterdam in 1579 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 302). Maximiliaen van Geel was 69 when, in a deposition dated 12 August 1634, made at the request of Annetje Verbeeck and Marten Gerritsz., married to Susannetgen Verbeeck, heirs of Adriaentge Blocx, widow of Adriaen Verbeeck, he testified about the inheritance they claimed from the widow Blocx (NA 694B, film 4980, Not. J. Warnaerts). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21282 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0071 |
Lot | 0071 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.13 1 uts. verlichtery f 25:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | illuminated print or water color |
Value | 25.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Willem van Wely, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21285 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21286 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21287 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21288 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21289 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21290 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[f] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21291 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[g] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21292 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[h] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21293 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[i] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21294 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[j] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.78 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21295 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[k] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21296 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0072 |
Lot | 0072[l] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 12 ronden f 122:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.2 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Hans (or Jan) van Wely II see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21297 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21298 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21299 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21300 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21301 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21302 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[f] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21303 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[g] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21304 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[h] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21305 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[i] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21306 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[j] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21307 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[k] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21308 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0073 |
Lot | 0073[l] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.28 12 uts. [ronden] f 99:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobs |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Gerrit Jacobs, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21309 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0074 |
Lot | 0074 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.15 1 stuck f 24:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 24 |t gulden |
Buyer | Mr. Claes barbier (?) |
Buyer Family | Claes (barbier ?) |
Buyer Notes | The last name of the buyer is difficult to read, but it would seem to be barbier. |
Buyer Occupation | Services |a Barber, surgeon |
Montias2 Record# | 21310 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0075 |
Lot | 0075 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.12 1 uts. [stuck] f 26:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 26 |t gulden |
Buyer | Salomon Cleuter bij Emaus |
Buyer Family | Cleuter, Salomon |
Buyer Notes | On 20 October 1634, Govert van Eycken and Salomon Cleuter, the uncles of Catharina van Hove, the grandmother of Pieter, 17, Dirck, 16, and Hendrick, 9, the three children left by Hendrick Dircksz. Cleuters, commandeur te water op de cust van Vlaenderen, whose mother was Janneken van Eycken, declared that the children were entitled to 17,441 f. for their inheritance (WK 5073/789). 23 years ealier, on 21 July 1611, Jacob Elbertsz. Coop, the childen's granduncle, and Nanninck Cornelisz. I had been named guardians over these same children (WK 5073/513, fol. 131). Nanninck (Nanning) Cornelisz. (Neutecooper) II, who is presumed to have been the son of Nanninck Cornelisz. I, was the brother-in-law of Hans Mathijsz. (Snoeck) II of R 32516. On Nanning Cornelisz. II, see also the TEXT of R 1179 of Montias1. |
Montias2 Record# | 21311 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0076 |
Lot | 0076 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.6 1 uts. [stuck] varcken f 70:--:-- |
Title | varcken |
Number | 34 |
Subject | ANIMALS |
Type | painting |
Value | 70 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michiel de Fort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21178. |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21312 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0077 |
Lot | 0077 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.99 Vismarckt f 22:10:-- |
Title | vismarckt |
Number | 42 |
Subject | MARKET SCENE |
Type | painting |
Value | 22.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Not[ari]s Benning |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21171. |
Montias2 Record# | 21313 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0078 |
Lot | 0078 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.51 1 stuck schilderij f 27:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 27 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arent Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21314 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0079 |
Lot | 0079 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.6 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] f 27:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 27 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren of Hans van den Ende als borg |
Buyer Notes | This seems to be the first auction of the Orphan Chamber where van Someren appeared as a buyer, which is why he needed a borg to guarantee that he would pay for his purchase. On Van Someren, see R 20424, on his borg Hans van den Ende (de jonge ?), see R 21193. . |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21315 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0080 |
Lot | 0080 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.42 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] f 24:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 24 |t gulden |
Buyer | Lucas Luce |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Lucas Luce, see R 20173. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21316 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0081 |
Lot | 0081 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.3 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] f 17:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 17.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Symon Symonsz. van den Ringen (?) |
Buyer Family | Ringen, Symon Symonsz. van den |
Buyer Notes | The last name could not be read by Bredius. My reading is based on the name of the house of Symon Symonsz.'s son Andries who lived in de vijf ringen (R 31203). As in the case of many other economically successful merchants of the period who only used a patronymic in the 16th century, he may have decided to make van den Ringen his family name. If this is correct, the buyer was the well-known goldsmith and moneychanger Sijmen Sijmensz. of INVNO 146. On 16 October 1585, Symon Symonsz., goldsmith, presented to the Orphan Chamber his three children, Elbert, 7, Wouter, 6, and Symon, 5, whose late mother was Belitgen Elbertsdr. In the estate of Belitgen Elbertsdr. was a house on the Warmoesstraat, de Vergulde Fuijcken (J.G. Kam, Waar was dat huis in de Warmoesstraat? 1968, p. 40/1). He apparently remarried with Claertgen Hobben shortly after 1585. The couple had their son Engel baptized in the O.K. on 8 October 1587 (DTB 1/337) and their son Andrijs (of R 31203) on 20 January 1591. On this occasion, Sijmen Sijmensz. was called wisselaer (money changer) (DTB 2/79). In 1599, he was one of the headmen of the goldsmith's guild. His wife Claertjen Ares invested 3,000 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares on his behalf (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 177). In 1607, he testified regarding an unsatisfactory clock that had been bought by a Latin schoolmaster from the notary David Mostart (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 69(1929), pp. 487 and 571). On the death inventory of Symon Symonsz. of 1629, see INVNO 146 (R 52 of Montias1). It is not clear whether the tax of 30 f. on Symon Symonsz., cited in Van Dillen (ibid.), living on the Singel, was levied on the jeweler, since the latter had died two years before the levy. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21317 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0082 |
Lot | 0082 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.31 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] f 25: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 25.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21318 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0083 |
Lot | 0083 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.39 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] f 28:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 28.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Montias2 Record# | 21319 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0084 |
Lot | 0084 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] f 30:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 30.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21320 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0085 |
Lot | 0085 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] f 45:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 45 |t gulden |
Buyer | notaris Benning |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21171. |
Montias2 Record# | 21321 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0086 |
Lot | 0086[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.8 2 rontges f 15: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.625 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jacques van der Wyen in't Stoeltgen |
Buyer Family | Wyen (Wijen), Jacques van der |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Jacques van der Wijen, was a painter (mentioned by Carel van Mander) of well-off parents. He was baptized in Amsterdam on 27 July 1586, son of Artus van der Wyhen, merchant and kousenmacker (Briels, Waalse schilders, 1997, p. 410). His father Artus van der Wijen and his mother Margriete Nagels assisted him when he was betrothed to Sara Struys (assisted by her mother Neeltgen Struys), on 13 June 1615 (DTB 419/71). His father invested 450 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares in 1602. In 1606, he lived with his father and his brother(?) Charles op de Dam in 't Stoeltgen when he bought lots in the Haarlem lottery for 1 f. 16 st. (GAA, 123/20 F 902 and Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 149). Charles (Carel) van der Wijen later became P.C. Hooft's business agent, whom he recommended as a very decent (zeer oprecht) person (De briefwisseling van Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft, vol. 2, p. 674). He was said to be a merchant and 52 years old in a deposition dated 2 September 1636 (see the TEXT of R 447). In R 30463, in Gillis van Conincxloo's death inventory, Jacques van der Wijen is called de knecht. He may have been working for Conincxloo at that time. On 8 November 1617, he made a deposition at the request of the headmen of the guild of St. Luke concerning the sale of paintings by an Antwerp dealer named Guillaum Wittebroet to a schoolmaster named Jan Cotereels for the sum of 2,100 f. The sale included a painting by Sebastiaen Vrancx. The deponents were Lucas Luce of R 20173, Jacob van Nieulandt of R 27331, and Johannes van Boshuysen, 23 years old (NA 200, film 111, fol. 358vo, cited in Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 78(1933), p. 828). In 1631, Jacques van Weijde (perhaps identical with van der Wyen), living on the Stilsteech, paid a tax of 40 f. (Kohier, fol. 199, p. 63). On 29 August 1631, Anna Struys (who would later marry Hendrick de Reyger of R 24536); Jacques van der Wijen, as husband and guardian of Sara Struys; Esther Struys, widow of Pieter Hermansz.; and Susanna Jans, widow of Pieter Struys, were cited as the heirs of Neeltge Cornelis, widow of Christiaen Struys (I) (NA 843, Not. Hoogeboom). For further details on Neeltge Cornelis and her estate, see the NOTES to R 24536 of Montias2 and the TEXT of R 125 of Montias1). On 12 June 1634, Jan Jansz. Cleerbesem de jonge, 44, declared at the request of Jacques van der Wijen that he had been in the inn De Prins last Pentecost and there had seen and heard that Van der Wijen had bartered (verhandelde off ruylde) with Jan van der Putte 16 paintings, which Van der Putte had inspected, against two bales of madder (crapmee), weighing about 1,400 pounds, which were supposed to be in conformity with the samples that had been shown to Van der Wijen, and also 75 ells of colored cloth, a sample of which had also been seen by the producent (Van der Wijen). The producent was not obligated to deliver anything besides the paintings and Van der Putten anything besides the crapmee and the colored cloths (NA 694B, omslag 62, Not. J. Warnaerts) It is not known whether this document refers to Hans van der Putte, merchant and kramer, born in Antwerp about 1591, who was first noted in Amsterdam in 1609 and was still alive in 1640 (see the TEXT to INVNO 1161) or Jan van der Putte who married Anna Ruts, the daughter of Nicolaes Ruts and Anna Apperlo, in 1633 and died soon afterwards (Anna Apperlo remarried with Peter van der Hagen in 1636) (I. van Eeghen, Maandblad Amstelodamum 64(1977), p. 99). In view of Hans van der Putten's transaction with the art dealer Hans van Conincxloo III in INVNO 1161, it was more probably he who was responsible for the barter with Jacques van der Wijen. The date of van der Wijen's death is unknown. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21322 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0086 |
Lot | 0086[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.8 2 rontges f 15: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.625 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jacques van der Wyen in't Stoeltgen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21322. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21323 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0087 |
Lot | 0087 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.44 1 stuckgen f 20:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Govert Jansz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Govert Jansz., see R 21228. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21324 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0088 |
Lot | 0088 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.15 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 6:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 6 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Jan Thivart, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21325 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0089 |
Lot | 0089 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.13 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 7:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Bogart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 30464. |
Montias2 Record# | 21326 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0090 |
Lot | 0090 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.8 1 stuck schilderij f 4:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Jan Thivart, see R 20955 |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21327 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0091 |
Lot | 0091 |
Entry | no.8 1 uts [stuck schilderij] Mr. C. wit en swart f 18:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | grisaille |
Value | 18 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jan Thivart] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Jan Thivart, see R 20955. Bredius (Kunstler-inventare, vol 5, p.. 1738) suggested, without explanation, that Mr. C. was identical with Cornelis Ketel. Since none of the other lots attributed to Mr. C. is described by subject, there is no way to verify Bredius's attribution. Note that Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem is frequently called Meester Cornelis in inventories. However, in this inventory, several paintings attributed to C.C. are probably by this master. It is conceivable that the clerk attributed some lots to Mr. C., others to C.C., in both cases denoting Cornelis van Haarlem. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21328 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0092 |
Lot | 0092 |
Entry | no.9 1 uts [stuck schilderij] Mr. C. wit en swart f 13:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | grisaille |
Value | 13.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer B. van Someren, see R 20424. On the identification of Mr. C., see the previous lot, R 21328. |
Montias2 Record# | 21329 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0093 |
Lot | 0093 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.7 1 uts [stuck schilderij] wit en swart f 3: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | grisaille |
Value | 3.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Govert Jansz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Govert Jansz., see R 21228. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21330 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0094 |
Lot | 0094 |
Entry | no.38 1 rontgen van Mr. C. f 16:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 16.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arent Adriaen Jacobsz. begeven bij Stoop voors. |
Buyer Family | Adriaen Jacobsz., Arent |
Buyer Notes | The buyer has not been identified. He is unlikely to have been the son of Adriaen Jacobsz. ( van Noort) of R 20404 since the latter was married only in 1595 and already had a son named Willem by October 1596. Thus Arent, if he was the son of Adriaen Jacobsz., could not have been more than 16 years old at the time of this sale; he then would have had to be born between Willem in October 1596 and Altruijt, baptized on 21 May 1598). Stoop may be identical with Hendrick Stoop, a merchant who went bankrupt in 1595 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 178(1981), p. 62). |
Montias2 Record# | 21331 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0095 |
Lot | 0095 |
Entry | no.37 1 uts [rontgen van Mr. C. ?] f 18:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 18 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Maerle voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Jan or Hans van Maerle, see R 21270. |
Montias2 Record# | 21332 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0096 |
Lot | 0096[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.4 2 trongen f 18:--:-- |
Title | tronge |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 9 |t gulden |
Buyer | Isaack Haeck. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21211 |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21333 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0096 |
Lot | 0096[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.4 2 trongen f 18:--:-- |
Title | tronge |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 9 |t gulden |
Buyer | Isaack Haeck. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21211 |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21334 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0097 |
Lot | 0097 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.37 1 brantgen f 13: 5:-- |
Title | brantgen |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 13.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Jan Thivart, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21335 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0098 |
Lot | 0098 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.4 1 Adam en Eva f 21:10:-- |
Title | Adam en Eva |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 21.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r le Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer Pieter le Brul, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21336 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0099 |
Lot | 0099 |
Entry | no.25 1 stuck schilderij S f 3: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 3.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Frans Pietersz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21169. |
Montias2 Record# | 21337 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0100 |
Lot | 0100 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 stuck f 20:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Beusegem goutsmit aent Oude Kerckhoff |
Buyer Family | Beusegum (Buesecom, Beuseken], Hans van |
Buyer Notes | On 3 April 1604, Hans van Beusecom, from 'S Hertogenbosch, goldsmith, 28 years old, living in 't naem Jesus steech, assisted by his uncle Augustijn Boel, was betrothed to Maaike Laurens Dorhoudt, 22, living on the Nisel, above the Jan Roodenpoort (DTB 411/186). Augustijn Boel was the father of Catherina Boel, who married Hans Tijsz. de oude of INVNO 690 in 1594. On 28 December 1606, Hans van Beuseken and Maijke van Dorhout had their daughter Paulijntje baptized in the presence of Augustijn van Steenbeeck (DTB 4/184). In the same year 1606, living behind the O.K., on the corner of the Kercksteeg, Mayken Dorhout bought lots for 7 st. in the Haarlem lottery (GAA 119/9 F 882). On 10 January 1610, Hans van Beuseken and his wife had their daughter Marije baptized in the presence of Hendrick Verstraten (of R 29681), Andries van den Donck, and Sara de Penijn (I). Hans van Beusecom, identified in a notarial act of 1618 as a former goldsmith, made a deposition at the request of Cors Reyersz. goldsmith (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P.78(1933), p. 294.) Paulijntje van Beusecom may have married the painter Pieter de Coning II, the son of Aert de Conincx of INVNO 161. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21338 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0101 |
Lot | 0101 |
Entry | no.4 1 stuck Mr. C. f 57:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 57 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Bogart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 30464. |
Montias2 Record# | 21339 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0102 |
Lot | 0102 |
Artist | NAGEL, JAN |
Entry | no.13 1 uts [stuck] JN f 17: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 17.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Ockersz. op de Gelderse Cay |
Buyer Family | Ockersz., Jan (Adriaensz) |
Buyer Notes | On 20 January 1611, Jan Adriaensz. Okker, painter, 25, living on the Nieuwe Dijck, assisted by his mother Neeltge Jans, was betrothed to Margriete Simons, 24, living on the N.Z. Achterburchwal, assisted by her mother Willeken Pietersdr. (DTB 666/266). Jan, Albert and Willem Ockers (of R 38448) were sons of the notary (and land surveyor) Adriaen Ockers, who invested 75 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister p. 186). On 22 July 1614, Albert Ariaensz. Ocker, assisted by his mother Neel Jans, together with Jan and Willem Adriaensz. Ocker, his brothers, admitted having hurt some one in Saerdam (NA 377, film 6409). On 13 November 1616, Jan Aerjaen Ockers and Grietje Sijmons had their daughter Grietjen baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Sara Willemsdr. and Albert Aeriaensz. (DTB 5/126). Albert Adriaensz. Ockers, the brother of Jan and Willem, was pachter (farmer) of the tax on peat in 1625. (Tax farming, as indicated below, seems to have been a family affair: both Willem and Jan also farmed or collected taxes on flour or beer) (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), p. 577). On 8 January 1618, Jan Ockersz. and Griet Sijmons had their daughter Metertje baptized in the N.K. in the presence of Giertje Gerrits (DTB 39/445). On 4 April 1619, Jan Ockers and Grietje Sijmons had their daughter Neeltje baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Eduwaert Jansz. and Lijsbeth Bontels Evert (DTB 5/280). On April 1622, Jan Ockersz. was said to be pachter van de twee stuyvers op yder tonne biers (i.e. collector of the excise tax of two stuivers per ton of beer, an office that he had probably paid for, as his brother Willem had paid for the farming out of the tax on flour and on some consumables) (Van Dillen, op.cit. 78(1933), p. 446). Grietje Sijmons, wife of Jan Ockertsen, was buried on 14 December 1623 (DTB 1044/94). In 1631, Jan Ockersz., living on the Nieuwen Dijck, paid a tax of 50 f. (Kohier, fol. 25v, p. 7). On 12 October 1634, Jan Adriaensz. Ocker apprenticed his son Adriaen Jansz., 14 years old, to the goldsmith Willem Jansz. Kalkoen for four years. He paid no apprenticeship money but undertook to pay the goldsmith 200 f. if his son ran away before the end of his apprenticeship. On 9 May 1645, Adriaen Jansz. Ocker, from Amsterdam, 23, and Theodore Lints, from Antwerp, 22, testified about the enlistment of a soldier (Bredius in Oud Holland 48(1931), p.186). On 18 November 1656, Adriaen Ockertse, painter, 35, assisted by Jan Hilbrantse, living on the Keysersgracht, was betrothed to Cornelia Ockerts, from Amsterdam, 30, assisted by her mother Marritge Martens. Cornelia Ockerts, the daughter of Willem Adriaensz. Ockert, cited above, was Adriaen Ockerts's cousin. On 2 December 1656, the marriage contract was signed. Adriaen Jansz. contributed one sixth of a house on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, named the Klaverblad and 1,000 f. in paintings and other goods (ibid.). Adriaen Jansz. Ocker was the future Italianate painter, who at some point reverted to his father's calling (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 144(1974), p. 66). He apparently live in London in 1668 (Bredius, loc. cit.) Earlier that year (1 January), he drew up the inventory of Marritge Martens, the widow of his uncle Willem Ockers (ibid.) Jan Ockersz. must not be confused with Jan Ockers, the son of the cloth merchant Ocker Jansz. and of Aeltgen Goverts, born about 1597, who was portrayed by Rembrandt in The Nightwatch (WK 5073/789, fol. 185vo.) One or the other was buried on 15 August 1648 in the O.K. (DTB 1046/85vo). In any case, the one who was buried was not the cloth merchant Jan Ockersz., living on the Nieuwen Dijck, who was still alive on 8 August 1651, when Dirck Gerrits Geelhant, cloth dyer, 66, and Jacob Dircs Geelhant, 27, likewise cloth dyer, made a deposition at the request of the headmen of the cloth trade that involved Jan Ockersz. (Van Dillen, op.cit. p. 581). Jan Ockers, who was buried in August 1648, was probably our buyer. |
Buyer Occupation | Artis |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21340 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0103 |
Lot | 0103 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.10 1 stuck schilderij KM f 16: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Coningh |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see the NOTES to R 28901. |
Montias2 Record# | 21341 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0104 |
Lot | 0104 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.15 1 stuck f 20:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. schilder |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Pieter Pietersz., see R 30980. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21342 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0105 |
Lot | 0105 |
Entry | [crossed out: lantschap Coninxlo] no.12 een stuck CC f 28:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 28.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21343 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0106 |
Lot | 0106 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.6 1 brant KM f 24: 5:-- |
Title | brant |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 24.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Andries Pitte achter d'Oude Kerck |
Buyer Family | Pitte (Pit, Pitten),Andries |
Buyer Notes | On 5 March 1607, Jan van Wely (of R 21219) had a notary insinuate a merchant in Middelburg for his failure to deliver a painting by Jan Mabuse, which, he, Van Wely, had bought from him with the aid and under the supervision of Andries Pit (probably identical with the buyer); Anthony Wachtmans, a rich investor in the V.O.C.; and the painter Pieter Isaacksz. (NA 106, fol. 151vo, Notary J.F. Bruyningh, Extracten). Andries Pitte may have been a broker (maeckelaer) at the time of this transaction. He was called maeckelaer in 1627 (see R 20749). On 17 February 1626, jewels belonging to Hans van Beusekom (of R 21338) which had been pledged as collateral were appraised for the Orphan Chamber by Andries Putten (probably identical with Pitten) (WK 5073/357). On 29 January 1636, Hendrick Hudde, former alderman (of R 26928), notified his cousin Andries Pitten concerning certain accounts, running from 1616 to 1620, that his father-in-law Adam Nuijs, as well as well as his son-in-law (behoude soon) Hans Nuys, had claims on. Hudde declared that he could demand a certain sum of money from Andries Pitten, but that, in view of the fact that Pitten was intent on marrying Joffr. Janneken de Kemel, so he, Hudde, would be willing, if the marriage went through, to absolve him from paying that sum (NA 597, fol. 240, Not. Lamberti). On 27 February 1636, Andries Pitten, from Antwerp, diamond cutter, 62, living on the Keysersgracht, was betrothed to Jannetje de Kemel, from Antwerp, living on the Breestraet, 42, assisted by her brother Thomas de Kemel (DTB 444/152). Thomas de Kemel was a jeweler and buyer at auction (R 18950). Andries de Pitten was buried only four months later on 5 July 1636 (DTB 1100A/16). On (?) December 1636, Hillebrant Albertsz. declared that he owed the late Andries Pitten some money (barely legible act, NA 642, film 4953, Not. Sybrant Cornelissen). |
Buyer Occupation | Services |a Broker, factor |
Montias2 Record# | 21344 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0107 |
Lot | 0107 |
Entry | no.3 Adam en Eva DB f 31:15:-- |
Title | Adam en Eva |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 31.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. Bredius attributed this painting to David Vinckboons on the basis of the monogram DB. An attribution to Dirck Barendsz. seems much more probable, if only because of the subject. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21345 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0108 |
Lot | 0108 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 Jonas f 50:--:-- |
Title | Jonas |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 50 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jan Basse] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21346 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0109 |
Lot | 0109 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.5 koken f 65:--:-- |
Title | koken |
Number | 43 |
Type | painting |
Value | 65 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21347 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0110 |
Lot | 0110 |
Entry | no.5 1 ront N f 12:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Barent Thonisz. in de Halve Maen |
Buyer Family | Thonisz., Barent (Drent) |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was the painter Barent Thonisz. or Thonissen, who, when he bought lots for 16 stuivers for the Haarlem lottery in 1606, said he was living in de Halve Maen in the Warmoesstraet (GAA, 38/21 F306). He was occasionally called Drent. He was born in 1578 or 1579 and died on 19 October 1629. He was married to Maritge Teunis (who also died at the beginning of 1629) (betrothal on 26 April 1603, assisted by his father Thonis Barentsz.) Maritge Teunis (or Thonisdr.) was formerly married to Jurriaen Frederixsz. (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, pp. 291-2). Jan Thonisz. (Drent) was probably his brother. On 7 September 1663, the painter Jan Micker, 65 years old, declared that he had been present at the burial of Marritge Theunis, the wife of Barent Thonisz. at the end of 1627 or the beginning of 1628. The maid of Barent Thonisz. stated that Barent Thonisz. had been buried in the O.K. behind the choir (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 304). Jan Micker was married to Anne Pieters. They baptized a daughter Grietje in the O.K. on 25 July 1627 (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 152 of the Nachträge). The inventory of the goods that Maritge Teunis, lately deceased, possessed in common with Barent Teunisz., painter, was taken on 4 April 1629 (INVNO 995). It included 41 paintings (without titles) by Barent Thonisz. (bij sijn eijgen hant gedaen) plus a few that had not been completed. The present lot, monogrammed N, may be one of the two paintings by Jan Nagel in the joint inventory of Maritge Teunis and Barent Teunisz. In the inventory taken after the death of Barent Thonisz., one small landscape also by Jan Nagel was recorded (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 291). Barent Thonisz. owned the house d'halve Maen op Ulenburgh (ibid. p. 289.) Note that another buyer, Pieter de Bitter, was the guardian of the child left after Maritge Teunis's death from her previous marriage with Jurriaen Frederixsz. (ibid. p. 287). The heirs of Barent Thonisz., living on the side of the Amstel, op Vred[enburgh], paid a tax of 50 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 322vo, p. 74). On 28 July 1634, Sijtgen Teunis, Teunis Adriaensz., as husband and guardian of Engeltgen Teunis, Cornelis Theunisz. Drent, Abraham Theunisz. and David Rutgersz. (of R 37186), the son left by Femmetge Theunis, for himself and replacing [... left blank] Christiaensz., so for himself as for his wife, Engeltge Pieters, the daughter of Judith Theunis, all children and heirs by testament of Barent Theunisz., painter, passed before me, Notary (Lamberti) on 16 September 1629, insinuated Nicolaes Cocqu, as follows. They claimed that Cocqu, after Barent Theunisz.'s death, had undertaken the administration of the estate of Barent Theunisz. and had sold his movable goods and failed to produce a proper accounting of the moneys proceeding from this sale (NA 596, fol.142, Not. Lamberti). Abraham Theunisz. Drent, one of the children of Barent Theunisz. cited above, was said to be 34 in a deposition of 1 April 1637, in which he declared at the request of Johan Andriesz. Tensino (cited in the NOTES to R 30086), that 70 lasts of rye which Tensino had intended to ship to Genua had been reloaded (NA 597, fol.158, Not. Lamberti). The painter Jan (Christiaensz.) Micker cited above was the brother of the painter Barent Christiaensz. Micker, who had married the sister of Jan Baptist Weenix, named Lysbeth Jans Weenix (Bredius, op.cit. pp.294-5). |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21348 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0111 |
Lot | 0111 |
Entry | no.14 1 stuck N f 16:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Boelensz. voors. [Jan Boelensz. van Hoorn] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21177. |
Montias2 Record# | 21349 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0112 |
Lot | 0112 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 't avontmael f 225:--:-- |
Title | 't avontmael |
Number | 73 |
Type | painting |
Value | 225 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Jan or Hans van Wely II, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21350 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0113 |
Lot | 0113 |
Entry | no.2 1 stuck per Heemskerck f 63:--:-- |
Title | [untitled} |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 53 |t gulden |
Buyer | Andries [Pitte] voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20749. |
Buyer Occupation | Services |a Broker, factor |
Montias2 Record# | 21351 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0114 |
Lot | 0114 |
Entry | no.5 1 stuck per Mr. C. f 46:--:-- |
Title | [untitled} |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 46 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Claesz. goutsmit |
Buyer Family | Claesz., Jan (Croock) |
Buyer Notes | On 14 April 1585, Jan Claesz. goutsmit, and Aechgen Everts had their daughter Griet baptized (DTB 1/204). The goldsmith Jan Claesz., living on the South side of the Kerckhoff, was taxed 3 gulden in the Cohier der capitale impositie of 1585 (Van Dillen, Amsterdam in 1585, p. 45). He was called Jan Claesz. Croock, goldsmith, when the Municipality of Amsterdam paid him 87 f. and a few stuivers for a gilded apple and three angels and 52 f. 15 st. for two silver schalen, both in 1594 (Oud Holland 24(1906), pp. 56-7). Jan Claesz. Kroock (or Croock), silversmith, appears in an insinuation of 1599 and in a request to the burgomasters of Amsterdam of the headmen of the goldsmith's guild on 30 July 1602 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 69(1929), pp. 571-2 and 607.) On 12 June 1614, the sons of Hans Thysz. of R 31584 paid him 11 f. for gold and labor for a signet ring for Antony (one of the sons) (Arch. Thys, Library of University of Leyden, no. 112A). He was still active in 1615 when the municipality paid him 378 f. for a gilded lampet and beaker that the burgomasters wished to donate for the baptism of Maximiliaen, the son of heer van Marquet (Oud Holland 24(1906), p. 116). He may be identical with Jan Claess. int Wapen van Sutfen who invested 900 f in V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 208). After the death of Jan Claesz. Crock, goldsmith, his goods were sold at WK auction on 4 January 1621 (INVNO 872). He may be related to the painter Thys Pietersz. Croock, cited in a deposition of 6 September 1646 (Bredius, Künstler-inventäre, p. 136n of Nachtrage) (see R 20166). |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21352 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0115 |
Lot | 0115 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.3 1 vismarct f 65:--:-- |
Title | vismarct |
Number | 42 |
Subject | MARKET SCENE |
Type | painting |
Value | 65 |t gulden |
Buyer | Adriaen Loosvelt |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21192. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21353 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0116 |
Lot | 0116 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.26 1 doeck f 72:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 72.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arent Jacobsz. voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21357 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0117 |
Lot | 0117 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.31 1 doeck f 51:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 51 |t gulden |
Buyer | Dirck Vlack |
Buyer Family | Vlack, Dirck (Cornelisz.) |
Buyer Notes | On 13 December 1596, Dirck Vlack and Jan Vlack de jonge (probably Dirck's brother, cited below) were cited in connection with a protested letter of exchange issued in Dantzig (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 178(1981), pp. 179-180). On 4 February 1599, Dirck Cornelisz. Vlack, from Gouda, widower of Martijntje Hilbrants, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, assisted by his brother Michiel Cornelisz. Vlack, was betrothed to Hester (Haasje) Pietersdr., 22, living on the Kalverstraet, assisted by her brother Reynburch Nispers (DTB 408/499). On 12 November 1599, Dijrick Vlack, merchant, and Haessen Pieters had their son Pieter baptized in the the presence of Ane Dijericksz. (DTB 3/209). On 5 January 1606, Dierick Vlack and Haesjen Pieters had their daughter Hester baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Cornelis Vlack (probably the grandfather of the child), of Mary Pieters, and of Grietgen Pilgeroms (DTB 4/151). On 28 February 1608, the couple had their son Kornelis baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Jan Vlack (on whom, see below) and Michiel Kornelisz. (Dirck's brother) (DTB 4/233). On 29 August 1634, the honorable Haesge Pietersdr., widow and estate-holder of Dirck Vlack, named her son Jacob Vlack to collect money due from the V.O.C. for wages he had earned in the East Indies (NA 832, film 562). On Cornelis Cornelisz., the brother of Dirck Cornelisz. Vlack, see R 36639. Hester (or Haesgen) Pieters bore the family name of (Van) Schellingh. She was probably the daughter of Pieter Dircksz. Schellingh (married to Lysbeth Cornelis) who died in 1617 (NA 280, Not. van Banckem, Inventory dated 1 January 1618). Dirck Vlack invested 8,000 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares and 22,115 f. in the second in 1612 (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 130). In 1606, he bought lots in the Haarlem lottery for 1 f. 16 st. (GAA, 76/1 F 593). He freighted two ships in 1606 and one in 1607 (Winkelman, op.cit. 184(1983), p.603). In 1608, together with a number of other merchants, he signed a petition to the burgomasters of Amsterdam, asking for the revocation of the prohibition of the use of cashiers to effect money transfers (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken, R.G.P. 59(1925), p. 16). Dirck Vlack was a director (bewindhebber) of the V.O.C. from 1618 until his death in 1624. He was a friend of David van Beeck, with whom he had many discoursen about the arts and politics in The Hague in 1624. Van Beeck was also a friend of Dirck Vlack's brother Johan Cornelisz. (1545-1625) who was gedeputeerde van Gouda (Van Beeck, Spiegel van mijn leven, p. 55). Dirck Vlack was buried on 7 October 1624. His widow paid a tax of 150 f. in 1631, living in the Teer Tuijnen (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 130 and Kohier, fol. 111, p. 26) Dirck Vlack was a master of the Mannentuchthuis in 1602 and Lieutenant of the Amsterdam militia in 1620 (Wagenaar, Amsterdam, vol. 2, p. 256 and Elias, Vroedschap, p. 72). His son, Dirck Vlack de Jonge was a grain dealer in 1621 and cited as an advocaet in 1633 (NA 518, fol. 57vo, Not. J. Westfrisius, Extracten). On 3 July 1649, Dirck Vlack, advocaet, was present at the baptism of Johannes, son of the painter Johannes Spilberg, and of Marritje Gerrits on 15 February 1650 (Oud Holland 4(1886), p.138). According to a declaration of 10 September 1624, Adriaen Vlack, merchant, gave to Dirck Vlack de jonge and Jean Vlack, living in Dantzig, some goods and accounts receivable that were due to him. These debts included one for 1,000 f. owed by Abraham van Offenberch (of INVNO 171), 1,000 f. owed by the the widow of Abraham de Visscher (Cornelia Coeymans), 1,000 f. owed by Zeger Pietersz. Crab, and 32 f. owed by Adriaen Garbrandsz. (NA 389, fol. 99). The other two sons of Dirck Vlack I were named Adriaen and Jan Vlack de jonge (NA 389, fol. 99, act of 10 September 1624). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21354 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0118 |
Lot | 0118 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.6 1 doeck Val der engelen f 455:--:-- |
Title | Val der engelen |
Number | 1 |
Subject | RELIGION |
Type | painting |
Value | 455 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21355 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0119 |
Lot | 0119 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.7 1 stuck KM f 45:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 45 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Coning |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see the NOTES to R 28901. |
Montias2 Record# | 21358 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0120 |
Lot | 0120 |
Entry | no.12 1 stuck P f 26:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter de With bij Jan Roode Poort achter Buijck |
Buyer Family | With, Pieter (Jansz.) de (II) |
Buyer Notes | The buyer seems to be identical with Pieter de Witt, the son or nephew of the stockviskooper Jan Pietersz. de Witt (or de With) who died in 1621. He was apparently also the grandson of Pieter Jansz. de Witt (I), who was beheaded on 9 October 1568 for his failure to pay the proceeds of his tax farming to the R.C.- dominated administration of Amsterdam (and perhaps also for his Protestant sympathies) (Maandblad Amstelodamum57(1970), p. 143). Pieter Jansz. de Witt was born in Amsterdam on 22 September 1593. He was lord of the seigneurie of Resenburg, kerckmeester of the Noorderkerk in 1637, and was taxed 300 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 293vo, p. 67). He married Geertruid van Haze, the daughter of Jeronimus de Haze (of R 29604) and of Helena van Juchteren on 2 November 1625 (Elias, Vroedschap, p.283). When he purchased a lot in 1614 (R 27480), Pieter de Witt was said to be living achter Hendrick Buick. Hendrick Buyck (1551-1613) was the brother of Jacob Buyck, the last pastor of the Oude Kerck, who fought against the Alteration. In the freighting contracts of 1591-1602, Buijck's name comes up several times. He invested 12000 f. in V.O.C. shares (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 108.) Buijck lived on the O.Z. Achterburchwal. Pieter de Witt, merchant in Amsterdam, according to a deposition dated 26 November 1619, declared at the request of the painter Jacob van Nieulandt, representing Franchoijs Seghers, living in Antwerp, that about two years ago, at the public sale of the heirs of the late Louis Vincon (Ludovicus Finson), he had bought a painting, being the Crucifixion of St. Andrew, that the sellers held to be by Michel Angelo Caravaggio (Oud Holland 4(1886), p. 8). Pieter Jansz. de Witt II was buried in the N.K. on 13 June 1642, coming from the Herengracht, where he was already living in 1631. After De Witt's death, Geertruyd de Haze remarried with Mr. Hendrick Meyster on 2 May 1645. Hendrick Meyster was related to the Buijck family (S.A.C. Dudok van Heel and M.J. Bok, De Amsterdamse achtergrond van Mr. Everard Meyster (1617-1679) in Album Amicorum W.A. Wijburg, Woerde, 2001, p. 143.) Pieter de Wit was the grandson of the harring dealer Pieter Jansz. de Wit and of Maria Cornelis Bosschenaers. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21359 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0121 |
Lot | 0121 |
Entry | no.23 1 stuck CC f 32:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 32.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van den Ende de Jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Montias2 Record# | 21360 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0122 |
Lot | 0122 |
Entry | no.25 1 stuck P f 40:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 40 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jan van den Ende de Jonge] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Montias2 Record# | 21361 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0123 |
Lot | 0123 |
Entry | no.24 1 stuck CC f 19:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 19 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pitten |
Buyer Family | Pitten(s), Pieter |
Buyer Notes | On 14 September 1619, Pieter Pittens, goldsmith, 50 years old, and Jan de la Fontaine (of R 27595), likewise goldsmith, 35, made a deposition at the request of the clockmaker Hendrick Schudt, concerning an apprentice of the latter named Hendrick Jansz. who made small clocks (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), p. 340). |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21362 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0124 |
Lot | 0124 |
Artist | NAGEL, JAN |
Entry | no.24 1 stuck Nagel G 14 f 12:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Salomon Cleuter |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21311. |
Montias2 Record# | 21363 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0125 |
Lot | 0125 |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck CC f 21:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 21.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Beusecum voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21338. |
Montias2 Record# | 21364 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0126 |
Lot | 0126 |
Entry | no.6 1 brandeken S f 10:--:-- |
Title | brandeken |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 10 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Boelensz. [van Hoorn] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21177. |
Montias2 Record# | 21365 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0127 |
Lot | 0127 |
Artist | NAGEL, JAN |
Entry | no.6 1 stuck Nagel f 8:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8 |t gulden |
Buyer | Andries Pitte |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20749. |
Buyer Occupation | Services |a Broker, factor |
Montias2 Record# | 21366 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0128 |
Lot | 0128 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.29 1 stuck f 15:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 15.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Tivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21367 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0129 |
Lot | 0129 |
Entry | no.29 1 brant S f 14:15:-- |
Title | brant |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21368 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0130 |
Lot | 0130 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.52 1 stuck KM f 11:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 11 |t gulden |
Buyer | Floris van Dalen |
Buyer Family | Dalen, Floris van |
Buyer Notes | Floris van Dale(n) was a merchant, born in Anterp about 1543, who left his native city about 1585 (De Navorscher 53(1903), pp.466-7). He was first noted in Amsterdam in 1586 (Gelderblom, Prosopographic Data Base). On 9 December 1590, Floris van Dael, koopman, and Jannetgen van Dael had their daughter Jannet baptized in the presence of Mayken de Poest (DTB 2/73). On 30 May 1594, Floris van Dalen, koopman, and Jannetgen van Gerhoen had their daughter Maeijcke baptized. The witness was Salmaen Maernou (DTB 38/345). Floris van Dalen, invested 3,000 gulden in V.O.C. shares in 1602. He was the father-in-law of the silk cloth merchant Andries de Grau in 't Gulden Laken, who married his daughter Claerken van Dalen (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 137). He died in 1613 (Gelderblom, Prosopographic Data Base). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Buyer Relation | Parent-in-law |
Montias2 Record# | 21369 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0131 |
Lot | 0131 |
Entry | no.3 verlichtery S f 45:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | almost certainly a water color, in view of the price |
Value | 11 |t gulden |
Buyer | Floris van Dalen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21369. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Buyer Relation | Parent-in-law |
Montias2 Record# | 21371 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0132 |
Lot | 0132 |
Entry | no.10 uts [verlichtery S] f 28:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | almost certainly a water color, in view of the price |
Value | 28.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21370 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0133 |
Lot | 0133 |
Entry | no.7 uts [verlichtery S] f 21:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | almost certainly a water color, in view of the price |
Value | 21 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jan van Wely] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21372 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0134 |
Lot | 0134 |
Entry | no.16 uts [verlichtery S] f 18:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | almost certainly a water color, in view of the price |
Value | 18 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21373 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0135 |
Lot | 0135 |
Entry | no.8 1 stuck schilderij f 184:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 184 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. Kan |
Buyer Family | Kan (Can), Pieter Pietersz. |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was a cloth merchant, born about 1570. He was 25 years old when Cornelis Zegers, the widower of Geerte Pieters Kan, his sister, passed an agreement on 23 October 1595 before notary Pylorius in which he mentioned Pieter Pietersz. Kan presently abroad (NA 3, fol. 293, Extracten). Cornelis Zegersz. was a cloth merchant who was exporting cloth to Riga in 1599 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 178(1981), p. 465). Pieter Pietersz. Kan was the brother-in-law of Cornelis Galiaert (II) of R 35231 and of Jeroen Gaillart of R 21403. In 1606, Pieter Pietersz. Can, living in het vergulden lavoir in the Warmoesstraet, bought lots in the Haarlem lottery (GAA 11/39 F76). On 21 August 1606, Cornelis Gaillart (II) sold to his brother-in-law Pieter Pietersz. Kan a house on the Warmoesstraet on the underside of the Kerckstraet extending to the Int soetenaem van Jesus steeg (Kam, Waar was dat huis in de Warmoesstraet?, 35/26). In 1628 he and his (other) brother-in-law Gerard Kuijsten were regents of the Magdenhuis founded by Marie Laurens Spiegel and Aelken Pieters Foppens about 1570 (De Navorscher 36(1886), p. 338). He was then presumably Roman Catholic. He paid a tax of 150 f. in 1631, at which time he lived on the West side of the Nes (Kohier, fol. 234, p. 53). He was the brother of Elbert and of Cornelis Pietersz. Kan. On 14 September 1616, after the death of Maritge Symonsdr., the wife of Elbert Can, Mr. Hendrick Bontius and Abraham Davidsz. van der Mye (the father of Robbert van der Mye of R 19463) were named guardians over the children left by Maritge Symonsdr. and of Teuntgen Symonsdr., the daughter of Rutgert Cornelisz. (WK 5073/513, fol. 155vo). On 2 November of the same year, Pieter Pietersz. Can was named guardian over the children of Maritge Symonsdr., together with the advocate Mr. Hendrick Bontius (WK 5073/513, fol. 157vo.) On 18 January 1630, the honorable Pieter Pietersz. Can, 60, and Martgen Hermansdr., 50, wife of Coenraedt Hillebrantsz., declared at the request of Eijcke Hillebrants, that the latter's brother was being held in jail (in de Boeijen) (NA 832, film 562). On 16 January 1636, Paolo de Willem (of INVNO 197), 55 years old, Geraert Reynst (II), 34, and Geraerdt Lundt, 34, all merchants, declared at the request of Pieter Pietersz. Kan that they had received a communication from Venice from Jan Reynst and Abraham Harmensz. (NA 695A, film 4981). On 18 June 1638, the honorable Anneken Galjaert (probably the daughter of Cornelis Gaillart II of R 35231) acknowledged having borrowed some household goods from her uncle Pieter Pietersz. Can and his wife Annetge Cornelis (her aunt), which they could have returned to them any time at their request. The goods included a painting of St. Francis, one of Cecelia (Cecilia), one embroidered or sewn picture, 2 prints of Rubbens, and many small pictures, not further specified (NA 867, fol. 219-220, Not. van Zwieten). Piter Pitersen Kan was buried on 2 February 1648 in the O.K. (DTB 1046/38). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale)|a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21378 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0136 |
Lot | 0136 |
Entry | no.31 1 stuck LK f 295:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 295 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van den Eynde |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21207. |
Montias2 Record# | 21374 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0137 |
Lot | 0137 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 1 doeck 't ordeel f 102:--:-- |
Title | 't ordeel |
Number | 1 |
Subject | RELIGION |
Type | painting |
Value | 102 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jan van den Eynde] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21207. |
Montias2 Record# | 21375 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0138 |
Lot | 0138 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 1 toren van Babel f 72:--:-- |
Title | toren van Babel |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 72 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. Bredius read 2 van Babel. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21376 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0139 |
Lot | 0139 |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck schilderij per Heemskerck f 218:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 218 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. Kan |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21378. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale)|a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21377 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0140 |
Lot | 0140 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.13 1 stuck KM f 36:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 36 |t gulden |
Buyer | Barent Thonisz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21348. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21379 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0141 |
Lot | 0141 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 1 stuck schildery f 66:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 66.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21380 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0142 |
Lot | 0142 |
Entry | no. 29 1 doeck per CC f 75:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit van Velen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21172. |
Montias2 Record# | 27769 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0143 |
Lot | 0143 |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck per Hery Bles f 34:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 34.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Bartholomeus Moor |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21230. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21381 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0144 |
Lot | 0144 |
Entry | no.30 1 doeck per CC Hercules f 103:--:-- |
Title | Hercules |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Value | 103 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick van Os |
Buyer Family | Os, Hendrick van |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Hendrick van Os, was an important merchant in the beginning of the 17th century. Born in Antwerp, circa 1556, he was one year older than his brother Dirck van Os I, with whom he was associated in a firm carrying on a large amount of business. Dirck van Os I, who was married with Margareta van der Piet, was originally from Antwerp. He spent some time in Middelburg before settling in Amsterdam, where he is first noted in 1588 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 310). Dirck died in 1615, Hendrick probably not long afterwards. On 14 February 1604, Hendrick van Os, 48 years old, from Antwerp, assisted by his brother Dirck van Os, was betrothed to Lijnken Willems (van Laenen), 44, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, on 14 February 1604 (DTB 411/157). Dirck van Os II, the son of Dirck van Os I, became Dijckgraef van Beemster. On 19 December 1608, Dirck van Os (II), from Amsterdam, 37, assisted by his brother Francoijs van Os, living on the O.Z. Voorburgwal, was betrothed to Helena van Oyre van Neurenburgh, assisted by her nigt Margareta van Pes (Nederlandsche Leeuw 23(1905), col. 43). Dirck van Os III, the son of Anna Wyntgens and David van Os (a son of Dirck van Os II), was portrayed by Rembrandt in 1661. He drowned at sea in 1671. The brothers Dirck and Hendrick van Os invested 47,000 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares in 1602 (the third highest sum among the South Netherlanders) and 11,700 f. in the second in 1612 (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, pp. 81 and 259)). The firm of the brothers Van Os lent 200,000 f. to Arent Cornelisz. Coster (of R 21396) in 1608. Their account at the Wisselbank filled 3 folios in 1609, 1611, and 1612 and 5 folios in 1615 (Van Dillen, op.cit. p.111). In 1606, Hendrick van Os, living on the Oude Zijde, bought lots for 6 f. in the Haarlem lottery (GAA, 98/15 F 735). Hendrick van Os was acquainted with Karel van Mander (I), who cited in his Schilder-boeck paintings in his collection by Gillis van Coninxloo, Cornelis Ketel, Hans van Aachen, Paulus Bril and Jacques de Geyn (M.J. Bok, Art-Lovers and Their Paintings, Dawn of the Golden Age, Exh. Cat. 1994/5, p. 141). He was also an early collector of Venetian paintings. On Hendrick van Os's collection, see also, Saskia Cohen-Nilsen, Een schilderij van Jacomo Palma il Giovane in een vroeg zeventiende-eeuwse verzameling, Oud Holland 113(1999), pp. 175-180. It took many years after the death of Dirck and Hendrick van Os before their estate was settled. On 30 January 1637, Philippe van der Straeten, son-in-law of Hendrick van Os, declared that various persons had claims on the estate of Hendrick van Os. There was in particular a claim on a fourth share in the kunsten, teckeningen, plaeten, pampieren, francynen, boecken --nieuwe ende oude--madalen, schilderyen en rariteyten naegelaten by Hendrick van Os sal. (NA 409, film 4787). According to a declaration of 17 March 1616, Philippe (or Philips) van der Straten had employed a carpenter in de Beemster whom he paid 21 stuivers per day (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.P.G. 78(1933), p. 149). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21382 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0145 |
Lot | 0145 |
Entry | no.14 1 ossenhooft P f 33:--:-- |
Title | ossenhooft |
Number | 34 |
Subject | ANIMALS |
Type | painting |
Value | 33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Claesz. goutsmith |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21352. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21383 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0146 |
Lot | 0146 |
Entry | no.31 1 doeck per CC f 53:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 23 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Boelens voors. [van Hoorn] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21177. |
Montias2 Record# | 21384 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0147 |
Lot | 0147 |
Entry | no.17 1 doeck per GP f 53:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 54 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21385 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0148 |
Lot | 0148 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.10 1 stuck schilderij f 82:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 82 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. Kan |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21378. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale)|a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21386 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0149 |
Lot | 0149 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 1 brant f 62:--:-- |
Title | brant |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 62 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21387 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0150 |
Lot | 0150 |
Entry | no.16 1 stuck P f 29:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 29 |t gulden |
Buyer | solvit [crossed out: B. van Someren] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. The reason the buyer's name was crossed out is that he paid cash, probably when the session was over. |
Montias2 Record# | 21388 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0151 |
Lot | 0151 |
Entry | no.10 1 stuck P f 85:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 85 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jacob Boots |
Buyer Family | Boots, Jacob |
Buyer Notes | On 6 October 1613, Jacob Boots and his wife Maria Eeckhout had their son Joannes baptized in the N.K. in the presence of Isaac Boots (DTB 39/330). On the 10 May 1615, Jacob Boots and Maria Eelhaut had a child baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Abraham Boots and Elisabeth Eelhaut (DTB 5/143). Maria Eelhout was presumably the sister of Anna Eelhout, to whom Jacob's brother Abraham Boots was betrothed on 19 September 1631 (DTB 438/36). A portrait of Jacob Boots was recorded in an anonymous inventory dated 10 July 1618, along with a portrait of the old Noirot (NA 611, film 330, Not. Ruttens) On Abraham Boots, see R 22054. The buyer Jacob Boots, paid a tax of 10 f. in 1631, at which time he lived on the West side of the Keysersgracht (Kohier, fol. 298v, p. 68). |
Montias2 Record# | 21389 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0152 |
Lot | 0152 |
Entry | no.6 1 kintspersoontje P f 33:10:-- |
Title | kintspersoontje |
Number | 32 |
Type | painting |
Value | 33.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21390 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0153 |
Lot | 0153 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.84 1 lantschap f 31:--:-- |
Title | lantschap |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 31 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21391 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0154 |
Lot | 0154 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.32 1 stuck van de 7 wercken van barmhertichs[heden] f 505:--:-- |
Title | de 7 wercken van barmehertichs[heden] |
Number | 1 |
Subject | RELIGION |
Type | painting |
Value | 505 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21392 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0155 |
Lot | 0155 |
Entry | no.4 1 koocken P f 165:--:-- |
Title | koocken |
Number | 43 |
Type | painting |
Value | 165 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Claesz. goutsmith |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21352. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21393 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0156 |
Lot | 0156 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.16 1 stuck schilderij f 60:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 60 |t gulden |
Buyer | [...] Dalent (?) |
Buyer Family | Dalent (?) |
Montias2 Record# | 21394 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0157 |
Lot | 0157 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.9 1 stuck van 2 bladen f 40:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | a painting made up of two wings ? diptych ? |
Value | 40 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21395 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0158 |
Lot | 0158 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.89 1 stuck schilderij f 14:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arent Coster |
Buyer Family | Coster, Arent (Cornelisz.) |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is probably identical with Arent Cornelisz. Coster, merchant in the mediterranean and factor for several business firms in Dantzig, who lived from 1566 to 1638. He lived on the Zeedijk in den Grasmayer. He 1608 he mortaged large amounts of grain to cover various debts to borrow 200,000 gulden from Dr. Jan ten Grootenhuys, Govert Dircksz. Wuytiers (the father of Dirck Govertsz. of R 8663), Dirck van Os (the brother of Hendrick van Os of R 21382), and Jan Jansz. Carel de jonge (the son of Jan Jansz. Carel de oude of R 28890). He was the brother-in-law of Coert Cooper of INVNO 1216 (Elias, Vroedschap, pp.22-23). On 1 February 1592, Arent Cornelisz. Koster, 26 years old, living op 't Water, assisted by Cornelis Jansz. Koster, his father, was betrothed to Regina Hudden, 21, assisted by Jan Claes Boelesz., old bourgomaster, and Belye Hudde, her uncle and aunt (DTB 406/140). Regina Hudden was the daughter of Rutgert Hudden, bourgomaster in Kampen, and Anna Scholt. She was the sister of Belitge Hudden, who married Jan Claes Boelensz. Regina and Belitge were the aunts of Hendrick Hendricksz. Hudde of R 7698 and of Gerrit Hendricksz. Hudde of R 26928 (Elias, op.cit. pp. 162 and 241). On 4 July 1599, Arent Cornelissen Koster, koopman, and Regina Hudde had their son Cornelis baptized (DTB 3/187). Regina died in 1617 (Elias, ibid.) On 13 September 1600, Coert Hudden, as husband and guardian of Catherina Hudden, and Arent Coster, as husband and guardian of Regina Hudden, their respective wives, and acting in the place of Thomas van Tongerloo, their brother-in-law, as having married Anna Hudden, declared that they had sold to Michiel IJsnigen, their brother-in-law, merchant living in Dantzig, their share in an estate (holthoff) located in Dantzig, which they had inherited from their grandfather Claes Schulten (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel, R.G.P. 178(1981), p. 162). Thomas van Tongerloo was a merchant of South Netherlandish origin, first noted in Amsterdam in 1593 (he was related to Cornelis and Jan van Tongerloo) (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p 315). In 1602, Arent Cornelisz. Coster invested 300 f. in V.O.C. shares issued by the Enkhuizen Kamer of the V.O.C. (unpublished information supplied by Roelof van Gelder). Arent Coster, merchant in Amsterdam, freighted 8 ships between 1601 and 1608 and one ship on 24 January 1609 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel, R.G.P., 184(1983), p. 600 and 185(1983), p. 18). In 1606, Arent Koster, living on the Zeedijck, bought lots for 3 f. in the Haarlem lottery (GAA, 63/13 F 697). On 18 September 1608, Arent Cornelisz. Coster acknowledged a debt of 35,000 f. lent to him by Govaert Dircx Wuytiers, the father of Dirck Govertsz. Wuytiers of R 7663 (NA 37, film 51). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21396 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0159 |
Lot | 0159 |
Entry | no.8 1 uts. [stuck schilderij] P f 47:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 47 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Gerritsz. Cosyn |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21239. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21397 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0160 |
Lot | 0160 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 stuck schilderij f 33:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 33 |t gulden |
Buyer | Marten Codde |
Buyer Family | Codde, Marten (Pietersz.) |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, a cloth merchant, was said to be 50 years old in 1631 and was therefore born about 1581 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven, 78(1933), p. 782). He was probably the son of Pieter Martens Kodde (Codde), who was portrayed as a shooter in the company of Reynst Pietersz. in 1585 by Dirck Barendsz. (Oud Holland 15(1897), p.137). He was the brother of Roeloff Codde of R 7591 and of Jacob Codde of R 8318. He often appears as a guardian or in some other capacity in the records of the Orphan Chamber in the 1620's. In 1606, he was living in the Calverstraet in de Twee Codden when he bought lots in the Haarlem lottery for 6 f. (GAA, 32/46 F 256). On 21 December 1610, Maerten Pietersz. Codde, 29, living in the Calverstraet, assisted by his mother Maertgen Roeloffs, was betrothed to Claasje Henning Rus. 24, assisted by her mother Zwaentge Jans (DTB 666/260). He was still living in the Calverstraet in 1612 (R 28322). He remarried in 1628 with Nicoletta Doudenssen, who had been a widow of Claes Andriess (of R 30086) for five years (Maandblad Amstelodamum 54(1967) p. 172). In 1631, the wife of Marten Codde, living on the East side of the Calverstraet, was taxed 130 f. (Marten Caddel with his children, listed next to the wife of Marten Codde, may be the same individual. He was taxed 250 f.) (Kohier, fol. 270, p. 62). This wife of Marten Codde was probably Nicoletta Doudenssen. On 5 May 1628, Roelof Joosten acknowledged a debt of 200 f. to his brother Marten Codde for which he pledged various goods including a painted crucifix over the bedstead (NA 591, film 4937). On 23 October 1630, Marten Codde, Pieter Adriaensz. Block, Govert van der Mij, Isaack van Halmael, Jan Hendricksz. Pelt, Franchoys de Vick, Hans van der Voort, Balthasar Jacott, and Rombout Kemp signed a contract to create a company for the manufacture of cloth. They obligated themselves to such such capital as would be necessary for manufacturing 1,600 to 2,000 [bolts of] cloth (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.P.G. 78(1933), p.733). In 1606, when he bought lots in the Haarlem lottery, Pieter Adriaensz. Block lived in de Waterschip on the Nieuwen Dijck (110/13 F 808). On 25 July 1634, Marten Codde, cloth dealer, applied to the city administration to have the headmen of the cloth dealers' guild repay various costs he had incurred on behalf of the guild, amounting to 3,531 f. 3 st. The magistrates ordered the headmen to pay Codde the amounts due to him and the guild members to contribute to this payment (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 144(1974), p. 59). In 1643, Marten Codde joined a number of merchants in signing a petition for the stabilization of the currency (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken, R.G.P. 59(1925), p. 84). Marten Codde was buried in the N.K. on 3 January 1650. On the numerous individuals with the name Codde living in the first half of the 17th century, see Oud Holland, 2(1884), p. 44. Marten, like his brothers Jacob and Roeloff, was Roman Catholic. |
Buyer Religion | Roman Catholic |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21399 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0161 |
Lot | 0161 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 58 rontken f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 6.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Coning |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see the NOTES to R 28901. |
Montias2 Record# | 21400 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0162 |
Lot | 0162 |
Artist | NAGEL, JAN |
Entry | no. 1 1 stuck van Nagel f 44:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 44 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Bogart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 30464. |
Montias2 Record# | 21401 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0163 |
Lot | 0163 |
Entry | no.38 1 rontge S f 22:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 22.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21402 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0164 |
Lot | 0164 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.46 1 stuck KM f 26:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 26.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jeroen Gaillart, de swager in de Hametjes |
Buyer Family | Gaillart, Jeroen (Jeronimo) |
Buyer Notes | Jeronimo Gaillart was a cloth merchant of South Netherlandish origin (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 301). He was the brother-in-law of Claes Rauwart. On 25 August 1610, Jeronimus Gailliardt Corneliszoon, 35 years of age, living in the Warmoesstraet, assisted by his brother Marten Gaillaert and his swager Pieter Pietersz. Kan, was betrothed to Maritje Heyndricksdr., 23, living op de Dam, assisted by her swager Jacob Jacobsz. Bontenos (or Brontenos) (DTB 666/241). Maritje Heyndricks was the sister of Judick Hendricx, married to Jacob Jacobsz. Bontenos (NA 694B, film 4980, Not. J. Warnaerts). Jeronimus (Jeroen), Marten, and Pieter Cornelisz. Gaillaert were all nephews of Anthony Gaillaert de oude and cousins of Anthony Gaillaert de jonge. On Pieter Pietersz. Kan, see R 21378. On Marten Gaillaert, see R 29263, on Pieter Gaillaert, R 26876. Jeroen Gaillaert was buried on 24 December 1626 (DTB 1054/135vo). In October 1622, Daniel van Ottergen was named as guardian of the children of Marritien Hendricks with Jeronimus Gaillard (WK 5073/513, fol. 7vo.) Bredius read the buyer's name as Jeroen Gaillart de Jonge. Dozy pointed out that paintings were frequently sold at auction in de twee hammetjes op den Dam, while the household goods were sold elsewhere (Obreen, Archief, vol. 6, p. 32). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth |
Buyer Relation | Sibling-in-law |
Montias2 Record# | 21403 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0165 |
Lot | 0165 |
Entry | no.27 1 rontgen S f 7:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | de soon van Hans Coninxloo |
Buyer Family | Coninxloo, Hans (III) |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was the son of Hans Coninxloo II, He was born in Emden in 1589 and lived in Amsterdam from 1603 to 1618, from 1635 to 1639 and from 1642 to 1648 (Briels, Zuidnederlandse immigratie, p. 81.) In addition to being an art dealer like his father and a dealer in porcelain (see below), he was a painter of animals in the style of Gysbert de Hondecoeter (Briels, Vlaamse schilders, 1997, p. 318). He was only 23 years old when he apparently began to buy art for his own account (as in the case of the present lot, sold in 1612). He was living in Emden when he was betrothed to Sara de Vogelaer, also living in Emden on 30 September 1618 (DTB 763/66). She was the daughter of the prominent Emden goldsmith Isaac de Voghelaer (E. Starcke, Die Coninxloo's, Oud Holland 16(1898), p. 140). In 1619, he was admitted as a master in the St. Luke's guild of Emden. In 1624, he offered 30 f. for a painting of the Virgin with Child in the Library of the Church Council (Protestant) of Emden, but he was turned down (ibid.) In that same year, he became deacon of the Foreign-poor (Fremdlingen-Armen) in Emden, but he was dismissed after serving 7 years for betraying the trust of the office. He returned to Amsterdam in 1635, perhaps to collect his part of the inheritance from his uncle Isaack van Conincxloo (of R 19464) (ibid., p. 141). On 26 November 1636, Hans van Conincxloo, dealer in porcelain, declared that he owed his cousin Hans van der Putte (cited in the NOTES to R 21307) 1,435 f., for money that he had borrowed from his cousin and for his cousin's acting as surety for him. To settle as much as possible of this debt, Conincxloo ceded to Van der Putte various porcelain goods listed in an inventory (not present) (NA 751, film 5178, fol. 520). On 8 January 1639, Hans van Coninxloo, 49, koopman van schilderijen, declared at the request of Joris Kaarsschieter (Kaarsgieter), also dealer in paintings, that when he came to live, 29 years ago, in the house De olykan, where Kaarsschieter is now living, there was, between the voorhuis and the achterhuis, a schoorsteen with a dubbelde pijp (NA 1053, fol. 94, Not. J. van der Ven). Joris Kaarsgieter, the son of the painter Francoijs Kaarsgieter of R 23624, is known to have lived in the Kalverstraet. On 13 May 1639, Jan Hendricx Admirael (of R 35467) declared that he had obtained two sentences (from the judges) against Jan Coninxloo (who must be Hans Conincxloo III) who ordered to pay him 740 f. including interest. As a result of the mediation of good friends, the two had also agreed that Conincxloo would pay Admirael an additional 370 f. The agreement was supposed to be carried out under the supervision of Hendrick Uylenburgh, the art dealer of R 24428. Conincxloo would pay Admirael without appeal (NA 921, Notary B. Verbeeck). Even though the document does not mention paintings or other works of art, the presence of Hendrick Uylenburgh as supervisor of the transaction suggests that Conincxloo incurred debts toward Admirael in this connection. But it is also possible that Conincxloo's debt had arisen in connection with his purchase of tulip bulbs, of which Admirael was a regular and important supplier. On 24 October 1640, Jan Henrix Admirael acknowledged having received from Hans van der Putte, for the account of Gillis de Sadelaer II (the 21-year old son of Abraham de Sadelaer of R 21507), the sum of 625 f. (capital together with interest) which Hans van Conincxlo owed him (Admirael). (Hans van der Putt(e) was the husband of Saarken de Sadelaer, the daughter of Gillis de Sadelaer I and the sister of Abraham de Sadelaer, on whom see the NOTES to R 21507). The document further states that he, Admirael, was now committed to deliver to Hans van der Putte various furniture and goods which he had received from Conincxloo. A list of this furniture and goods was appended which included mainly paintings, drawings, and prints (drawing by Buytewech, trony by Bylert, paintings by Dirck Hals and Brouwer, copies after Rembrandt, etc..), some exotic items (Japanese canes, ebony sticks etc..) Some of these had apparently been pledged against the money lent, including the bed of Van Conincxloo and his wife Sara de Vogelaer. Van Conincxloo appears to have turned over all his stock and household goods by this transaction (NA 1056, film 1264, fol. 264-5). In 1642, Hans van Conincxloo III was back in Emden. On 29 August of that year, the Church Council accused him of excentric living and blasphemy. He had apparently asserted that there was no God, Devil, or Hell, that preachers were devils, etc.. He was arrested for debt, but he was released after promising he would improve his life (Starcke, op. cit. p. 142). He was again in Amsterdam in 1644, when Jean de le Cluijs, ivory carver, declared that Isaack van Coningsloo and Sara de Vogelaar were the parents of Isaac van Coningsloo who had shipped out to the East Indies as an assistant on the Ship Zutphen and that he had died there (ibid.) The last we hear of him, on 24 December 1645, he appeared drunk before the house of his cousin Antony Wouters and made inappropriate remarks to the latter's 17- and 18-year old daughters who were living there (ibid.) Anthony Wouters, also cited in the NOTES to R 25592, was a merchant who was said to be 33 years old in a deposition of 16 July 1634. In this deposition, made at the request of the tobacco merchant Pieter Pietersz., he declared that he had gone to the Lombard (mont-de-piete) in The Hague where he had redeemed three notes which had apparently been issued in counterpart for cloth deposited there. The cloth had been sold at auction by Daniel van Beuningen (of R 8207) (NA 1040, Not. J. van den Ven). On 18 July 1634, Pieter Pietersz. insinuated Jan Tronquoy (the husband of Aachie Bremans of INVNO 955) regarding some tobacco that Tronquoy had received (NA 1040, Not. J. van den Ven). |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21404 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21405 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21406 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21407 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21408 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21409 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[f] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21410 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[g] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21411 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[h] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21412 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[i] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21413 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[j] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21414 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[k] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21415 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0166 |
Lot | 0166[l] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100-112 12 rontges f 90:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21416 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0167 |
Lot | 0167[a] |
Entry | no.37 2 ronden S f 16:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.0|t gulden |
Buyer | Jaques van der Wyen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21322. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21417 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0167 |
Lot | 0167[b] |
Entry | no.37 2 ronden S f 16:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8.0|t gulden |
Buyer | Jaques van der Wyen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21322. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21418 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0168 |
Lot | 0168[a] |
Entry | no.23 2 branden van P f 7: 5:-- |
Title | brand |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 3.62 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan den Ende de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21193. |
Montias2 Record# | 21419 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0168 |
Lot | 0168[b] |
Entry | no.23 2 branden van P f 7: 5:-- |
Title | brand |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 3.62 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan den Ende de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21193. |
Montias2 Record# | 37370 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0169 |
Lot | 0169 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.76 1 lantschap f 7:--:-- |
Title | lantschap |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 7 |t gulden |
Buyer | Maximiliaen van Geel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21282. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21420 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0170 |
Lot | 0170 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.77 1 schepen f 4:--:-- |
Title | schepen |
Number | 21 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Tivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21421 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0171 |
Lot | 0171 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.72 1 stuckgen Jonas f 2:--:-- |
Title | Jonas |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 2 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jan Tivart] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21422 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0171* |
Lot | 0171* |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 8 1 stuckgen f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter de Wit |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21359. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 27770 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0172 |
Lot | 0172 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.10 1 stuckgen f 13: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 13.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Ockersz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21340. |
Buyer Occupation | Artis |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21423 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0173 |
Lot | 0173 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.13 1 fruytgen f 15:--:-- |
Title | fruytgen |
Number | 4 |
Subject | STILL LIFE |
Type | painting |
Value | 15 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jeroen Gaillart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21403. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth |
Buyer Relation | Sibling-in-law |
Montias2 Record# | 21424 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0174 |
Lot | 0174 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.58 1 rontgen KM f 15:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 15 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21425 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0175 |
Lot | 0175 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.55 1 stuck schilderij f 7: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 7.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21426 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0176 |
Lot | 0176 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.10 1 uts [stuck schilderij] f 10:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 10.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Salomon Cleuter |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21311. |
Montias2 Record# | 21428 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0177 |
Lot | 0177 |
Entry | no.7 1 uts [stuck schilderij] per CC f 40:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 40 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jeroen Gaillart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21403. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth |
Buyer Relation | Sibling-in-law |
Montias2 Record# | 21429 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0178 |
Lot | 0178 |
Entry | no.31 1 rontgen S f 10:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 10.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Samuel (?) Verplancken tot Cabbout |
Buyer Notes | The buyer's last name is almost illegible (Bredius read it as Salomon). Cabbout is probably Aernout Cobbaut of R 21250. On Samuel Verplancken or van der Plancken, see R 21491. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Private company |
Montias2 Record# | 21430 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0179 |
Lot | 0179 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.4 1 stuckgen f 24:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 24.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pitte |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21362 |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21431 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0180 |
Lot | 0180 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.4 1 stuckgen f 14:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick in de Maecht van Gent |
Buyer Notes | The buyer may be identical with Hendrick bode van Antwerp of R 29628. |
Montias2 Record# | 21432 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0181 |
Lot | 0181 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.57 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 15:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 15 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is probably Jan van Maerle (R 21270). |
Montias2 Record# | 21433 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0182 |
Lot | 0182 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.61 1 uts. [stuckgen] vischen f 4: 5:-- |
Title | vischen |
Number | 34 |
Subject | ANIMALS |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21434 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0183 |
Lot | 0183 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 1 stuckgen f 21:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 21 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is probably Jan van Maerle (R 21270). |
Montias2 Record# | 21435 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0184 |
Lot | 0184 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.26 1 hontshoofd f 3:--:-- |
Title | hontshoofg |
Number | 34 |
Subject | ANIMALS |
Type | painting |
Value | 3 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pitte |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21362 |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21436 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0185 |
Lot | 0185 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.26 1 stuck schilderij f 18:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 18.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Dirck van Sinnick over 't Indische huys op de Cingel |
Buyer Family | Sinnick (or Zinnick), Dirck van |
Buyer Notes | On 20 April 1614, Dirck van Sinnick and Grietje Ariaens (van Lodensteyn) had their son Abraham baptized in the N.K. (DTB 39/349). On 13 September 1615, the same couple had their son Willem baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Arent Henricksz. and his wife Neeltje Heinricxdr. (DTB 5/156). Arent Henricksz. was Arent van Lodensteyn, the father of Margriet or Grietje Ariaens. On 4 October 1619, Dirck van Sinnick and Margrieta van Lodensteyn had their daughter Angneta baptized in the presence of Guillam van Sinnick and Margareta van Moermont in the same church (DTB 5/259). Guillam van Zinnick, who may have been Dirck's father or brother, was a painter. He married Cornelia Hallings from Brugge in 1612 (Briels, Zuidnederlandse immigratie, p. 191). Children of Dirck van Sinnick were buried in 1612, 1613, 1619, and 1620 (DTB 1043/119, 1044/7, 1089a/20v, 1089/25v). He himself was buried in the N.K. on 10 September 1624 (DTB 1054/5). It may have been his son of the same name, Dirck van Zinnick II living on the Keysersgracht, who paid a tax of 80 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 95, p. 23). On 31 December 1624, thus after the death of Dirck van Sinnick de oude (I), Dirck van Sinnick (II) (his presumed son) and Guillam van Sinnick accepted the guardianship over the children left by Gerrit van Sinnick (WK 5073/513, fol. 25). Maria van Sinnick, another daughter of Dirck van Zinnick I was born in Amsterdam about 1621. On 3 October 1642, Heerman aux Brebis (II) (of R 25992), 25, from Amsterdam, living in the Warmoesstraet, was betrothed to Maria van Zinnick, 21, assisted by her father Dirck van Sinnick (I), living in Maarsen. Heerman aux Brebis was the son of Hans aux Brebis II and Sara Degens. From this marriage, six children were procreated: Margareta, married, first, to Hendrick Bertels (in 1663) (of INVNO 1263 of 1672) and, second to David Auxbrebis; Hans; Herman (II); Dirck; and Daniel who all died unmarried; and Anna Maria, married, first, to Jean du Quesne (in 1671) and, second, to Jeremias IJsbrantsz. (in 1691). On the portraits of Herman aux Brebis and Sara Deegens by Rembrandt, see the NOTES to R 25992. Gerrit's son, Willem Gerritsz. van Zinnick, shoemaker, made a donation inter vivos to Jacomyntje Jacobs, spinster, on or about 24 August 1624 (NA 389, fol. 58). On January 6, 1637, Anna, the daughter of Dirck Sinnick, jeweler on the Keysersgracht (almost certainly our buyer), and of Margrieta van Lodesteyn, born in 1616, married Everard Scott, from Middelburg. Arent van Lodesteyn, the father of Margrieta, was Raad van Delft in 1599 and Raad van Vlaanderen in 1612 (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 579). |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21437 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0186 |
Lot | 0186 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.23 1 stuck schilderij f 1: 6:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 1.6 |t gulden |
Buyer | Notaris Benning |
Pre Lot Header | Den 30 ditto [augusty] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21171. |
Montias2 Record# | 21438 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0187 |
Lot | 0187 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.101 1 rontgen f 2:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 2.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21439 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0188 |
Lot | 0188 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.70 1 stuckgen f 1: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 1.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. schilder |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 30980. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21440 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0189 |
Lot | 0189 |
Entry | no.36 1 rontgen S f 7: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 7.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, who was probably Hans Coninxloo II, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21441 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0190 |
Lot | 0190 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.33 1 uts. [rontgen] f 6:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 6 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21442 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0191 |
Lot | 0191 |
Entry | no.8 1 stuckgen N f 5: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Barent Thonisz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21348. On the attribution, see the notes to R 21348. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21443 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0192 |
Lot | 0192 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.54 1 uts. [stuckgen] KM f 10:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 10 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet |
Buyer Family | Soet (Soete), Philips |
Buyer Notes | Philips Soet(e) was a retail merchant (kramer) and dealer in iron ware, born in Gent, who was first noted in Amsterdam in 1590 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 314). On 1 January 1592 Philips Zoete recalled a procuration he had made in favor of Jacob Pietersz. de Haese (NA 43, fol. 16, Not. Heilinc, Extracten). On 27 July 1592, Mathis Odet, Claude Heripon (the father of Abel de Heripon of R 20454), Jacques de Cordes, Fernando Oijens, Reinier de Loker, Daniel Cambier, Jan Braems (probably of INVNO 563), Huijbrecht van den Broeck (probably the father of Andries van den Broeck of R 28792), Philips Zoete, Geerardt Verpoorten (of R 27491), Gilbert de Flines I (the father of Philips de Flines of R 25445), Jan le Cocq, Jan Gabrie, Cornelis van Tongerloo, Ambrosius Kempen (of R 37055), Hans van Gheel (of INVNO 785), Jan van Tongerloo, and Pauwels de Buijs (probably of INVNO 501), all merchants in Amsterdam, all creditors of Pieter van Houten and of Jan Willemsz. Hoede, both insolvent (faillit), drew up a procuration to empower Salomon Moreau (a merchant born in Antwerp) and Jan le Bruijn (Lebrun) to arrest the goods of Van Houten and Hoede. Jacques de Cordes, Jean Gabri(e), Fernando Oijens, and Reijnier de Loker were merchants born in Southern Netherlands (Gelderblom, op. cit. pp. 298, 301, 307, and 309.) Cornelis van Tongerloo was involved in numerous enterprises, including glass-making, the drying up of polders, etc.. He was an important cloth manufacturer but had become insolvent at the time of his death in 1617 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), pp. xvii and 187). Pieter van Houten was a feathers merchant (see also the NOTES to R 29666), probably born in Antwerp. He was the father of Olivier van Houte, likewise feathers merchant, who died in Antwerp on 2 March 1653, leaving a fairly rich inventory (Duverger, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen 7(1993), p. 11). Jan Cambier was a broker in 1612 (act of 25 May 1612, Van Dillen, op.cit. p.8). On 29 July 1592, Gerrit Dreeshout was added to the list of creditors (NA 43, fol. 23, Not. Heilinc, Extracten). On 29 October 1592, Philips Zoete and Vincent Stalpaert dissolved a company that they had run together. Stalpaert's share came to 3,000 f. (NA 43, fol. 107, Not. Heylinc). Pieter van Houten's financial problems apparently continued for many years. On 22 June 1618, Jan le Bruijn (cited above, signs Le Brun), merchant, 58, declared at the request of Adriaen Tack that he was well aware that the producent (Tack) had delivered to Pieter van Houten, among other other merchandise, a bale of linen (NA 362, film 6403, fol. 361vo.) On Adriaen Tack, see R 373 of Montias1. In 1606, Philips Soet bought lots in the Haarlem lottery for 5 f. 8 st. (GAA, 73/16 F 580). In a document of 29 March 1609, Philips Zoet was cited as an investor in the diking of the landen bij Hoogeboom in East Frisia. Soet was named Heemraed (dikereeve) of these lands. The other investors were Jacob Pietersz. de Haes, Jacob Thomassen van Dael, Jan Thijsz. Vleijshouwer, Lambert Cornelisz. Schouten, Pauwels van der Voort as guardian of Susanna van der Voort, Cornelis Wilmersdonck, Artus van der Voort (father of Abraham van der Voort of R 32595), Susanna van der Voort (or Voorde) was the daughter of Artus (Aert) van der Voort and the niece of Pauwels van der Voort. Hans van Wijnegom, Jan van Harinchouck and Gerrit Reyniersz. (NA 111, fol. 137, Not. Bruijningh, Extracten). In a document of 5 March 1619, the partners (compagnons) in the same dikage were, besides Philips Soet, Joos van Herema, Guilliam Seneschael (probably of R 35885), Jan Harinckhoeck, Paulus Sterlincx, Isaac van der Voort, Willem Cornelisz. Veltes in de Rijp, and Caspar Hasebrouck (NA 542, fol. 8-10, Not. Westfrisius, Extracten). On 24 December 1618, Philips Soete, Cornelis Stalpaert, for himself and for his brother Adriaen Stalpaert, sold to Ryck Andries a brewery in Campen situated on the Corenmarckt (NA 381, fol. 562). Cornelis Stalpaet, as will be shown below, was the brother of Philips Soete's wife Eva Stalpaert. Phillips Soete died on 15 February 1620. When he was buried in the O.K. a couple of days thereafter, he was said to be living in the Warmoestraet in de Bel. He must have been Roman Catholic, seeing that the bells were rung for two hours (DTB 1044/54). His widow, Eva Stalpaert, from Leiden, living on the Kerkhof, remarried with Dirck Alewijn, widower of Maria Schuurmans, on 12 April 1622 (DTB 669/82). According to a declaration of Eva Stalpaert, dated 29 November 1625, she and her brother Cornelis Stalpaert were entitled to 14,191 f. 8 st. 4 pen. plus another sum of 12,000 f. from the inheritance of her first husband (Philips Soete) (NA 391, fol. 355, Not. J. Jacobs, Extracten). In another act dated 15 June 1630, she stated that she and Philips Soete had passed a testament on the day of Soete's death, by which they bequathed all their property in Flanders to Joost Ranst and Cathelina Soete, half brother and sister of Soete (NA 241, fol. 291, Extracten). Dirck Alewijn (Halewijn), cloth dealer, and Maria Schuurmans had three children who, after Maria's death, were placed under the guardianship of Reynier Pauw de jonge, Warnar Ernst van Bassen (of R 28868) and Pieter Jansz. Can (of R 27284) by order of the masters of the Orphan Chamber dated 14 October 1622 (WK 5073/513, fol. 7). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21444 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0193 |
Lot | 0193 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.19 1 brant KM f 4: 5:-- |
Title | brant |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. Bredius, in his Kunstler-inventare, omitted this and the next three lots. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21445 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0194 |
Lot | 0194 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.69 1 stuck f 4:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet |
Buyer Notes | This lot is not in Bredius, Kunstler-inventare, p. 1749. On the buyer, see R 21444. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21446 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0195 |
Lot | 0195[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.81 2 rontges f 2: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 1.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. schilder |
Buyer Notes | This lot is not in Bredius, Kunstler-inventare, p. 1749. On the buyer, see R 30980. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21447 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0195 |
Lot | 0195[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.81 2 rontges f 2: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 1.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. schilder |
Buyer Notes | This lot is not in Bredius, Kunstler-inventare, p. 1749. On the buyer, see R 30980. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21448 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0196 |
Lot | 0196[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.78 2 rontges f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 4.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Floris van Dalen |
Buyer Notes | This lot is not in Bredius, Kunstler-inventare, p. 1749. On the buyer, see R 21369. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Buyer Relation | Parent-in-law |
Montias2 Record# | 21449 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0196 |
Lot | 0196[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.78 2 rontges f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 4.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Floris van Dalen |
Buyer Notes | This lot is not in Bredius, Kunstler-inventare, p. 1749. On the buyer, see R 21369. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Buyer Relation | Parent-in-law |
Montias2 Record# | 21449 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0196 |
Lot | 0196[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.78 2 rontges f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 4.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Floris van Dalen |
Buyer Notes | This lot is not in Bredius, Kunstler-inventare, p. 1749. On the buyer, see R 21369. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Buyer Relation | Parent-in-law |
Montias2 Record# | 30856 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0197 |
Lot | 0197 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.19 1 stuckgen f 10:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 10.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21444. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21450 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0198 |
Lot | 0198 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.68 1 stuckgen f 5: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Govert Jansz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21228. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21451 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0199 |
Lot | 0199[a] |
Entry | no.8 2 uts. [stuckgens] brantges N f 2:10:-- |
Title | brantge |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 1.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21452 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0199 |
Lot | 0199[b] |
Entry | no.8 2 uts. [stuckgens] brantges N f 2:10:-- |
Title | brantge |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 1.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21453 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0200 |
Lot | 0200 |
Entry | no.8 1 uts. [stuckgen] S f 15:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 15.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van den Eende |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21207. |
Montias2 Record# | 21454 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0201 |
Lot | 0201 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.5 1 uts. [stuckgen] KM f 15:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 15.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet [crossed out: Aert Jacobsz.] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21444. Aert Jacobsz. has not been identified. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21455 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0202 |
Lot | 0202 |
Entry | no.8 1 uts. [stuckgen] S f 12:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was probably Jan van Maerle (see R 21270). |
Montias2 Record# | 21456 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0203 |
Lot | 0203 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.59 brant f 8: 5:-- |
Title | brant |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21457 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0204 |
Lot | 0204 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.62 vogels f 8:10:-- |
Title | vogels |
Number | 34 |
Subject | ANIMALS |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21458 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0205 |
Lot | 0205 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.3 1 kerck f 14:--:-- |
Title | kerck |
Number | 110 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14 |t gulden |
Buyer | Conincksloo |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was probably Hans Coninxloo II, in view of the fact that the son is mentioned specifically in the next lot. On Hans Coninxloo II, see R 29348. |
Montias2 Record# | 21459 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0206 |
Lot | 0206 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck f 16:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Conincksloo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was probably Hans Coninxloo III. See R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21460 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0207 |
Lot | 0207 |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck N 1 f 11:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 11 |t gulden |
Buyer | van Beusecum voors. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21338. |
Montias2 Record# | 21461 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0208 |
Lot | 0208 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.10 1 tronje f 5:10:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Lucas Luce |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 20173. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21462 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0209 |
Lot | 0209 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 1 stuck f 25:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van den Ende |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21207. |
Montias2 Record# | 21463 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0210 |
Lot | 0210 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.41 1 tronje per KM f 10:10:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 10.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Govert Jansz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer see R 21228. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21464 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0211 |
Lot | 0211 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.35 tronje f 12:--:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Bartholomeus Moor |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21230. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21465 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0212 |
Lot | 0212 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.26 1 kreft f 5:10:-- |
Title | kreft |
Number | 4 |
Subject | STILL LIFE |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21466 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0213 |
Lot | 0213 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 kinderdoding Herodes f 45:10:-- |
Title | kinderdoding |
Number | 73 |
Type | painting |
Value | 45.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arnout Cabbout |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21250. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21467 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0214 |
Lot | 0214 |
Entry | no.27 Hercules op doeck GP f 10:--:-- |
Title | Hercules |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Value | 10 |t gulden |
Buyer | Wessel Backer |
Buyer Family | Backer, Wessel |
Buyer Notes | On 18 November 1604, Wessel Backer, from Riga, 28 years of age, living on the O.Z. Voorburchwal, was betrothed to Grietje Wessels, 30 (DTB 411/353). On 2 October 1605 and on 20 March 1609, Wessel Backer, merchant in Amsterdam, freighted ships to Riga (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 184(1983), p. 270, and 185(1983), p. 41.) On 21 July 1622, he signed a petition, with several other merchants, supporting the attempt of ash collectors to suppress competition of outsiders in carrying away ashes (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 78(1933), p. 459). Wessel Backer, living at the above address, in de Arm, bought several lots in the Haarlem lottery, including 7 lots for 1 f. 16 st. (GAA 3/6 F 15 and 26/86 F 190.) In 1631, Wessel Backer, living on the Keysersgracht, paid a tax of 75 f. (Kohier, fol. 97, p. 23). The next name listed in the Kohier was that of Heijltje Wessels, who paid 20 f. Heijltje Wessels, the daughter of Wessel Rijcksz. and of Hendrickgen Hendricks Pock, was married to Ysbrant Ben Albertsz., who died in 1625. In an act of 20 December 1635, he was said to be the swager of Wessel Backer. (NA 772, Not. Verhey and Elias, Vroedschap, pp. 217-8). Wessel Backer was a deacon of the Lutheran Community. As one of 27 aalmoezeniers (provisioners for the poor), he signed a petition in 1627 concerning the collection of a levy on grain for the benefit of the poor (Maandblad Amstelodamum 74(1987), p. 87). On 6 September 1633, Harmen Roosman from Rebel (on the Baltic sea) named Wessel Backer to handle his affairs, in particular, in case the ship and goods of [...] Baltesz. should be sequestered (NA 770, Not. Verhey). On 7 December 1633, Wessel Backer, merchant, in the name and of behalf of Johan Furchtingh, counsellor in Lubeck. and Pieter Adriaensz. van Delff and Aris Claesz., both master stone sculptors (steenhowers) signed a contract for the making of an epitaph (apparently for Furchtingh). The epitaph of red marble and alabaster base, was to cost 800 rijksdaelders (2,000 f.) (NA 771, fol. 103, Not. Verhey). Pieter Adriaensz. van Delft and his brother Claes Adriaensz. had both been apprenticed as mason/sculptors to the architect Hendrick de Keyser (Ann Adams, The Paintings of Thomas de Keyser, Ph.D. Dissertation, p. 21). Pieter Adriaensz. van Delff, sculptor, was said to be 42 years old in a deposition of 18 August 1618, made at the request of Hillebrant Bentelsz. van Hasselt, the father of the sculptor Bartholomeus Hillebrantsz. who, for four years, had been the pupil of Pieter Adriaensz., and had thereby completed his apprenticeship (NA 362, fol. 470). He was married to Anna Neurenborch, who was certainly related to Guilleam van Neurenburch of R 33370. He was also the brother of Dirck Ariaensz. van Delft of INVNO 509 and the uncle of Dirck Dircksz. van Delft of INVNO 178. Hillebrant Bentelsz. van Hasselt cannot be identical with Hillebrant Bentes of INVNO 348, who was born about 1591. On 30 March 1634, Adriaen Jacobsz. van Noord (of R 20404) and Hendrick Colijn (of R 26959), were cited as arbiters in a dispute over Rieuwert Sijmonsz. as guardian of the three children left by Mr. Anthony Foreest (cited in the NOTES to 31254), procreated by Maria Wouters, on one side; Wessel Backer, owner of the Groen Spijcker, located on the Boomsloot, and Bruijn Pietersz., carpenter, as owner of the house next to the Groen Spijcker, which had been bought from Foreest, as second part; and Jan Jansz. Koeckebacker (cited in the NOTES to R 26517) in the name of Jannetge Cornelis, wife of Cristiaen Foreest, who was surety for the purchase of the house, on the third side (NA 843, fol. 681, Not. Hoogeboom). On 23 January 1637, the honorable Wessel Backer, 60, merchant, declared at the request of Herman Jacobsz. [Nottenskerck?], merchant, that, in presence of the late Hendrick Boelsz., procureur (of R 21623), he had gone to the house of Andries Cuijlardt, son-in-law of Hendrick Boelsz., and there he had heard Cuijlaert say that all the wine that he had sold to Pieter Moreau were syn schult (to be paid by him?) (NA 995, film 1225, Not. G. Coren). On Andries Cuijlaert, see the TEXT of R 1279 of INVNO 1260. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21468 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0215 |
Lot | 0215 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck f 81:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 81 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Stomeren [Someren] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21469 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0216 |
Lot | 0216 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.13 1 stuck f 36:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 36 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem Kemp in de Vles wijncooper |
Buyer Family | Kemp, Willem (Anthonisz.) |
Buyer Notes | On 10 January 1604, Willem Anthonijs Kemp. from Hertogenbosch, 22 (or 32) years old, living (3 years) in the Warmoesstraet, assisted by his parents Anthonij Kemp and Mayken Jan Willemsdr., was betrothed to Janneken de Clerck Mattheusdr., 21, assisted by her godmother Maritgen Wouters (DTB 411/123). On 16 July 1610, Jan Pietersz. Reael, old burgomaster and presently master of the Orphan Chamber, and Willem Kemp, wine dealer, appeared before the Orphan Chamber as sureties for Cornelis Loefs (WK 5073/903). On 5 October 1621, Willem Kemp and his wife Janneken Kemp had their child Matheus baptized in the N.K. in the presence of Pieter Hendricksz. Molshoek, the brother of Vincent H. Molshoeck of R 23406 (DTB 40/142). The wine dealer Willem Kemp signed the Remonstrant petition of 1628. He was probably the cousin of Hendrick Barentsz. Kemp, with whom he conducted a sale for the Orphan Chamber on 22 December 1625. Both came from 'S Hertogenbosch (on the sale, see INVNO 987). He must have died shortly before 15 April 1638 when Abraham Anthonisz. (of R 20033) brought to the Orphan Chamber a number of obligations on behalf of Matheus, 18 (baptized in 1621), the child left by Willem Kemp, wine dealer, and Janneken Kemp. One obligation was for 1,920 f., another consisted of half an obligation for 6,090 f. and one from Anthony Hooft 2,100 f. to which Willem's brother Ambrosius Kemp (II) was entitled. Anthony Hooft, who died before 1638 (see the NOTES to R 37055) was the husband of Ambrosius's sister Sara Kemp. He was a dealer in dye-stuffs (verf). On 27 November 1631, he bought a house from Cornelis Gerritsz., dyer, located on the Bloemgracht for 10,000 f. on the condition that Cornelis Gerritsz., (blue) dyer, together with his uncle Marten Abraham, should buy 55,000 f. of dyestuffs from him (Hooft) at current market prices (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), p. 779). Ambrosius Kemp (II) acknowledged the accounting of Abraham Anthonisz. on 21 August 1642 (WK 5073/789). Ambrosius Kemp II, like his brother Willem, was a Remonstrant. On 11 March 1640, Ambrosius Kemp and Gertruyt Hooft had their son Wilhelmus baptized in the Remonstrant Church (DTB 301). |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Remonstrant |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Wine, brandy |
Montias2 Record# | 21470 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0217 |
Lot | 0217 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck f 54:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 54 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Simonsz. van der Schelling |
Buyer Family | Schelling(h), Pieter Simonsz. van der (II) |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Pieter Simonsz. van der Schelling(h), 1578-1641, married Maria Pietersdr. Coll on 14 August 1605. He was assisted by his swager Dirck Vlacks, who had married Haesgen Pieters van Schelling in 1599 (R 21354). Maria Pieters, 19, was assisted by her guardian Jacob Garbrandsz. van Hooren and her grandmother Trijn Pieters (DTB 411/556 and Elias, Vroedschap, p. 72). Trijn Pieters, baptized in 1575, was the daughter of Pieter Jacobsz. Nachtglas, lumber dealer. Jacob Garbrandsz. van Hooren, sailmaker, baptized in 1607, was the son of Garbrand Claesz. van Hooren, wine dealer, and Trijn Pieters (Jaarboek C.B.G., 35(1981)). Pieter Jacobsz. Nachtglas became brewer in the Nachtglas after 1590 with his brother-in-law Ysbrandt Ben (cited in NOTES to R 26959) on the Western Voorburgwal. Pieter Jacobsz. married Aecht Claes Hooft. Griete Claes Hooft was married to Ysbrandt Ben. Pieter Jacobsz. Nachtglas was buried on 14 October 1602. Aecht Claes Hooft was the sister of Jannetge Claes who married IJsbrand Albertsz. Ben and of Griete Claes Hooft who married Jacob Simonsz. (de) Rijck, captain of the Watergeuzen, the father of Smon de Rijck of R 20389 (Maandblad Amstelodamum 36(1949), p. 25). Pieter Simonsz. van der Schelling was perhaps a linnenlakencooper (linen cloth dealer) as was his grandfather(?) of the same name who died in 1580. In or around 1616, Cornelis van der Voort painted a militia group portrait, Het korporaalschap van Kapitein Jonas Cornelisz. Witsen en lieutenant Volckert Overlander where Van der Schelling appeared as one of the shooters (A. Blankert, Amsterdams Historisch Museum, 1975/1979, p. 349.) |
Montias2 Record# | 21471 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0218 |
Lot | 0218 |
Entry | no.33 doeck na C f 40:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 40 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Conincksloo II, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21472 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0219 |
Lot | 0219 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.19 1 doeck Susanna f 49:--:-- |
Title | Susanna ? |
Title Modifier | The reading of Susanna, given by Bredius, is subject to doubt. |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 49 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21444. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21473 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0220 |
Lot | 0220 |
Entry | no.22 1 doeck GP f 40:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 40 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Conincksloo Ii, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21474 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0221 |
Lot | 0221 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 1 stuck verlichterij f 41:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | probably a water color |
Value | 41 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Beusecum |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21338. |
Montias2 Record# | 21475 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0222 |
Lot | 0222[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.16 3 ronden Bachus, Venus, Ceres f 36:--:-- |
Title | Bachus |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Conincksloo II, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21476 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0222 |
Lot | 0222[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.16 3 ronden Bachus, Venus, Ceres f 36:--:-- |
Title | Venus |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Conincksloo II, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21477 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0222 |
Lot | 0222[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.16 3 ronden Bachus, Venus, Ceres f 36:--:-- |
Title | Ceres |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Conincksloo II, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21478 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0223 |
Lot | 0223 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.20 verlichterij f 17:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | probably a water color |
Value | 17 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 8389. On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21479 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0224 |
Lot | 0224 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.14 verlichterij f 15:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | probably a water color |
Value | 15 |t gulden |
Buyer | Govert Jansz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21228. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21480 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0225 |
Lot | 0225 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.25 1 doeck f 202:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 202.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Coninckloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Conincksloo II, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21481 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0226 |
Lot | 0226 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.22 1 stuck KM f 16:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16 |t gulden |
Buyer | Abraham de Ligne in de Vergulde Sickel |
Buyer Family | Ligne (Lingne), Abraham de (I) |
Buyer Notes | Abraham de Ligne (or Lingne) was a merchant and wine dealer, born in Antwerp, who stayed some time in London before migrating to Amsterdam (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 306). In 1606, Abraham de Ligne bought lots for 3 f. 12 st. in the Haarlem lottery (GAA, 4/88 F 30). In 1608, Abraham de Lingne joined a number of Amsterdam merchants in a petition to the burgomasters of Amsterdam requesting the revocation of a prohibition on the use of cashiers to effect money transfers (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken, R.G.P. 59(1925), p. 16). On 7 and 18 October 1610, Abraham de Ligne, together with Jacques Nicquet, Marten de Meyer, Gillis Sautijn, Frans Steenhuysen and Cornelis van Forest, along also with Pieter van Geel (of R 31692) and Elias van Geel, without prejudice to the rights of Henrico de Haze (of R 28875), notified the directors of the Chamber of the V.O.C. that Hans Bouwer (of INVNO 537) and Jasper Bouwer had sold them certain shares in the V.O.C. which had not been delivered to them and which they would like to dispose of (Van Dillen in Economisch-historisch Jaarboek 18(1930), p. 109-110). Marten de Meyer was involved with Hans Verbiest in a dispute concerning the setting up of a sugar refinery which they decided to submit to arbitration on 21 March 1612 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 1933, pp.4-5). Gillis Sautijn (1555-1608) was a merchant in silk cloth, born in Antwerp, who was first noted in Amsterdam in 1591 (Gelderblom, Prosopographic Data Base and Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 313). On 1 September 1614, Lucas van Teylingen, bouckhouder van de op- ende uytslach van de wynen, deposed that, on 22 May preceding, a cooper or wijnverlater by the name of Abraham de Lynge had come to the comptoir of the excise tax on wine to ask permission to store some Rhine wine belong to him (Abraham de Lynge) in a certain cellar (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), p. 93). The merchant Abraham de Lingne, 58 years old, made a deposition on 11 May 1635 (together with Cornelis Martsz. Pronck of R 32466, Cornelis Gysbrechtsz. van Goor, and Nicolaes Cuysten) concerning deliveries of sulfur (NA 695A, film 4981). He may be identical with the silk and caffa cloth merchant of that name cited in the same year 1636. He was then said to be de oude, presumably because he had a son or nephew of the same name. In this act, dated 15 January 1636, Jean de Ligne (perhaps Abraham's son), 37, declared at the request of Jacques and Guillaume van Hoorne, merchants, that he had joined in a company with Abraham de Ligne de oude in the month of May 1632 to exploit caffa, in which he, the witness, was to be master caffa worker and Abraham de Ligne would supply the capital and the silk to be worked up (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 144(1974), p. 101.) Abraham de Ligne I freighted three ships between 1601 (when he was only 22 years old) and 1608 and 4 ships between 1609 and 1616 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 184(1983), p. 601 and 185(1983), p. 629.) In 1631, Abraham de Ligne, living on the East side of the Keysersgracht, paid a tax of 175 f. (Kohier, fol. 301vo, p. 69). He died before 7 February 1650, when Andries Pels and the spinster Grietie Dircx attempted to collect money due to them from the estate of Abraham de Ligne (NA 181, film 2083, Not. Eggericx). It was probably Abraham de Ligne II who bought paintings at the auction sale organized by the St. Lucas guild of The Hague on 8 April 1647 (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 489). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21482 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0227 |
Lot | 0227 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.20 1 doeck bancket f 103:--:-- |
Title | bancket |
Title Modifier | In view of the enormous price, the subject of this painting on cloth may be an outside banquet rather than a still life. |
Number | 4 |
Subject | STILL LIFE |
Type | painting |
Value | 103 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arnout Cabbout |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21250. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21484 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0228 |
Lot | 0228 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.27 1 stuck KM f 7:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 7.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arent Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21485 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0229 |
Lot | 0229 |
Entry | no.28 1 stuck GP f 16:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Wessel Backer |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21468. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21486 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0230 |
Lot | 0230 |
Entry | no.31 1 rontgen S f 10:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Conincksloo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | For the buyer, Hans Coninxloo III, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21487 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0231 |
Lot | 0231 |
Entry | no.32 1 rontgen S f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 6.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Conincksloo de jonge] idem |
Buyer Notes | For the buyer, Hans Coninxloo III, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21488 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0232 |
Lot | 0232 |
Entry | no.29 1 uts. [rontgen] S f 9: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 9.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Conincksloo de jonge] ibid |
Buyer Notes | For the buyer, Hans Coninxloo III, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21489 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0233 |
Lot | 0233 |
Entry | no.27 1 tronje P f 8:15:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21444. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21490 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0234 |
Lot | 0234 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.74 1 stuck f 4:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Samuel van der Plancken tegen over [left blank] |
Buyer Family | Plancken (Verplancken), Samuel van der |
Buyer Notes | On 8 January 1632, Samuel van der Plancken, from Middelburg, 42 years old, assisted by his snaer (daughter-in-law) Catharina Sterbier, was betrothed to Digna Pieters (Donk), living in Haarlem, widow of Hans About (2 years) (DTB 438/194). On 19 April 1632, the merchants Elbert Willemsz. and Isaack van Hersbeeck (the brother of Paulus van Hertsbeeck of R 32142 and the creditor of Rembrandt) insinuated Samuel van der Plancke as dienaer or one having charge of the direction in Amsterdam of a company with its headquarters (camer) in Groningen over a dispute concerning the weight of a shipment from Capo Verde(?). Verplancken was not home (NA 843, fol. 110, Not. Hoogeboom). Elbert Willemsz., living on the Nieuwendijck, West side, paid a tax of 100 f. in 1631 (Kohier fol.27, p.7). Samuel Verplancken apparently died before 24 May 1636 when Elisabeth Coesaert, widow of Paulus Sterlingh (probably of R 27339) declared that she was owed 57 f. from the estate of Samuel Verplancken, which debt arose from lace that he had bought from her (NA 597, fol. 405, Not. Lamberti). On 7 June Elisabeth Coesaerts, widow Sterlinx, holding a procuration from her brothers Jeremias and Laurens Coesaert, named her servant to represent in certain affairs (ibid. fol. 416). On 31 July 1637, Digna Pieters, assisted by Gerbrant Jansz., house carpenter, her chosen guardian, appeared before the Orphan Chamber and declared that her two children, Aeltgen, 5, and Pieter, 2 1/2, whose father was Samuel van der Plancken, were entitled to 5,000 f. from their father's inheritance (WK 5073/789, fol. 228). On 27 January 1653, she declared that her son Pieter was deceased (ibid.) Digna Pieters remarried with Cornelis Lenaertsz., widower of Aaltje Gerrits on 17 June 1639 (DTB 451/141). Cornelis Lenaertsz. was probably the merchant who, with many of his colleagues, signed the February 1645 petition calling for the enforcement of currency regulations which had been issued in 1622 (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken 59(1925), p. 90). |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Private company |
Montias2 Record# | 21491 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0235 |
Lot | 0235[a] |
Entry | no.63 en 64 2 tronjen S f 10: 5:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Geurtsz. |
Buyer Family | Geurtsz., Jan |
Buyer Notes | Bredius added in parentheses the last name Bogaert. This suggestion is plausible, but it is unlikely to be correct. The procureur named Jan Geurtsz. is frequently mentioned in the notarial archives of Amsterdam, but never accompanied by a family name. He was born in 1590 or 1591 (and was thus 21 or 22 at the time of the present sale) as the following betrothal act testifies. On 16 October 1610, Jan Geurtsz., 21, living on the Vischmarckt, assisted by his father Geurt Reyersz., was betrothed to Sara van Hensberghen, assisted by her parents. Both were highly literate (DTB 414/393). The procureur Jan Geurtsz. was said to be 39 years old (a date consistent with the betrothal act above) in a deposition of 17 June 1629 (NA 834, not. J. Bruyningh). In the introduction to the death inventory of Samuel Koorne, cloth dyer (which largely overlaps with the present sale), Jan Geursz., procureur, and Franchoijs Vinson, broker admitted by the city, were said to be the guardians (named in Koorne's testament) of his children (NA 714, film 5149, Not. P. Carels). The fact that he was a guardian of Koorne's children makes it higly probable that the individual named Jan Geurtsz. who bought two lots at Koorne sale of 1637 was the procureur. It is of course possible that Jan Geurtsz. Bogaert bought at the Rauwaert sale in 1612 and Jan Geurtsz. procureur at the Koorne sale in 1637, but it seems unlikely that the same individual is designated in both cases. Still, for the sake of completeness, the following data may be adduced about Jan Geurtsz. Bogaert. The merchant Jan Geurtsz. Bogaert claimed to be 58 in a deposition of 1638 cited below, thus about ten years older than Jan Geurtsz. He was 32 at the time of the present sale. Jan Geurtsz. Bogaert was the brother of the painter Adriaen Geurtsz. Bogaert of R 20920. He acted on his behalf of Adriaen Geurtsz. on at least two occasions (see the NOTES to R 20920). He freighted a ship on 17 January 1617 and another on 27 March 1627 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P., 186(1983), pp. 9 and 688). It was probably the merchant Jan Geurtsz. who appeared in a contract in 1622 concerning the setting up of a bleaching establishment (waschblekerij) (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis vann het bedrijfsleven 78(1933), pp. 445-6). Jan Geurtsz. Bogaert paid a tax of 60 f. in 1631, at which time he lived on the Zeedijck (Kohier, fol. 108vo, p. 26). On 23 November 1636, Jan Geurtsz. van Bogaert insinuated Jacob and Roeloff Codde, Jasper Lossent, Hans Schepel, and Jan Michielsz. Blau, insurers, regarding a ship that had foundered in Kraeckensant (NA 773, film 5193). On 25 March 1638, the honorable Jan Geurtsz. Boogaert, 58, and Samuel van de Geer (of R 24934), 50, both merchants, declared that they had seen two distinct letters signed by Jan Ettensz., merchant in Copenhagen, They had corresponded with Ettensz. and were familiar with his signature (NA 696A, film 4982). |
Buyer Occupation | Liberal professions |a Lawyer |
Montias2 Record# | 21492 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0235 |
Lot | 0235[b] |
Entry | no.63 en 64 2 tronjen S f 10: 5:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Geurtsz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21492. |
Buyer Occupation | Liberal professions |a Lawyer |
Montias2 Record# | 21493 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0236 |
Lot | 0236 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.53 1 stuck KM f 12: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arent Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21494 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0237 |
Lot | 0237 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.66 1 rontgen f 5:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 5.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Coning |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20840. |
Montias2 Record# | 21495 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0238 |
Lot | 0238 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.11 1 stuck f 3:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 3.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Samuel van der Plancken |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21491. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Private company |
Montias2 Record# | 21496 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0239 |
Lot | 0239 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.18 1 uts. [stuck] f 4: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Samuel van der Plancken] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21491. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Private company |
Montias2 Record# | 21497 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0240 |
Lot | 0240 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.9 1 uts. [stuck] f 12:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Conincksloo (II) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans Coninxloo II, see R 29348. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 21498 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0241 |
Lot | 0241 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.14 1 uts. [stuck] f 13:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 13 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gerrit Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is probably the bode of the Orphan Chamber of R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21499 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0242 |
Lot | 0242 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.57 1 uts. [stuck] f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Ockersz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21340. (Bredius read the buyer's name as Backers.) |
Buyer Occupation | Artis |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21500 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0243 |
Lot | 0243 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.17 1 uts. [stuck] f 3:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 3.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Barent Thonisz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21348. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21501 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0244 |
Lot | 0244 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | let[ter] A f 12:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jasper Vickevoort |
Buyer Family | Vickevoort (Wickevoort), Jasper (Casper) Jansz. van |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Jasper Jansz. Wickevoort, born in Antwerp, was a merchant (1554-1634), living in the Warmoesstraet. He became a citizen of Amsterdam on 20 December 1603 (Gelderblom, Prosopographic Data Base). He was the son of the Antwerp-born merchant Jan Wickevoort(I), who became a citizen of Amsterdam in 1590 and died in 1593 or earlier (Gelderblom, ibid.) According to Elias (Vroedschap, p. 456), Jan Wickevoort I was betrothed to Catharina Rendorp (Rentorp) (1574-1611) on 16 November 1591 (in de Pui). She was the daughter of Joris Hermansz. Rendorp (born in Antwerp) (I) who spent many years trading in Moscovy (he died between 1611 and 1615) and of Lijntje Marijns (1556-after 1620) (E. Wijnroks, Handel tussen Rusland en de Nederlanden, 1560-1640, pp. 273-5). Joris Rendorp (I) was temporarily banned from Amsterdam in 1604 for his Lutheran activities (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 456, note g). 439, fol. 131vo, Not. P. Matthijsz., Extracten). In 1607, Joris Rendorp I became insolvent. In September of that year he transferred his possessions to his son-in-law Caspar van Wickevoort(I). The latter was wealthy enough to assume Rendorp's debts. In 1613, the estate of Van Wickevoort's wife amounted to 420,000 f. (Wijnroks, ibid.) On 1 November 1598, Caspar van Wickevoort had his son Jaspar baptized in the Lutheran Church in the presence of Jacques Lems and Elisabeth Bosschaerts (DTB 138/21). Elisabeth Bosschaerts may have been a sister of Margreta Bosschaert, Jasper's putative second wife. On 16 November 1600, Caspar van Wickevoorts I had his daughter Catalina baptized in the Lutheran church in the presence of Hans Wiederhuysen and Sara van Someren (DTB 138/30). Sara van Someren was the daughter of Barent van Someren (of R 20424) and of Eleanor Mytens. On or about 4 October 1636, Sara van Someren, assisted by her parents, named Adriaen Muller, doctor in both law and medicine, Secretary of the town of Emerick, to claim rights in Cleves, Middelburgh, etc. (NA 372, fol. 13). On Hans Wyderhuysen, see R 29463. On 24 December 1606, Caspar van Wickevoort I had his son Abraham baptized in the same church in the presence of Gerardt Verpoorten (of R 27491) and of Paulus Bosschaert (of R 27456) on behalf of Abraham Adriaensz. and of Clara Couschot, wife of Schamps (DTB 138/72). Abraham Adriaensz. was the (second ?) husband of Anne Bosschaert (R 27688). Finally, on 7 April 1608, Caspar (Jasper) van Wickevoort(I) had his son Isaack baptized in the same church in the presence of Catelyn Joosten and Lynken Rendorps (DTB 138/87). Also in 1608, Jasper van Wickevoort, along with a number of other Amsterdam merchants, signed a petition to the burgomasters of Amsterdam, requesting the revocation of the prohibition on the use of cashiers to effect money transactions (Van Dilen, Wisselbanken, 59(1925), p. 16). On 8 August 1613, Jasper van Wickevoort(I), merchant, presented his seven children before the Orphan Chamber, namely Jan, 20, Joachim, 17, Samuel, 16, Jasper, 14, Maria, 9, Abraham, 7, and Jacob, 4, whose mother was Catherine Rendorp (WK 5073/787, cited in Wijnroks op.cit. pp. 275-6). After the death of his first wife, Jasper van Vickevoort appears to have remarried with Margriete Bosschaert at some uncertain date (see INVNO 997, TEXT of R 197 and the NOTES to R 27688). She died in a house in de Oost Indische gracht near the Ruslandt in 1632. She apparently sold table linen (NA 568, film 6548, fol. 511 and foll.) On 3 August 1617, the honorable Sr. Jasper van Vickevoort, 62, and Pauwels Pels, 32, both merchants, declared at the request of Jan van Beeringen (also cited below) that the latter was free of the plague (NA 381, film 6413, notaries Jacob and Nicolaes Jacobsz.) On Pauwels Pelt, see the NOTES to R 29305. Jasper van Vickervoort (probably I) was taxed 500 f. in 1631, at which time he lived between the kay of the Dolhuys and the Doelen (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 456 and Kohier, fol. 247, with name corrected in corrigenda, p. 56). In an act of 6 June 1633, Casper van Wickevoort I declared having received a letter from his son Casper van Wickevoort II in Paris (NA 770, film 5191). On 30 June 1634, Isaack van Weijden, assisted by his uncle Casper van Wickevoort de oude(I) and Hendrick Craemer (see below), on one side, and Josina Bentes, assisted by her uncles Valerius van Gistelen de oude (of R 25367) and Pieter van Leyden (cited in the NOTES to R 28958), on the other side, signed a pre-nuptial contract (NA 771, film 5191, Not. Verhey). In 1645, Isaack van der Weyden, along with many other Amsterdam merchants, signed a petition to the Amsterdam Vroedschap calling for the enforcement of a 1622 regulation regarding the Dutch currency (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken R.G.P. 59(1625), p.88). On July 8th 1636, Caspar van Wickevoort II gave away his daughter Maria in marriage to Cornelis Weesenbeeck. She was also assisted, when the marriage contract was signed on this date, by his brothers Johannes and Jochem. He was assisted by Philips Pelt (of R 28903) and Phillips de Golts (NA 771, film 5191, Not. Verhey). Maria van Wickevoort who married Cornelis Weesenbeck may not be identical with the woman of that name who was said to be the widow of Thielman van Beringen on 21 September 1619 (NA 382, fol. 86). On 23 December 1634, Kasper Fijckfoort (I) was buried. 15 f. was paid for the ringing of the bells, which indicates that he may have become Roman Catholic (DTB1045/68). On the day before he was buried, Johannes, Joachim (II), Daniel, and Casper van Wickevoort (II), and Cornelis van Weesenbeeck as the husband and guardian of Maria van Wickevoort, together with Hendrick Craemer and Jan van Beringe, as testamentary guardians of Cornelis and Catarina van Wickevoort, named Johannes van Wickevoort and Cornelis van Weesenbeeck to represent them concerning the accounts of the late Gasper van Wickevoort (I) with the (Wissel) Bank (NA 771, Not. Verhey). Jan van Beringe(n) was also a merchant who signed the 1645 petition cited above. On 23 November 1636, Joachim (II), Daniel, and Casper (Jasper) (II) van Wickevoort, for themselves, and on behalf of Cornelis van Weesenbeeck, as husband and guardian of Maria van Wickevoort, Jan van Beringen and Hendrick Cramer, testamentary guardians over Cornelis and Catarina Wickevoort, together children and heirs of the late Casper van Wickevoort, merchant, drew up a procuration to collect money due to the estate in Heusden (NA 773, film 5193, Not. Verhey). Gaspar Vickevoort, who was buried on 5 November 1648, was probably his son, Gasper Vickevoort II, baptized on 1 November 1598 (DTB 1055/49). It was probably this same son, whose name Denuce spelled Gaspar van Ricquevoort, who bought marble statues at the sale of Jacques Breijel, from Antwerp, on 13 September 1646, for 420 f. (J. Denuce, Na Pieter Paul Rubens, p.56). Finally, Caspar Wickevoort who was buried on 30 August 1661 in the NZK (DTB 1068/84) was perhaps a grandson of our buyer. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21502 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0245 |
Lot | 0245 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | let[ter] A f 14:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | not[aris] Benning |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21171. |
Montias2 Record# | 21503 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0246 |
Lot | 0246 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | let[ter] B f 11:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 11 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Claesz. goutsmit |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21352. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21504 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0247 |
Lot | 0247 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | let[ter] D f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. schilder |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 30980. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21505 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0248 |
Lot | 0248 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | let[ter] E f 2:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 2.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21506 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0249 |
Lot | 0249 |
Artist | NAGEL, JAN |
Entry | let[ter] A Nagel f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Abraham Sadelaer |
Buyer Family | Sadelaer, Abraham (I) |
Buyer Notes | On 16 March 1613, Abraham Sadelaer, from Eemden, 26, living in the Warmoesstraet, was betrothed to Madelena Taispiels, 22, also from Eemden (DTB 417/52). On 17 January 1625, the widow of Anthony Gaillaert de oude (INVNO 662) sold Abraham Sadelaer a house in Vlooienburch on the Langehoutstraet, named de graeuwen hoet, for 4,850 f. The sureties were Willem Jansz. Stam, book dealer, of R 38481, and Daniel Gujot (Guillot), of R 25277 (WK 5073/913). An accounting for the estate of Anthony Gaillart dated 5 July 1624 showed that Abraham Sadelaer had already paid 2,600 f. for the house de Swan. Sadelaer must have died in early 1625, considering that an accounting for the estate of Anthony Gaillart, apparently dated January 1625, showed that 800 f. had come from the estate ('t sterfhuys) of Abraham Sadelaer (WK 5073/1192). On 31 July 1620, Abraham de Sadelaer, merchant, appeared before the Orphan Chamber to present his two children, Abraham, 6 years old, and Gillis, 2, whose late mother was Magdalena Tayspil. The children were entitled to 12,000 f. for their mother's inheritance. Hans van de Putte, was said to be a relative of the children (WK 5073/789), He was in fact the husband of Saerken Sadelaer, the sister of Abraham de Sadelaer and the daughter of Gillis de Sadelaer (I) (betrothal, 11 May 1618, DTB 417/123 and act of 11 October 1636, NA 596, Not. Lambert Lamberti). He was a merchant and sold hats at retail (hoedenkramer) and seems to have also traded in muskets (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P., 78(1933), p. 694). He was born in Antwerp about 1591 (according to the above act of betrothal) and was first noted in Amsterdam in 1609 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 312). The heirs of Abraham Sadelaer I, living in the Warmoesstraet, paid a tax of 125 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 129, p. 30). On 16 April 1642, Gillis de Sadelaer (II), son and heir of Abraham de Sadelaer (I), sold a house in the Warmoesstraat to Hans van der Putt(e) cited above) for 6,000 f. Abraham Pietersz. de Sadelaer was surety (Kam, Waar was dat huis in de Warmoesstraat?, 1968 37/11, p. 406). In February 1645, Gillis de Sadelaer (II) signed the petition calling for the enforcement of currency regulations issued in 1622 (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken 59(1625), p. 89). Abraham Pietersz. de Sadelaer, who is presumed to have been the nephew of the buyer, married Apollonia Selijns I, the daughter of Jan Jansz. Selijns on 8 February 1639. On the Selijns family, see the TEXT of R 857 (INVNO 956) of Montias1. Their son Gillis (III) was baptized in the O.K. on 22 January 1645 in the presence of Gillis Taijspil and Josijna de Sadelaer (DTB 8/40). Gillis Taijspil, who was surely related to Magdalena Taijspil, was probably the second of that name. His father Gillis Taijspil I was a merchant, born in Antwerp, who was first noted in Amsterdam in 1585. Gillis Taijspil II, who was probably also a merchant, was first noted in Amsterdam in 1608 (Gelderblom, op. cit. p. 315). The other son of Abraham Pietersz. de Sadelaer, also named Abraham (II), became a predikant in Beemster. Francoijs Tayspil was married to Agnieta Seulijns and Jacques Boursse I to Catharina Seulijns (see the NOTES to R 20074). Francois Tayspel (or Tayspe), along with a number of Amsterdam cloth dealers, including Jan Tayspe(l), signed a petition to the Vroedschap concerning certain prohibitions on the import of English clot (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 144(1974), p. 737). Finally, Gillis de Sadelaer IV, the son of Gillis de Sadelaer (II?) and of Josina [...], was baptized in the O.K. on 25 May 1651, in the presence of Jan Selyns II (cited in R 34387) (Oud Holland 3(1885), p.312). |
Buyer Religion | Anabaptist/Mennonite |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Clothes |
Montias2 Record# | 21507 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0250 |
Lot | 0250 |
Artist | NAGEL, JAN |
Entry | let[ter] B Nagel f 5:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Bening notaris |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21171. |
Montias2 Record# | 21508 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0251 |
Lot | 0251 |
Entry | let[ter] S A f 10:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 10 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21509 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0252 |
Lot | 0252 |
Entry | let[ter] F M f 2:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 2.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21510 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0253 |
Lot | 0253 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | let[ter] B onbekent f 5: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Wessel Backer |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21468. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21511 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0254 |
Lot | 0254 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | let[ter] A Amersfoort f 3:15:-- |
Title | Amersfoort |
Number | 22 |
Type | painting |
Value | 3.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jasper Vickevoort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21502. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21512 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0255 |
Lot | 0255 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.40 f 28:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 28.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jasper Vickevoort] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21502. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21513 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0256 |
Lot | 0256 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | B Amersfoort f 1:10:-- |
Title | Amersfoort |
Title Modifier | The price is so low that it is unlikely to be a painted view of the city of Amersfoort. |
Number | 22 |
Type | painting |
Value | 1.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Abraham Sadelaer |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21507. |
Buyer Religion | Anabaptist/Mennonite |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Clothes |
Montias2 Record# | 21514 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0257 |
Lot | 0257 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 f 80:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | 6 |
Value | 80 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pietersz. Kan |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21378. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale)|a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21515 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0258 |
Lot | 0258 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 f 105:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 105 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Pieter Pietersz. Kan] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21378. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale)|a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21516 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0259 |
Lot | 0259 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 f 72:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 72 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Other |
Montias2 Record# | 21517 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0260 |
Lot | 0260 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.4 f 53:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 53 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van den Ende |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21207. |
Montias2 Record# | 21518 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0261 |
Lot | 0261 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.1 onbijt f 16:--:-- |
Title | onbijt |
Number | 4 |
Subject | STILL LIFE |
Type | painting |
Value | 16 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jan van den Ende] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21207. |
Montias2 Record# | 21519 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0262 |
Lot | 0262 |
Artist | BOL, HANS |
Entry | no. No. waterwerf Hans Bol f 51:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color |
Value | 51 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Jan van den Ende] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21207. |
Montias2 Record# | 21520 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0263 |
Lot | 0263 |
Artist | SCOREL, JAN VAN |
Entry | no.1 van Schorel f 53:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 53 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21444. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21521 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0264 |
Lot | 0264 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.39 f 46:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 46 |t gulden |
Buyer | Bening notaris |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21171. |
Montias2 Record# | 21522 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0265 |
Lot | 0265 |
Entry | no.33 creupele bisschop P f 360:--:-- |
Title | creupele bisschop |
Number | 3 |
Subject | GENRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 360 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21523 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0266 |
Lot | 0266 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.30 f 28:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 28 |t gulden |
Buyer | Louis Jansz. Spiegel |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21206. |
Montias2 Record# | 21524 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0267 |
Lot | 0267[a] |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.No. 4 getijden per KM f 75:--:-- |
Title | getijd |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 18.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arnout Cabbout |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21250. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21525 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0267 |
Lot | 0267[b] |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no No. 4 getijden per KM f 75:--:-- |
Title | getijd |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 18.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arnout Cabbout |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21250. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21526 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0267 |
Lot | 0267[c] |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no No. 4 getijden per KM f 75:--:-- |
Title | getijd |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 18.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arnout Cabbout |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21250. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21527 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0267 |
Lot | 0267[d] |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no No. 4 getijden per KM f 75:--:-- |
Title | getijd |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 18.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arnout Cabbout |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21250. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21528 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0268 |
Lot | 0268 |
Entry | no.No. lantschap Coninckslo f 40:--:-- |
Title | lantschap |
Number | 2 |
Subject | LANDSCAPE |
Type | painting |
Value | 40 |t gulden |
Buyer | Wessel Backer |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21468. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21529 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0269 |
Lot | 0269 |
Entry | no.21. doeck nae GP f 20:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21530 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0270 |
Lot | 0270 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.88. 1 stuck f 60:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 60 |t gulden |
Buyer | Godert Kerckering |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21249. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21531 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0271 |
Lot | 0271 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.66. 1 tronje f 15:--:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 15 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Godert Kerckering] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21249. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21532 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0272 |
Lot | 0272 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.65 1 tronje f 14:--:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 14 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Godert Kerckering] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21249. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21533 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0273 |
Lot | 0273[a] |
Entry | no.3 2 rontges S f 7:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 3.875 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21534 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0273 |
Lot | 0273[b] |
Entry | no.3 2 rontges S f 7:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 3.875 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21535 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0274 |
Lot | 0274 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.42 1 stuck f 24:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 24 |t gulden |
Buyer | Godart van Kerckering |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21249. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21536 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0275 |
Lot | 0275 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.5 1 uts [stuck] f 49:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 49 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21444. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21537 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0276 |
Lot | 0276 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.83 1 uts [stuck] f 15:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 15 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hillebrant Pietersz. Otter |
Buyer Family | Otter, Hillebrant Pietersz. (den) |
Buyer Notes | On 16 April 1594, Hillebrant Pietersz. den Otter, widower of Hillegont Dierics (Lock), living in the Utrechts Waterpoortgen, was betrothed to Lysbet Willems, 24, living in the Camperhooft. She was assisted by her mother Aeltge Pieters and by her brother Willem Block (DTB 664/111). He must not be confused with Hillebrant Florisz. den Otter, the son of Floris Dircksz. den Otter (1530-Hamburg 1590). It was probably Hillebrant Pietersz. who was buried in the O.K. on 19 October 1638. Hillebrand Pietersz., like his father, Pieter Jansz. Muyden (died 1573), was a ship's carpenter (scheepstimmerman) on the Zeedijck. His mother was Griete Claes Boelens (Elias, Vroedschap, pp. 87,88). He was Roman Catholic (communication of S.A.C. Dudok van Heel). In 1606, Hillebrant (Pietersz.?) den Otter bought several lots in the Haarlem lottery consisting of silver spoons of 12 looten each (GAA 114/57 F 837, 114/91 F 853, 114/98 F 843, 114/104 F 849). It was probably Hillebrant Florisz. den Otter who paid a tax of 500 f. in 1631, when he was living on the Singel (Kohier, fol. 11, p. 4). Hillebrant Florisz. was already lord of Vryenes on 22 November 1632, when he assisted his niece Magdalena de Otter at the time that she named Hugo van Groenewegen to represent her before the Court of Amsterdam (NA 843, fol. 776, Not. Hoogeboom). On the next day, three witnesses reported having seen a large painting dragged out of the house of Hillebrant den Otter (ibid. fol. 780). Hillebrand Florisz.'s daughter Antoinetta (or Theuntge) married the painter Frederick Vroom on 23 November 1636. After her death, he remarried with Elisabeth van der Nun (1651). When Frederick died in 1667, the house den Otter in Amsterdam was still in his possession, together with a portrait of Hillebrand den Otter. The warehouse den Otter on the Boomsloot was used by actors to store their costumes (Bredius, Künstler-inventare, p. 649 and 654.) |
Buyer Religion | Roman Catholic |
Buyer Occupation | Crafts |a Carpenter, joiner, framemaker |
Montias2 Record# | 21538 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0277 |
Lot | 0277 |
Entry | [no No.] 1 stuck Lucas van Leyen Marienbeelt f 174:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 174 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21539 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0278 |
Lot | 0278[a] |
Entry | no.5 2 stucken Heemskerck f 319:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 159.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21540 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0278 |
Lot | 0278[b] |
Entry | no.5 2 stucken Heemskerck f 319:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 159.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21541 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0279 |
Lot | 0279 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 rontgen f 19:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 19.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21542 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0280 |
Lot | 0280 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 rontgen f 15:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 15.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Beusecum |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21338. |
Montias2 Record# | 21543 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0281 |
Lot | 0281 |
Entry | no.4 1 doeck CC f 22:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 22 |t gulden |
Buyer | Isack Haeck |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21211 |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21544 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0282 |
Lot | 0282 |
Entry | [no No.] 1 brantgen Corn. K f 12:--:-- |
Title | brantgen |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, probably Jan or Hans van Maerle, see R 21270. |
Montias2 Record# | 21545 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21546 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21547 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21548 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21549 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21550 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[f] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21551 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[g] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21552 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[h] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21553 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[i] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21554 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[j] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21555 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[k] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21556 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0283 |
Lot | 0283[l] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 maenden rontges f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21557 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0284 |
Lot | 0284 |
Entry | no.19 verlichterij S f 26:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | probably a water color |
Value | 26.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21558 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0285 |
Lot | 0285 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.30 1 rontgen f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 9.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter de Nijemey |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 29298. |
Montias2 Record# | 21559 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0286 |
Lot | 0286 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.29 1 rontgen f 10:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10 |t gulden |
Buyer | Isack Haeck |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21211 |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21560 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0287 |
Lot | 0287 |
Entry | no.30 1 rontgen S f 9:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 9 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Ende |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21375. |
Montias2 Record# | 21561 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0288 |
Lot | 0288 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 bloempot waterverff f 40:--:-- |
Title | bloempot |
Number | 4 |
Subject | STILL LIFE |
Type | water color |
Format | water color |
Value | 40 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arnout Cabbout de jonge |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was probably Arnout Cobbaut II of R 21250. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21562 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0289 |
Lot | 0289 |
Entry | no.10 1 ront brantgen f 12:--:-- |
Title | brantgen |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21563 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0290 |
Lot | 0290 |
Entry | no.2 verlichterij Steenwijck f 40:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color |
Value | 40 |t gulden |
Buyer | Isack Haeck |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21211 |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21564 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0291 |
Lot | 0291 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 rontgen brantge f 7:10:-- |
Title | brantge |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21219. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21565 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0292 |
Lot | 0292 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.32 1 rontgen KM f 13:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 13 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Solt de jonge |
Buyer Family | Solt (Soldt), Hans van, de jonge (II) |
Buyer Notes | Hans van Solt II was the son of Hans van Solt I (of R 29281) and of Elisabeth Rombouts. He was born in Antwerp about 1585, stayed some time in Haarlem, and then settled in Amsterdam, where he was first noted in 1606 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 314). He was living in de Weeshuis when he bought lots for 8 f. 8 st. in the Haarlem lottery of 1606 (GAA 11/66 F 79). He married Maria de Wolf on 15 September 1607. She was born in Haarlem and was living there at the time. After her death, which occurred on 16 November 1622 (De Navorscher 84(1935), p. 37), he was again betrothed, on 30 January 1626, with Agatha van Marel (signs Merlen), 23 years old, assisted by her father Hans van Marel (Maerlen) and Maria van Marel (Maerlen) (her sister) (DTB 431/36). He was thus the son-in-law of Jan (or Hans) van Maerlen, at whose auction sale (INVNO 270), he appeared as a buyer of many lots. Hans van Solt de jonge, living on the Kalverstraet, had an account at the Wisselbank in 1609, 1611, 1612 and 1615 (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister. p.224). In 1610, he was involved in a dispute with Henrick Boot, silk spinner (sydereeder) (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven, 69(1929), p. 703.) Hendrick Boot is probably identical with the retail merchant from Brussels, first noted in Amsterdam in 1604 (Gelderblom, op. cit. p. 296). He married Catrina Sweers (the daughter of Hans van Solt II's aunt Tanneken Rombouts). Catrina Sweers (or Sweerts) was also apparently the sister of Willem Lenertsz. Sweers of R 30037, who died on 22 September 1618 (De Navorscher 84(1935), p. 37). On 10 May 1628, Francina van Solt II, the sister of Hans van Solt II, appeared before the Orphan Chamber on behalf of her daughter Sybema, 2 1/2, procreated by Bouritius Sybema, living near Leeuwarden (WK 5073/789). On 12 September 1629, Pauwels Bocx and Jan Kinckhuysen, appeared as executors of the testament of Maria Bocx, married to the merchant Jan Bocx. Maria Bocx is identical with Maria van Solt, one of the daughters of Hans van Solt I. The daughter of Maria Bocx/van Solt was named Clara Bocx. Maria van Solt was now married to Gabriel Nicolaj (WK 5073/789). On 5 November 1637, Daniel Janssen, tailor, and Sara Box, man and wife, living in Zierikzee, named Hans Remiers (Reyniersz.?) and Hans van Solt (II) to act in their names to request prompt payment of 700 f., which had been bequathed to them before her death by Francine van Solt and by the late Maria van Solt, wife of Box (NA 521, Not. Westfrisius). On 10 December 1630, Hans van Soldt de jonge (II) transferred to his brother David van Soldt all his goods and his merchandise, of what sort they might be, including household goods (huijsraet) of linen and wool, tin, copper, iron ware, and paintings that belonged to him and to his wife during their life time, the clothing, linen, wool, and silk, also included (NA 842, Not. Hoogeboom). In 1631, Hans van Solt de jonge was taxed 90 f. (living on the Groene Burchwal) in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 224, p. 51). The Hans van Solt, who lived on the Kaij vant Dolhuis tot de doelen and was taxed 800 f., was probably Hans van Solt de oude of R 29281 (ibid. fol. 247). Hans van Solt de jonge was the brother-in-law of Constantia, Maria, and Lucretia van Maerle who were all buyers at auction (R 8195, R 8149, and R 8195 resp.) After the death of Hans van Solt de oude in 1633, many acts were passed before notaries concerning the inheritance. On 8 June 1635, Notary Hogeboom brought three obligations to the Orphan Chamber on behalf of the children of Pieter Loots, merchant, married to the late Catharina (an error for Susanna?) van Solt, coming from Francyntge van Solt (I), her grandaunt and from David van Solt, her uncle, coming from the inheritance from Hans van Solt (I), her grandfather. The obligations were for 400 f, 1000 f, and 200 f. (WK 5073/789). On 10 September 1635, the same notary noted that questien (disputes) had arisen between Hans van Soldt de jonge, on the one hand; David van Soldt, for himself and as executor of the testament of Hans van Soldt de oude; Jacques de Schot (cited in the NOTES to R 7709), armed with a procuration from his stepmother Elisabeth van Soldt; Johannes Seeuwens, for himself; Jacob Rombouts (probably of R 19454), appointed by the Chamber Masters as guardian over the innocent (retarded) and minor son of the late Catharina van Soldt, procreated by Abraham Seeuwens (of R 29592); together with Hans Loos, for himself and as guardian over Willem Loos, all children of the late [left blank] van Soldt, and Cornelis Jansz. Hoogeboom as administrator appointed by the Orphan Masters over the estate of Hans van Soldt(I) on the other side. The dispute concerned the sum of 3,294 Vlemish pounds and 15 schellingen and 3 groot vlams. Abraham Anthonisz. (of R 20033) and the notary Jacob Jacobsz. were named arbiters (NA 412A, fol. 168, Not. Jacob and Nicolas Jacobsz.) On [blank] September 1637, Agatha van Maerle repudiated her portion of the inheritance from her father (NA 991, fol. 65, Not. J. Bosch). On 3 September 1637, Christina, Constantia, and Lucretia van Maerle declared that, even though Agatha's portion of the inheritance had been repudiated, they were willing to cede her portion to Agatha's children (ibid. fol.65). On 30 June 1639, Hans van Solt de jonge transferred to his sister-in-law Maria van Maerle a number of paintings (along with some other goods), listed in INVNO 486 of R 387 in Montias1. The exact date of his death is not known. Agatha van Maerlen remarried with Abraham Spiers (de jonge ?), probably the brother of Jan Spiers of R 23553. She died on 6 July 1659 and was buried in The Hague. Out of Hans van Solt II's first marriage (with Maria de Wolf), there were four children: 1) Hans or Johannes van Solt, apprenticed in 1632, 26 years old in 1634 (see below), later lieutenant at sea, died after 1665; 2) Antonij van Solt, silk retail merchant, baptized in the N.K. on 26 June 1612, became a citizen of Amsterdam in 1641, was betrothed to Hester van Soest (I) (cited in the TEXT of R 1074 of Montias1) on 2 April 1638, and was buried on 20 January 1648. 3) Hester van Solt, born about 1615, died in Amsterdam in 1665. 4) Paules (Paulus) van Solt (II), baptized in the N.K. on 19 July 1616, was betrothed to Catharijna de Gruijter on 19 March 1650, and died before 1681. Out of the second marriage (with Agatha van Maerlen): 1) David van Solt (II) baptized in the O.K. on 24 January 1627, married Anna Locke, and was buried in Amsterdam on 2 June 1657; 2) Jacobus van Solt, probably the Italianate painter of that name, baptized in the N.K. on 11 June 1628; 3) Theodore van Solt, baptized in the N.K. on 17 March 1630; 4) Elisabeth van Solt, baptized in the O.K. on 28 September 1631; 5) Maria van Solt (II), baptized in the N.K. on 12 February 1634, married Christiaen Helm, receiver of the Fort of Gennep (information kindly supplied by Wout Spies and Marten Jan Bok). On 19 April 1632, Hans van Solt de jonge (II) and Jan Dusart, silk spinner in Utrecht, signed a contract according to which Hans van Solt (III) probably identical with his son Johannes from his first marriage, would learn the art of silk dyeing with Dusart. The father advanced a guarantee of 600 f. (NA 843. fol. 112, Not. Hoogeboom). By [?] November 1632, Jan Dusart had borrowed money from Hans van Solt II. To secure the loan, he transferred to Solt all his household goods, including paintings, kettles, pots, wood, copper and ironware, etc.. (for his dyeing business) (NA 843, fol. 446, Not. Hoogeboom). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21567 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0293 |
Lot | 0293 |
Entry | no.18 verlichterij S f 33:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color |
Value | 33.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21568 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0294 |
Lot | 0294 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.39 1 stuck wit en swart f 11:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | grisaille |
Value | 11 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Montias2 Record# | 21566 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0295 |
Lot | 0295 |
Entry | no.31 1 ront brantgen S f 9:--:-- |
Title | brantgen |
Number | 28 |
Subject | FIRE |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 9 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Montias2 Record# | 21569 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0296 |
Lot | 0296 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.22 1 stuckgen f 16:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Van Maerle] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Montias2 Record# | 21570 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0297 |
Lot | 0297 |
Entry | no.4 1 uts. [stuckgen] S f 16:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21571 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0298 |
Lot | 0298 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.35 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 20:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21572 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0299 |
Lot | 0299 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.56 1 uts. [stuckgen] f 3:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 3.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Solt voors. (de oude) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Solt de oude, see R 29281. |
Montias2 Record# | 21573 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0300 |
Lot | 0300 |
Entry | no.12 verlichterij S f 27:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | water color |
Value | 27 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21574 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0301 |
Lot | 0301 |
Entry | no.22 1 stuckgen CC f 10:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 10 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Tysz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, Hans Thijsz. de jonge, see R 27698. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Buyer Relation | Child |
Montias2 Record# | 21575 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0302 |
Lot | 0302 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.101 1 uts [stuckgen] KM f 7:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Solt (de oude) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Solt de oude, see R 29281. |
Montias2 Record# | 21576 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0303 |
Lot | 0303 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.37 1 tronje f 20:--:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Van Solt] idem (de oude) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Solt de oude, see R 29281. |
Montias2 Record# | 21577 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0304 |
Lot | 0304 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.2 1 stuck van Holofernus f 20:--:_- |
Title | Holofernus |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Samuel Bloemaert tot Gerrit Reynst |
Buyer Family | Bloemaert (Blommaert), Samuel |
Buyer Notes | Samuel Blommaert, born in Antwerp on 21 August 1583, was the son of Lodewijck Jansz. Blommaert (1537-1591) and his first wife Margaretha Hoefnagel, who died in 1581. She was the sister of Susanna Hoefnagel, who married Christiaen Huyghens, the father of Constantijn Huygens I. Samuel went to school in Stade, Den Haag and Haarlem and was the pupil of Arnout Hoofman (on whom see the NOTES to R 29621), Jan le Bruyn and his uncle Daniel Hoefnagel. On 27 April 1612, Samuel Bloemaert (signs Blomart), from Antwerp, 28, who had been living 8 years on the Breedstraet, assisted by Caspar de Vogelaer, his neve, was betrothed to Catharina Reijnst, 22, assisted by her father Gerard Reynst (DTB 416/159). On 11 April 1613, Samuel Bloemaert and Katharijne Reijnst had their son Lodewijck baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Gerrit Reijnst, Jackes Nijket (Niquet), and Barbara Bloemaert (DTB 5/161). Katherijne Reynst was the daughter of Gerrit Reynst, governor general of the Dutch East Indies from 1613 until his death in Jakarta in 1615, and of Margaretha Nicquet. Jackes (or Jacques) Nijket (or Nicquet) (1573-1642) married Geertruyd Hinloopen (1587-1622) (Elias, Vroedschap, p. 373). By 1613, Samuel Bloemmaert was living on the Keizersgracht in de Stad Rijssel. On 19 March 1619, Saelmon (sic) Bloemaert and Catrijna Reynst had their son Geraert baptized in the same church in the presence of Geraart Reijnst, Abraham Luls and Margaret Reynst (DTB 5/278). Abraham Luls (Lus) of South Netherlandish origin, first noted in Amsterdam in 1602, was a merchant who, along with a number of his confreres, signed the petition to the Vroedschap calling for the revocation of the prohibition on cashiers' deposits (Van Dillen, Wisselbanken 59(1925), p. 17 and Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlands kooplieden p. 307)). Margaret Reynst, the daughter of Gerrit Reynst, married Adam Bessels of R 35041 in 1619 (Elias, op. cit. sup. p. 374). According to a procuration of 28 October 1602, Abraham Luls travelled on behalf of his father Sion Luls (Lus) to Rhenen to sell a pawnbank belonging to his father to a Utrecht resident (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 69(1929). Sion Lu(l)s (1548-after 1618), who was surely related to Abraham Luls cited above, was a rich merchant who owned several pawnbanks. He is cited as a collector by Carel van Mander. Jacques Razet dedicated a print to him (Bok, Dawn of the Golden Age, Exh. Cat., p. 157). Samuel shipped out to the East Indies in 1603 to seek adventure. He came back to Amsterdam in 1610, where he established himself as merchant on the Keysersgracht. On 24 December 1622, Samuel Blommaert and Salomon Goosens, merchants in Amsterdam, freighted a ship to St. Martens (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P., 186(1983), p. 516). Samuel Blommaert, in a deposition of 1622, declared that he had done business in a compagnie for 17 years with Hans Vrancx (of R 20713), Lucas van de Venne (of R 27635), Hans Rombouts (of R 30032), and three other Amsterdam merchants (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 231). He became one of the directors of the W.I.C. in 1624, the year after he was portrayed in the Korporaalschap van lieutenant Pieter Dircksz. Hasselaer. He served in the same company as Allart Garbrantsz. (Schilt), provoost of the company, who was also a buyer at auction (see R 20202). Samuel Blommaert and Samuel Godijn, both directors of the W.I.C., founded the colony of Swanendael in the Delaware Bay (Van Dillen, Van rijkdom en regenten, 1970, p.163). In an act dated 24 April 1627, the brothers Andries Jansz. and Lodewijk Jansz. van Aelst relinquished to Samuel Bloemert an octroi (monopoly rights) for five years to import into these lands 100,000 pounds of copper and 100,000 pounds of calmus (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), p.493). Bloemaert's correspondence, dated 1635 to 1641, with the Sweedish state chancellor Axel Oxenstierna, dealing mainly with the copper trade, has been preserved (Bijdragen en mededeelingen van het Historisch Genootschap (te Utrecht) 29(1908)). According to Van Dillen, Samuel Bloemmaert, who was a strict Calvinist, did not hesitate to take a large bribe to support a Swedish enterprise in competition with his own (Van rijkdom en regenten, 1970, p. 151). Samuel Bloemmaert may also have been a part-time art dealer as the following deposition suggests. On 11 June 1629, Sr. Roelandt Savorij (Savery), artful painter, declared that, this past winter, he had delivered to Sr. Samuel Bloemaert, on behalf of the Prince of Lichtensteijn, two paintings, for which he should have been given 400 Rycxdaelders (f. 1,000), and that some time later the afore-said Bloemaert had paid him 300 Rycxdaelders, with the request that he should present (as a gift) to him, Bloemaert, a painting for the troubles he had taken in this affair, and that, upon receipt of this same painting, Bloemaert would pay him (Savery) the remaining 100 Rycxdaelders. Jan (Hans II) Savery declared these facts to be truthful. The painter Balthasar van der Ast witnessed the act (Utrecht Archive, cited by Briels in Vlaamse schilders pp. 478-9). In 1631, Samuel Bloemaert, living on the East side of the Keysersgracht, paid a tax of 125 f. (Kohier, fol. 295vo, p. 67). Tot Gerrit Reynst probably means that he was living with his father-in-law on the Keisersgracht. On 25 February 1637, Catherine Reynst, 47, wife of Samuel Bloemaert, merchant, declared at the request of Cornelia Bouwers (the wife of Isaack Commelyn of R 26515), that she had gone to see Elisabeth Pieters, her godmother, who was sick and dying (NA 948, film 1171, Not. Benedict Baddel). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21578 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0305 |
Lot | 0305[a] |
Entry | no.9 2 rontges S f 10:--:_- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem [crossed out: Jan] van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21579 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0305 |
Lot | 0305[b] |
Entry | no.9 2 rontges S f 10:--:_- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Willem [crossed out: Jan] van Wely |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21266. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21580 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0306] |
Lot | 0306] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.16 1 stuckgen N f 6: 5:_- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 6.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Laurens Charles |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20464. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21581 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0306* |
Lot | 0306* |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no. 30 1 doeck f 6:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 6 |t gulden |
Buyer | idem [Hendrick Sticke] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21614. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 27771 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0307 |
Lot | 0307 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 dexel van een clavecimbel geschildert f 18:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painted cover of a clavecin |
Value | 18 |t gulden |
Buyer | solvit [crossed out: Hendrick Stock] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21583 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0308 |
Lot | 0308 |
Artist | NAGEL, JAN |
Entry | no.15 1 stuckgen Nagel f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Laurens Charles |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20464. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21584 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0309 |
Lot | 0309 |
Entry | no.4 1 stuckgen Lucretia per P f 20:--:_- |
Title | Lucretia |
Number | 98 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21582 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0310 |
Lot | 0310 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.80 1 rontgen f 1:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 1.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Bogart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 30464. |
Montias2 Record# | 21585 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0311 |
Lot | 0311 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 doeck Venus en Adonis f 9:10:-- |
Title | Venus en Adonis |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Value | 9.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Arent Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21586 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0312 |
Lot | 0312 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.3 1 leeuw f 11:--:-- |
Title | leeuw |
Number | 34 |
Subject | ANIMALS |
Type | painting |
Value | 11 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Solt (de oude) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, presumed to be Hans van Solt de oude, see R 29281. |
Montias2 Record# | 21587 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0313 |
Lot | 0313 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.24 Marienbeelt f 16:10:-- |
Title | Maria |
Number | 73 |
Type | painting |
Value | 16.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Jansz. Delft achter de deur |
Buyer Family | Delft, Cornelis Jansz. (van) |
Buyer Notes | On 31 May 1600, Cornelis Jansz. Delff, widower of Sophie Jacobs, was betrothed to Neeltge Gerrits, 24 years old, assisted by her father Gerrit Jacobsz. (DTB 665/125). He may possibly be identical with the notary of that name who represented the schippersgilde in a dispute in 1596 (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven, 69(1929), p. 529.) In 1606, Cornelis Jansz. Delff, living in St. Marten in the Warmoesstraet, bought lots for 1 f. 16 st. in the Haarlem lottery (GAA 87/60 F 656). On 8 January 1630, Cornelis Janssen van Delft put up for sale the house St. Marten, located on 93 Warmoesstraet (Kam, Waar was dat huis in de Warmoesstrat?, p. 35/21). Cornelis Jansz. int Zoutvat of R On 2 February 1623, Jacob van Campen Cornelisz. , 25, assisted by Nicolaes van Campen, his neve, living in the Warmoesstraet, was betrothed to Geertruyd Cornelis, 20, assisted by her father Cornelis Jansz. Delft, living on the Verwersgracht (Oud Holland 3(1885), p. 169). Note that Nicolaes van Campen, who was said to be the neve (nephew or cousin) of Jacob Cornelisz. van Campen, was the son of his grand uncle Willem van Campen I (Hugensz.) (ibid. p. 166). Jacob Delfft of R 7611 was apparently the son of Cornelis Jansz. Delft. |
Montias2 Record# | 21588 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0314 |
Lot | 0314[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.109 2 rontges f 21:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21589 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0314 |
Lot | 0314[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.109 2 rontges f 21:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10.75 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21590 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0315 |
Lot | 0315 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.75 1 stuckgen f 4:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Marten Codde |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21399. |
Buyer Religion | Roman Catholic |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21591 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0316 |
Lot | 0316[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.17 en 18 2 tronien f 4: 5:-- |
Title | tronie |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 2.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michiel Gysbertsz. Hoppesack |
Buyer Family | Hoppesack, Michiel Gysbertsz. |
Buyer Notes | On 7 September 1596, Michiel Gijsbertsz. Hoppesack, 23 years old, assisted by his father Gysbert Michielsz. Hoppesack (I) and his mother Trijntge Gerrits, was betrothed to Lijsbet Jans Veen, assisted by her father Jan Veen and her mother Machteltjen Cornelis (DTB 408/69). Michiel Gijsbertsz. Hoppesack, in turn, was the father of Gijsbert Michielsz. Hoppesack (II), cloth merchant (of R 32342), who was said to 34 years old in a deposition of 1631 (thus born circa 1597) (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), p. 782). The daughter of Gijsbert Michielsz. II, named Elisabeth, born in 1625, married Abraham Wijmer on 14 March 1651. Ghijsbert Hoppesack I, also a cloth merchant, was one of the syndics of the cloth merchants guild in the period 1595-1599. He paid 4 gulden in the 1585 impost (Van Dillen, Amsterdam in 1585, p. 40). In 1595, he was said to be dienaer van de koning Denemarken for whom he carried out various affairs (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 178(1981), p. 423.) Michiel Ghysbertsz. Hoppesack must have died shortly before 28 April 1625 when his movable goods were auctioned by the Orphan Chamber at the request of his widow Lysbethgen Venen (or Veen) (INVNO 822). On 19 June 1625, Adriaen Veen Jansz. (of R 32388) and Adriaen Veen Adriaensz. de jonge accepted the guardianship over the major children of the late Michiel Hoppesack and Elisabeth Veenen, before the Orphan Chamber (WK 5073/513, fol. 35). On 3 October 1625, Adriaen Veen de oude, the uncle, and Adriaen Veen de jonge appeared before the Orphan Chamber, as guardians appointed by the Chamber, of Cornelis, 23, Machtelt, 20, Gertruyt, 18, Michiel, 16, and Elisabeth, 14, the minor children of Elisabeth Venen, whose father was Michiel Gysbrechtsz. Hoppesack, cloth dealer, together with Gysbert Michielsz. (II), the son of major age, and declared that they were entitled to various assets, including an obligation for 3,800 f. (WK 5073/789). Elisabeth Venen apparently remarried with Bruijn Arentsz. van der Dussen, the scion of a Delft family. On 27 March 1616, the couple had their son Joannes baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Elijsabeth van der Poort, Aeriaen Veen de jonge (cited above) and Weijntje Frans Ruijsch (of R 32158) (DTB 5/181). Some of the paintings sold in the sale of Lysbeth Venen, the widow of Michiel Gysbertsz. Hoppesack (INVNO 822) were bought by Michielsz.'s son Ghysbert (of R 32342). The tronien in the present lot may be identical with 2 schilderijtgens tronien, which sold for only f 1:10:-- at the 1625 sale. On 26 January 1628, the children of Michiel Gysbrechtsz. Hoppesack sold a house on the West side of the Kaempat for 1612 f. The buyer was the son, Gysbert Michielsz. Hoppesack II. The sureties were Daniel Vorsten (of R 32387) (the swager), and the above-named Adriaen (Adriaensz.) Veen de jonge. They sold another house for 306 f. on the St. Anthonyspoort, which was bought by the same son with the same sureties (WK 5073/913). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21592 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0316 |
Lot | 0316[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.17 en 18 2 tronien f 4: 5:-- |
Title | tronie |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 2.125 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michiel Gysbertsz. Hoppesack |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21592. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 21593 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0317 |
Lot | 0317 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] onbekent f 4: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 4.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | G. Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 27290. |
Buyer Occupation | Employee |a Orphan Chamber |
Montias2 Record# | 21594 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0318 |
Lot | 0318 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.9 1 stuckgen f 13:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 13 |t gulden |
Buyer | B. van Someren |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20424. |
Montias2 Record# | 21595 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0319 |
Lot | 0319 |
Entry | no.2 1 uts. [stuckgen] Joost van Cleeff f 13:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 13 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter van Putten (Pitten ?) |
Buyer Notes | On the putative buyer, see R 21362. |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21596 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0320 |
Lot | 0320 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 stuck schilderij f 20:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Philips Soet |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21444. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21597 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21598 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21599 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21600 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21601 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21602 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[f] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21603 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[g] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21604 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[h] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21605 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[i] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21606 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[j] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21607 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[k] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21608 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0321 |
Lot | 0321[l] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 12 stucken schilderij maenden f 150:--:-- |
Title | maend |
Number | 5 |
Subject | ALLEGORY |
Type | painting |
Value | 12.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Brul |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21223. |
Montias2 Record# | 21610 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0322 |
Lot | 0322 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.25 1 doeck [crossed out: GP] f 20:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 20.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | solvit [crossed out: Bastiaen Claesz. Weesel] |
Buyer Family | Weesel, Bastiaen Claesz. |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is likely to be the spices merchant Bastiaen Claesz., who acquired some goods, including paintings, from the wine distributor Adam Becker in compensation for a loan of 1,200 f. on 5 December 1628 (INVNO 1182). In 1619 or shortly thereafter, he acquired some building lots at the corner of the Keizersgracht and the Reestraet (Maandblad Amstelodamum 57(1970), p. 98). The buyer may also have been the husband of Saertge Laurens Smout. Their daughter Cathalyntje Scharckens (of INVNO 176) married Cornelis Cornelisz. Smout. The fact that Bastiaen Claesz. bought four lots for a total of 174 f. at the Rauwart sale suggests that he must have been fairly well off (as spices dealers normally were). He is likely to be identical, also, with the individual named Bastiaen Claesz., living on the Singel, who paid a tax of 30 f. in 1631 (Kohier 16vo, p.5). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Spices |
Montias2 Record# | 21609 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0323 |
Lot | 0323 |
Entry | no.32 1 doeck GP f 14:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | idem [solvit][Bastian Claesz. Weesel ?l |
Montias2 Record# | 21611 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0324 |
Lot | 0324 |
Artist | NAGEL, JAN |
Entry | no.32 1 stuckgen Nagel f 8:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21612 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0325 |
Lot | 0325 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No] 1 stuck schilderij f 8:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8 |t gulden |
Buyer | Cornelis Boissens |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21189. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21613 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0326 |
Lot | 0326 |
Entry | no.6 1 doeck Congnet f 38:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 38 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Sticke, [borg] Siewert Meynertsz. |
Buyer Family | Sticke, Hendrick |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Hendrick Sticke, the son of a Deventer burgermeester, was Generael van de Convoyen ende licentien. He was married to Christina Hoefijser. In 1620 he was arrested for financing and organizing a counterfeiting enterprise (in which he employed Balthasar Claes Gerritsz., the grandfather of Johannes Vermeer). He was beheaded in 1621. Siewert Meynertsz. apparently acted as surety for Sticke in the auction. On this borg, see R 21630. On 11 February 1647, the inventory of Christina Hoofijser, widow of Hendrick Sticke, was taken at the request of Johan Sticke, burgomaster of Deventer and Adriaen Sticke, living in Beskes. Johan and Adriaen Sticke, the brothers of Hendrick Sticke, were said to be the uncles and closest relatives of the children of Hendrick Sticke and Christina Hoefijser (NA 1914, Not. F. Uyttenbogaert). |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21614 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0327 |
Lot | 0327 |
Entry | no.9 1 doeck S f 119:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 119 |t gulden |
Buyer | solvit [Crossed out: Bastian Claesz.] |
Buyer Notes | The buyer's family name was Weesel (R 21609). |
Montias2 Record# | 21615 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0328 |
Lot | 0328 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.56 1 rontgen KM f 10:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 10 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21616 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0329 |
Lot | 0329 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.100 1 rontgen f 8:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 8 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Coninckslo de jonge] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21617 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0330 |
Lot | 0330 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no. left blank] 1 rontgen f 6:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 6 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thivart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21618 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0331 |
Lot | 0331 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.12 1 stuckgen f 9: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 9.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Govert Jansz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21228. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21619 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0332 |
Lot | 0332 |
Entry | no.10 1 stuckgen f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Boelisz. de jonge |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is likely to be identical with the procureur Hendrick Boelisz. of R 21623. |
Buyer Occupation | Liberal profession |a Lawyer |
Montias2 Record# | 21620 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0333 |
Lot | 0333 |
Artist | MANDER, KAREL VAN (I) |
Entry | no.[left blank] 1 ront KM f 17:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 17 |t gulden |
Buyer | P[iete]r Putte |
Buyer Family | Putte, Pieter |
Buyer Notes | Pieter Putte(n) may have been the grandson of Pieter Rutgers, burgermeester of Zwolle who settled in Amsterdam as a cloth merchant and died there in 1590 (see R 563 of Montias1). His goods were sold at auction in 1625 (INVNO 664). On his brother Andries van de Putte, see R 26919. |
Montias2 Record# | 21621 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0334 |
Lot | 0334 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.73 1 stuckgen Abraham f 7:10:-- |
Title | Abraham |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 7.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Michielsz. |
Buyer Family | Michielsz., Jan |
Buyer Notes | There is possible confusion among three individuals of that name. The oldest was originally from 's Hertogenbosch and became a citizen of Amsterdam on 10 June 1579 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, 2000, p. 308). He seems to have died before 1631 when his widow was taxed 750 f. (plus 170 f. for the inheritance), at which time she lived on the Singel, near the Warmoesgracht (Kohier fol. 9, p.3). The second, who called himself Johan Michielsz., often signed with the family name Varlaer. He was said to be 31 years old and to have lived in the Warmoesstraet (in the street where the present auction took place) for 13 years when he was betrothed to Christina Pieters Ruijtenborch on 12 November 1609 (Oud Holland 1(1885), p. 19). The third was Jan Michielsz. Blaeuw, married to Grietge Valckeniers, who was a regent of the Oude Mannen en Vrouwenhuis in 1640 (kindly communicated by Sheila Muller). This last was probably too young to be the buyer of this lot in 1612. In the testament of Joost Vondel I and Maria Cranen (the father and mother of the poet). who lived in the Warmoestraet, dated 26 January 1608, Hans Michielsz. was called their cousin along with Cornelis Schouten (Sterck, Oorkonden over Vondel en zijn kring, 1918, p. 310). Cornelis Schouten, from Cleves, was a silk cloth merchant and shopkeeper who, on 7 August 1634, took on an apprentice for 175 f. a year (to be paid by Matthijs Luls) (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 144(1974), p. 61). The young Vondel dedicated his first play Pascha to Jean Michelsz. (Varlaer?) in 1612 (Sterck, op. cit. p. 19). It is not clear whether he or the oldest Jan Michielsz. is identical with de eerbare Joan Michielsz., merchant, who was employing Goris de Waert (of R 7605) as a coopmans dienaer, according to a document dated 19 June 1612 (NA Gysberti, film 52). On 8 June 1606, Jacqueline Perche, widow of Nicolaes Grul, assisted by her swagers and guardians Joos van Penen and Jacques Petit, together with Dirck Honckelboer (I) and Herman Rendorp, sold de Vergulden Clock on the Warmoesstraet to Johan Michielsz. (Kam, Waar was dat huis in de Warmoesstraat? 1968, 36/20). Jan Michielsz., for our purposes, should be considered unidentified. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21622 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0335 |
Lot | 0335 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | no.71 1 stuckgen f 18:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 18.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Boelisz. de jonge |
Buyer Family | Boelisz., Hendrick, de jonge |
Buyer Notes | The buyer is likely to be the procureur Hendrick Boelisz. who was married to Weyntgen Engels, whose goods were sold by the Orphan Chamber on 8 April 1627. These goods included only two alabaster slabs as works of art. They brought a total of only 857 f. 8 st. 8 pen. He was born in Amsterdam on 4 September 1569. On 7 July 1605, the Orphan Chamber named procureur Hendrick Boelisz. as guardian over the children of Hans van Bock (WK 5073/513, fol. 123). He lived on the N.Z. Voorburgwal in 't Blauwe Lam in 1615 and on the Keizersgracht in 1626. He married Jannetje Pieters (1567-1624), daughter of Pieter Fransz., in September 1593. His daughter with Jannetje, named Maria Boelens, married Andries Cuijlaert (of INVNO 1260) on 15 February 1626 (De Navorscher 93(1952), p.22). After the death of his first wife in 1624, he remarried with Weijntje Engels (1593-1627), daughter of Engel Engelsz., droogscheerder (a type of cloth finisher), and of Hillegont Claes (notes of S.A.C. Dudok van Heel). On 14 September 1628, Hendrick Boelisz., procureur, presented his daughter Annetgen before the Orphan Chamber and declared that she was entitled to 600 f. for her mother's inheritance. She was also entitled to the sum raised from the sale of her mother's household goods (WK 5073/789). In 1615, procureur Hendrick Boelisz. was a member of the Rederijkerskamer de Egelantier (In liefde bloijende). He was then accused of having spread slander about the aldermen of Amsterdam (Oud Holland 22(1904), p. 40). He died befor 23 January 1637 (see the document of this date in the NOTES to R 21623). In this document he was said to be the father-in-law of Andries Cuijlardt (Cuijlert, cited above). |
Buyer Occupation | Liberal profession |a Lawyer |
Montias2 Record# | 21623 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0336 |
Lot | 0336 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 stuckgen f 14:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 14.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Thievart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 20955. |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Sugar, salt refinining |
Montias2 Record# | 21624 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0337 |
Lot | 0337 |
Entry | [no No.] 1 stuck wit en swart Heemskerck f 18:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | grisaille |
Value | 18.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Bogart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 30464. Bredius read zeemonster for Heemskerck. |
Montias2 Record# | 21625 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0338 |
Lot | 0338 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 uts. [stuck] [...] f 18:--:-- |
Title | [...] |
Title Modifier | Title is illegible. |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 18 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van Maerle |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21270. |
Montias2 Record# | 21626 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0339 |
Lot | 0339 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 uts. [stuck] St. Jans predicatie f 18:--:-- |
Title | St.Jans predicatie |
Number | 73 |
Type | painting |
Value | 18 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Bogart |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 30464. |
Montias2 Record# | 21627 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0340 |
Lot | 0340 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 uts. [stuck] de kinderdoding f 19:--:-- |
Title | de kinderdoding |
Number | 73 |
Type | painting |
Value | 19 |t gulden |
Buyer | solvit [Bastian Claesz.] |
Buyer Notes | The buyer's family name was Weesel (R 21609). |
Montias2 Record# | 21628 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0341 |
Lot | 0341 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 uts. [stuck] Schipbreuck Pauli f 19:--:-- |
Title | schipbreuck Pauli |
Number | 21 |
Type | painting |
Value | 19 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21629 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0342 |
Lot | 0342 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 doeck Stryt Saturnii f 28:--:-- |
Title | Stryt Saturnii |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | painting |
Value | 28 |t gulden |
Buyer | Sieuwert Meynertsz. |
Buyer Family | Meynertsz., Sieuwert |
Buyer Notes | The buyer Sieuwert Meynertsz. was a merchant who appeared in an act of 1594 as a buyer of cannon shot (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 69(1929), p. 508). He was taxed 18 gulden in 1585 (Van Dillen, Amsterdam in 1585, p. 44). He seems to be identical with the individual of that name who was betrothed to Aaltje de Velde, 21, on 27 December 1586. He lived on the IJsel and was the widower of Aaltje Henricsdr. (DTB 404/224). On 4 June 1588, Syvert Meynertsz., huydecooper, sold a house on the Warmoesstraat (no. 119), Texel) to Abraham Spiers (the father of Jan Spiers of R 23553) (Kam, Waar was dat huis in de Warmoesstraat?, 1968 36/5). In 1599, Siewart Meyndertsz. was regent of the O.Z. Huiszittenhuis (Wagenaar, Amsterdam, vol. 2, p. 266.) |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21630 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0343 |
Lot | 0343[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 stuckges op papier f 1:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 0.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pitte |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21362 |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21631 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0343 |
Lot | 0343[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 stuckges op papier f 1:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 0.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pitte |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21362 |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21632 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0343 |
Lot | 0343[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 stuckges op papier f 1:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 0.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pitte |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21362 |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21633 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0344 |
Lot | 0344[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 tronien op papier f 3:--:-- |
Title | tronie |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 1 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21634 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0344 |
Lot | 0344[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 tronien op papier f 3:--:-- |
Title | tronie |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 1 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21635 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0344 |
Lot | 0344[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 tronien op papier f 3:--:-- |
Title | tronie |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 1 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21636 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0345 |
Lot | 0345[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 uts. [tronien op papier] f 4: 5:-- |
Title | tronie |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 1.4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21637 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0345 |
Lot | 0345[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 uts. [tronien op papier] f 4: 5:-- |
Title | tronie |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 1.4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21638 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0345 |
Lot | 0345[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 3 uts. [tronien op papier] f 4: 5:-- |
Title | tronie |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | drawing or print |
Value | 1.4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21639 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0346 |
Lot | 0346[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 wit en swart op papier] f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | wash drawing (?) |
Value | 1.625 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21640 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0346 |
Lot | 0346[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 wit en swart op papier] f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | wash drawing (?) |
Value | 1.625 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21641 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0346 |
Lot | 0346[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 wit en swart op papier] f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | wash drawing (?) |
Value | 1.625 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21642 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0346 |
Lot | 0346[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 wit en swart op papier] f 6:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | wash drawing (?) |
Value | 1.625 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 40944 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0347 |
Lot | 0347[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 tronjen en hontgen f 2:--:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 0.4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21643 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0347 |
Lot | 0347[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 tronjen en hontgen f 2:--:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 0.4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21644 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0347 |
Lot | 0347[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 tronjen en hontgen f 2:--:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 0.4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21645 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0347 |
Lot | 0347[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 tronjen en hontgen f 2:--:-- |
Title | tronje |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 0.4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 40945 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0347 |
Lot | 0347[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 tronjen en hontgen f 2:--:-- |
Title | hontgen |
Number | 34 |
Subject | ANIMALS |
Type | painting |
Value | 0.4 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21646 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0348 |
Lot | 0348[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 stucken op papier f 7:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.7 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21647 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0348 |
Lot | 0348[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 stucken op papier f 7:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.7 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21648 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0348 |
Lot | 0348[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 stucken op papier f 7:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.7 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21649 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0348 |
Lot | 0348[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 stucken op papier f 7:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.7 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21650 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0349 |
Lot | 0349[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 6 stucken op papier f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21651 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0349 |
Lot | 0349[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 6 stucken op papier f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21652 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0349 |
Lot | 0349[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 6 stucken op papier f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21653 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0349 |
Lot | 0349[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 6 stucken op papier f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21654 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0349 |
Lot | 0349[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 6 stucken op papier f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 40946 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0349 |
Lot | 0349[f] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 6 stucken op papier f 9:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.58 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 40947 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.035 |
Lot | 0350[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 3:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 0.87 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21655 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.035 |
Lot | 0350[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 3:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 0.87 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21656 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.035 |
Lot | 0350[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 3:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 0.87 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21657 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.035 |
Lot | 0350[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 3:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 0.87 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21658 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0351 |
Lot | 0351[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 5 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21659 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0351 |
Lot | 0351[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 5 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21660 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0351 |
Lot | 0351[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 5 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21661 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0351 |
Lot | 0351[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 5 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21662 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0351 |
Lot | 0351[e] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 5 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1 |t gulden |
Buyer | [Hendrick Stock] idem |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21663 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0352 |
Lot | 0352[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.43 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21664 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0352 |
Lot | 0352[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.43 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21665 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0352 |
Lot | 0352[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.43 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21666 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0352 |
Lot | 0352[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 5:15:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 1.43 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21667 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0353 |
Lot | 0353[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 12:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 3.12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Ende |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21375. |
Montias2 Record# | 21668 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0353 |
Lot | 0353[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 12:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 3.12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Ende |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Montias2 Record# | 21669 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0353 |
Lot | 0353[c] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 12:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 3.12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Ende |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Montias2 Record# | 21670 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0353 |
Lot | 0353[d] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 4 uts. [stucken op papier] f 12:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 3.12 |t gulden |
Buyer | Van den Ende |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21193. |
Montias2 Record# | 21671 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0354 |
Lot | 0354 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 uts. [stuck op papier] f 18:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | print or drawing |
Value | 19.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21672 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0355 |
Lot | 0355 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 tronjen f 5: 5:-- |
Title | tronjen |
Number | 31 |
Subject | FACE |
Type | painting |
Value | 5.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21673 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0356 |
Lot | 0356 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 boeckgen met printen van de passie f 2:10:-- |
Title | de passie |
Number | 73 |
Type | book of prints |
Value | 2.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pitte |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21362 |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21674 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0357 |
Lot | 0357 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 boeckgen met bloemen mette pen gemaeckt f 15:--:_- |
Title | bloemen |
Number | 4 |
Subject | STILL LIFE |
Type | book of pen drawings |
Value | 15 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Basse |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 7637. |
Buyer Occupation | Artist |a Painter |
Montias2 Record# | 21675 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0358 |
Lot | 0358 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 boeck met teckeningen f 7:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | book of drawings |
Value | 7 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21676 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0359 |
Lot | 0359 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 aep f 2: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 2.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hendrick Stock |
Buyer Notes | This item is missing from Bredius's transcription. On the buyer, see R 21265. |
Montias2 Record# | 21677 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0360 |
Lot | 0360 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 boeck met teckeningen f 3:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | book of drawings |
Value | 3.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coninckslo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21678 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0361 |
Lot | 0361 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 boeck met printen f 5:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | book of prints |
Value | 5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Valcxsz. de jonge |
Buyer Family | Valcxsz.(Valcksz.), Jan, de jonge (II) |
Buyer Notes | The buyer, Jan Valcksz. de jonge (II), may be the son of the cloth dealer Jan Valcksz. (I) who paid a tax of 18 f. in 1585 at which time he lived on the Nieuwen Dijck. He bought a lot outside the Jan Rodenpoort on 12 October 1600 (Van Dillen, Amsterdam in 1585, p. 109.) The presumed son of Jan Valcksz. I was called de jonge at the time of the present sale but was known as Jan Valcksz. de oude when he died some before 21 February 1634, when Jan Valcksz. de jonge (III), heir of Jan Valcksz. de oude (II), transferred some property (NA 595, not. 464, Not. Lamberti). It was presumably Jan Valcksz. II who was married to Grietie Jacobs Vinken. Their daughter Aefjen Jans Valck married Jan Claesz. (Coelick) on 18 July 1621. Jan Claesz. was buried on 13 May 1625. When his posthumous daughter Jannetie was baptized on 12 October 1625, Jacob Vallicksz. (probably of R 22128) was a witness (De Navorscher 55(1905), 219). Jan Claesz. Coelick was the brother of Aeltje Claes who married Hendrick Woutersz. Tholincx in 1623. Her manuscript notes on the family were published in De Navorscher 55(1905), pp. 216-222). Her sister Jannetje Claes married Adriaen Jacobsz. van Leeuwarden on 2 June 1604. Jan Valcksz. II invested 2,400 f. in V.O.C. shares on behalf of Cornelis Bas in Alkmaar and 3,000 f. on behalf of Pieter (Jacobsz.) Bas (1563-1633) in the first subscription of 1602 (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, pp. 184 and 205). Jan Valcksz. II paid a tax of 125 f. in 1631, at which time he lived on the O.Z. Voorburgwal (East side). Lijsbeth Jan Valxsz. paid a tax of 250 f., living on the O.Z. Achterburchwal (West side) (Kohier, fol. 173vo and 175, p. 40). In 1635, Jan Valcksz. II was living by the St. Jansbrugh (R 24466). This would seem to be consistent with his address in the 1631 Kohier when he was living on the O.Z. Voorburchwal near St. Jansstraet. It is possible, however, that the individual who invested in V.O.C. shares was the father of the one who paid the tax in 1631 . It may also be the first Jan Valcksz. de jonge who freighted a ship to fetch salt in Portugal in 1602 (Winkelman, Bronnen voor de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Oostzeehandel R.G.P. 184(1983), pp. 108-9). In 1628, Jan Valcksz. (probably II) signed the Remonstrant petition of that year. In 1615, an individual named Jan Valcksz. appeared as the guardian of Maritgen Muller, the sister of the engraver Jan Muller, together with Jan Muller, at the request of her brother Adriaen Muller, regarding some debts that the latter had contracted (Oud Holland, 3(1885), p. 270.) This individual may be our buyer Jan Valcksz. II. |
Montias2 Record# | 21679 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0362 |
Lot | 0362 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | [no No.] 1 boeck met printen metamorphoses f 4: 5:-- |
Title | metamorphoses |
Number | 9 |
Subject | MYTHOLOGY |
Type | book of prints |
Value | 4.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coen Jacobsz. |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 28213. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 21680 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0363 |
Lot | 0363 |
Entry | [no No.] 1 boeck van de Passe met printen f 3:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | book of prints |
Value | 3.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | Conincksloo de jonge |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21404. |
Montias2 Record# | 21681 |
Inv#.Lot | 605.0364 |
Lot | 0364 |
Entry | [no No.] 1 boeck met printen van Hans de Vries f 2: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | book of prints |
Value | 2.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Pieter Pitte |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21362 |
Buyer Occupation | Artisan |a Goldsmith, jeweler |
Montias2 Record# | 21682 |