Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Master of Alfajarín

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Alternate Alfajarín Master
Alternate Alfajarín, Master of
L.C. NameMaestro de Alfajarín, active approximately 1470
NotesMany works listed by Post as by this artist have subsequently been attributed to Martín Bernat [the Younger], Tomás Giner, and Miguel Ximénez.
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CreatedEG |D 1994 06 22 |T 10:21:43
CreatedMLEWIN |D 1998 02 09 |T 10:30:16
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1990, p.376 [no dates given].
Camón Aznar, 1966, p.523 (end 15th cent.).
Eisler, 1977, p.182 (Alfajarín Master, last third of 15th cent.; possibly Martín Bernat [the Younger]).
Gaya Nuño, Pintura, 1958, p.103 (Maestro de Alfajarín, end of 15th cent.).
Gudiol [Ricart], 1971, p.66 (last quarter of 15th cent.).
Gudiol Ricart, Pintura gótica, 1955, p.306 ([no dates given]; works listed by Post as by this artist reattributed to Martín Bernat [the Younger]).
Lafuente Ferrari, Pintura, 1953, p.147 [no dates given].
London, Witt, 1978 (15th cent.).
Madrid, RASF [exh.], v.1, 1988, p.68 (identified by some authors with Tomás Giner and with an anonymous master of the circle of Miguel Ximénez).
Mañas Ballestín, 1979, p.148 (op.p.1470).
Post, v.8, 1941, pp.142, 147-148, 150 (Alfajarín Master, op.second half of 15th cent.-early 16th cent.; distinct from Tomás Giner).
Sale, Sotheby's, London, April 20, 1988, p.67 lot 41 (15th cent.; possibly Tomás Giner).
Thieme-Becker, v.37, 1950 (Alfajarín Master, second half of 15th cent.; possibly the same as Tomás Giner (Post)).
Torralba Soriano, 1977, p.227 (op. second half of 15th cent.).
Young, 1975, p.113 (Alfajarín Master [no dates given]; distinct from Martín Bernat [the Younger] and Tomás Giner).