Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Master of San Juan de la Peña

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Alternate Agüero, Master of
Alternate Master of Agüero
Alternate San Juan de la Peña Master
Alternate San Juan de la Peña, Master of
L.C. NameMaestro de San Juan de la Peña, active 12th century
DatesLast quarter 12th C.
Region(s)Navarre; Huesca
NotesThe body of work ascribed to this master is thought by some scholars to have been produced in a workshop.
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CreatedSME2 |D 1993 04 30 |T 17:14:20
CreatedSME2 |D 1993 04 30 |T 17:14:20
Abbad Ríos, 1955, p.13 (distinct from the Maestro de Agüero [no dates given]).
Crozet, 1968, pp.41, 57 (op.c.1145-1175).
García Gainza, 1992, pp.371, 373 (Maestro de San Juan de la Peña).
Gudiol Ricart and Gaya Nuño, 1948, pp.156, 159 (last decades of 12th cent.).
Lacoste, 1979, pp.175, 189.
Rincón García, v.2, 1991, p.185 (also known as Maestro de Agüero, whose body of work is more likely by several artists of a workshop, op.c.1200).
Simon, 1993, p.201 (San Juan de la Peña Master, late 12th cent.).
Yarza [Luaces], 1987, pp.290, 293 (Maestro de Agüero, also known as the Maestro de San Juan de la Peña, body of work is more likely by several artists of a workshop [no dates given]).