Inv#.Lot | 844.0001 |
Lot | 0001 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 stuck schildery op doeck f 7:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 7.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Coenraet de Wilde |
Pre Lot Header | In de Verwerijen |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, thought to be Coenraet de Wilde I, see R 30051. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 29895 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0002 |
Lot | 0002 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 rontgen f 15:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 15.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | idem [Coenraet de Wilde] |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, assumed to be Coenraet de Wilde I, see R 30051. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Cloth, silk |
Montias2 Record# | 29894 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0003 |
Lot | 0003 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 bortgen aen Somer toecomende f 24:10:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 24.5 |t gulden |
Buyer | [crossed out: Jacques Molijn] |
Buyer Notes | The painting apparently belonged to Barent (?) van Someren. On Jacques Molijn, see R 28958. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 29890 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0004 |
Lot | 0004 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | uts. [1 bortgen aen Somer toecomende ?] f 30:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 30.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | [crossed out: idem [Jacques Molijn]] withdrawn |
Buyer Notes | The painting may have belonged to Barent (?) van Someren. On Jacques Molijn, see R 28958. |
Buyer Religion | Lutheran |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 29893 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0005 |
Lot | 0005 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 stuck schildery f 10:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 10.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans van Solt (de oude ?) |
Pre Lot Header | In de vyer Tritons |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 29281. |
Buyer Religion | Reformed/Calvinist |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 29892 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0006 |
Lot | 0006 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | Abrahams offerhande f 7: 5:-- |
Title | Abahams offerhande |
Number | 71 |
Type | painting |
Value | 7.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Hans Pietersz. in de Verwery in de Witte Roos |
Buyer Family | Pietersz., Hans (in de Verwery in de Witte Roos) |
Buyer Notes | According to an act of 29 January 1620, Hans Pietersz. was a dyer in the Roos in the Vlooyenburch (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven R.G.P. 78(1933), p. 353). He invested 1,800 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares. He was Lutheran. He was probably a brother of Joost Pietersz. of INVNO 714 (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 246). He may be identical with the individual of that name, said to be a book keeper, who gave his age as 50 in a deposition on 31 October 1621 (NA 255, fol. 158vo). On 27 March 1627, he was said to be one of the sworn headmen of the dyers' guild (Van Dillen, ibid. p. 623). On 17 October 1634, Hans Pietersz. verwer, was said to owe 400 f. to the estate of Symon van Doyum, silk cloth merchant, minus an unspecified credit for dyeing performed (Van Dillen, Bronnen tot de geschiedenis van het bedrijfsleven 144(1974), p. 69). |
Buyer Occupation | Manufacturer |a Dyer |
Montias2 Record# | 29891 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0007 |
Lot | 0007 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 stuck schildery f 8: 5:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 8.25 |t gulden |
Buyer | Jan Pietersz. du Bien |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 30035. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 35881 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0008 |
Lot | 0008 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 stuck schildery f 80:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 80.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Aert Vogels |
Pre Lot Header | sold by Pieter [...] |
Buyer Family | Vogels, Aert II |
Buyer Notes | Both Aert Vogels I and his son Aert Vogels II were merchants. Aert Vogels I was born in Antwerp in 1560 or earlier, was first noted in Amsterdam in 1590, and died in 1601 (before the date of the present inventory). Aert II was also born in Antwerp, in 1580 (Gelderblom, Prosopographic Data Base and Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 317). Aert Vogels II, a dealer in furs, played a role in organizing the trips of Hendrick Hudson to the North American continent (see the NOTES to R 29906). |
Montias2 Record# | 35882 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0009 |
Lot | 0009 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 stuck schildery f 48:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 48.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Abraham Pier |
Pre Lot Header | sold by Sebald de Wilde |
Buyer Family | Pier, Abraham |
Buyer Notes | On Sebald de Wilde, see R 30034. Abraham Pier is unknown, but it should be noted that the son of Guliaem du Pier and of Peternel Mazij was christened Abraham on 12 October 1606 (no witnesses) (DTB 4/177). The buyer may have been the brother of Guliaem du Pier. |
Montias2 Record# | 35883 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0010 |
Lot | 0010 |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 stuck schildery f 38:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Value | 38.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Michiel de Fort |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 21178. |
Buyer Occupation | Retail merchant |a Art dealer |
Montias2 Record# | 35884 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0011 |
Lot | 0011[a] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 ronde 1 bancket f 70:--:-- |
Title | [untitled] |
Number | 99 |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 35.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gulliaem Silverschal ?) |
Pre Lot Header | sold by Barent Jansz. (Porceleyn?) |
Buyer Family | Silverschal (Seneschal), Guilliam |
Buyer Notes | The buyer was probably the merchant Guilliam Seneschal who was an investor in the diking of lands in East Friesland according to an act of 5 March 1619 (for a list of the investors, see R 21444). On 7 June 1620, Guillaume Seneschael, from Middelburgh, 24 years old, no living parents, was betrothed to Sara van der Voort (DTB 415/113). (The woman named Sara van der Voort who married Johannes Rijckelsma in 1621 was a different person). On 7 June 1620, Gueljaem Seneschael and Sara van der Voort had their son Abraham baptized in the N.K. in the presence of Neeltje van der Voort (DTB 40/88). Sara van der Voort may have been the daughter of Abraham van der Voort of R 32595. In a deposition dated 25 October 1636, Guillam Seneschael, sworn broker, was said to be 59 years old. In this deposition, he declared that the sugar he had inspected was real mascarado sugar (NA 695B, Not. J. Warnaerts). A note in the margin of this lot indicated that the proceeds had been paid to the wife of Barend Jansz. (Porceleyn?) on May 8. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 35885 |
Inv#.Lot | 844.0011 |
Lot | 0011[b] |
Artist | [ANONYMOUS] |
Entry | 1 ronde 1 bancket f 70:--:-- |
Title | bancket |
Number | 4 |
Subject | STILL LIFE |
Type | painting |
Format | round |
Value | 35.0 |t gulden |
Buyer | Gulliaem Seneschal |
Pre Lot Header | sold by Barent Jansz. (porceleyn) |
Buyer Notes | On the buyer, see R 35885. |
Buyer Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |
Montias2 Record# | 35886 |