Palmer, Bertha Honore, 1849-1918
type Collector
dates 1849-1918
city Chicago
other citiesSarasota, FL; Paris, France; London, United Kingdom; Temple Terrace, FL; Newport, RI;
sex F
history Berthe Honorée Palmer was a collector, businesswoman, philanthropist, socialite and wife of Potter Palmer (1826-1902), a wealthy Chicago businessman.

For the most part Palmer collected works by Impressionist and Barbizon School painters and the collection included work by Renior, Corot, Millet, Manet, Monets, and Anders Zorn.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:23
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Repository Description Links
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Mary Cassatt collection, 1871-1955. see details...
Online Edition of Correspondence of James McNeill Whistler
University of Glasgow
Correspondence associated with: Palmer, Bertha Honore, 1892-1893 see details...
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Bertha Honore Palmer Letters, July 12, 27, 1892. see details...
The Ryerson & Burnham Archives
Art Institute of Chicago
Bertha Honoré Palmer Correspondence Collection, 1883-1899 see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Aline and Eero Saarinen papers, 1906-1977 see details...
Library of Congress
Manuscript Division
Papers of Raoul Heilbronner, 1887-1914 (MSS25650) see details...
Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
Harvard University
Ellen Martin Henrotin Papers, 1865-1921 (inclusive).
see details...
Chicago History Museum
Research Center
G.P.A. Healy papers [manuscript], 1839-1889. see details...
Chicago History Museum
Research Center
President's letterbook [manuscript], 1892 July 26-1893 Jan. 3. see details...
The Ryerson & Burnham Archives
Art Institute of Chicago
Registrar's Records see details...
Chicago Historical Society
Bertha Honore Palmer (Mrs. Potter Palmer) papers [manuscript], 1884-1902. see details...
Chicago Historical Society
President's letterbooks [manuscript], 1890-1895. see details...
Chicago Historical Society
World's Columbian Exposition, Board of Lady Managers records [manuscript], 1890-1904 (bulk 1890-1894). see details...
Chicago Historical Society
Potter Palmer and Palmer estate papers [manuscript], 1849-1920. see details...
Archives of American Gardens
Capital Gallery Building, Suite 3300
Historic Spanish Point 1999. see details...
Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
Harvard University
Anna Howard Shaw Papers (Series X of the Mary Earhart Dillon Collection) see details...
The Getty Research Institute
Research Libraries, Archives and Special Collections
M. Knoedler & Co. records, approximately 1848-1971 see details...