Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Palmer, Bertha Honore, 1849-1918
title | Mary Cassatt collection, 1871-1955. |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Mary Cassatt and Cassatt family papers collected by Frederick Arnold Sweet for research on Cassatt. Included are Cassatt family correspondence, a typescript of a family history written by Cassatt's father, and other genealogical and biographical material; letters from Cassatt to Cecilia Beaux, Electra Havemeyer Webb, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Theodate Pope, Mary Gardner Smith, Carroll S. Tyson, Ambroise Vollard, Harris Whittemore, and others. [Microfilm label: Frederick A. Sweet papers] |
extent | 1.0 linear ft. ( on 1 microfilm reel) reel C1 |
formats | Correspondence Transcript |
access | Patrons must use microfilm copy. |
record link | n/a |
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finding aid | Finding aid available at AAA offices. |
acquisition information | Lent for microfilming in 1955 by Frederick Sweet, author of the exhibition catalog Sargent, Whistler, and Mary Cassatt (1954) and Miss Mary Cassatt, Impressionist From Pennsylvania (1966). The owners of the letters at the time of microfilming are listed on the microfilm and the inventory. Frames 1-869 on reel C1 were subsequently donated by the Thayer family to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1967. See also under Sweet, Frederick, for Sweet's research materials on Cassatt, donated to AAA in 1975. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:30 |
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title | Correspondence associated with: Palmer, Bertha Honore, 1892-1893 |
repository | Online Edition of Correspondence of James McNeill Whistler |
description | Bertha Honore Palmer is the recipient, sender or subject of 8 documents, dated between 1892-1893, associated with Whistler and his work. They are available online in either digital form or by transcript, and in some cases both. The individual documents are located in the following repositories: Glasgow University Library Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow Library of Congress New York Public Library The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York |
extent | 8 documents |
formats | Correspondence Electronic Resource |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Bertha Honore Palmer Letters, July 12, 27, 1892. |
repository | Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library |
description | Two letters signed, to Josephine Cleveland, librarian at the Illinois State Historical Library, regarding an exhibit of homespun linen by Cleveland's mother. |
extent | 2 items. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Bertha Honoré Palmer Correspondence Collection, 1883-1899 |
repository | The Ryerson & Burnham Archives |
description | A collection of letters written primarily to and by Bertha Palmer, concerning her involvement with the Board of Lady Managers and the Woman's Building at the World's Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago in 1893. Some letters concern the development of Bertha and Potter Palmer's art collection, which was exhibited at the Exposition. Includes letters to Bertha Palmer from Mary Cassatt, Camille Claudel, Arthur Jerome Eddy, William French, Isabella Stewart Gardner, Harriet Hosmer, Sara Hallowell, Gari Melchers, Mary Fairchild MacMonnies and Augustus St. Gaudens. |
extent | .5 linear foot (1 box ) and 1 oversize portfolio |
formats | Correspondence |
access | This collection may be used by qualified readers in the Reading Room of the Ryerson and Burnham Libraries at The Art Institute of Chicago. |
record source | |
finding aid | Online and in Repository |
acquisition information | The provenance of this collection is undetermined. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Aline and Eero Saarinen papers, 1906-1977 |
repository | Archives of American Art |
description | Personal papers of Aline and Eero Saarinen, and Aline Saarinen papers relating to her unpublished biography of architect Stanford White, her published book The Proud Possessors, and her work as an NBC Television correspondent. Papers relating to Stanford White and to Proud Possessors contain primary source material gathered by Saarinen during her research on White and collectors Edward Wales Root and John Quinn. REELS 2074-76, and 2064 (photos): Biographical material; Eero Saarinen's sketches, notes and letters; correspondence between Aline and Eero; Aline Saarinen's correspondence, including letters from John McAndrews, Clifford Odets, Robert Osborne, Frank Lloyd Wright, Joseph Louchheim, and her children; awards; files on her involvement with the Fine Arts Commission, Yale University, and the Design Advisory Committee of the Federal Aviation Agency; speeches, articles on art and architecture; television scripts; clippings and printed material; notes; and photographs and slides of the Saarinens (2 copyprints are also microfilmed on reel 1817 fr. 1054-1058), Charles Alan, and other family members, friends, works of art, and architecture. REELS 2069-2072 and 2084 (photos): Research material, 1903-1960, relating to Saarinen's book The Proud Possessors (1958). Included are notes, manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, and printed material on art collectors Dr. Albert C. Barnes, Dr. Claribel and Etta Cone, Katherine Sophie Dreier, Charles Lang Freer, Isabella Stewart Gardner, Thomas Gilcrease, Peggy Guggenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Havemeyer, Joseph Hirshhorn, R. Sturgis Ingersoll, John G. Johnson, J. Pierpont Morgan, Mrs. Potter Palmer, John Quinn, the Rockefeller family, Edward Wales Root, Gertrude, Leo, Michael and Sarah Stein, and Electra Havemeyer Webb. Among the correspondents is Bernard Berenson. The material on Edward Root contains letters to Saarinen from Grace Cogswell Root; correspondence between Root and his father Elihu, 1903-1936; one or more letters to Root, 1909-1936, from Charles Culver, Robert De Forest, Frederick James Gregg, Ernest Lawson, George Luks, Duncan Phillips, and Grace Root; copies of 2 letters to Edward Christiana, 1949; a catalog for a Root memorial exhibition, 1957; Saarinen's notes; and a photograph of Root, one of his home, and photographs of works of art in his collection. Copyrpints also available. Material on John Quinn includes correspondence between Saarinen and Jeanne Robert Foster; letters to Foster from Quinn and his sister, Julia Anderson; a copy of a letter to Foster from William B. Yeats and a drawing of Quinn possibly by Yeats; material relating to Roger Casement; and photographs of Quinn and Foster, and Quinn with Constantin Brancusi, Picasso and Mme. Picasso, Henri Pierre Roche, and Erik Satie. REELS 2072-2073 and 2064 (photos): Research material for Saarinen's unpublished biography of Stanford White. Included are: notes, drafts; correspondence with her publisher, scholars, friends and relatives of White, architects, and others; printed material, 1896-1968; McKim, Mead and White memoranda and correspondence, 1887-1906, much of it with Whitelaw Reid; a letter from Charles Lang Freer, 1900; contracts; architectural descriptions and copies of blueprints; a record book; and miscellaneous letters and documents. Letters from White's father, Richard Grant White, to his daughter-in-law Bessie, Bessie White's reminiscenses of Stanford, and her scrapbook on the Washington Centennial and White's Washington Arch are also included. Photographs include over 300, 1878-ca. 1970, of White, his wife; his father and mother; Evelyn Nesbit; his clients, Anne, Louise and Robert Cheney; and 280 photographs of buildings and residences designed by White or McKim, Mead and White, many photographed by Wayne Andrews. UNMICROFILMED: Primarily papers kept by Aline Saarinen while a NBC television correspondent reporting on mainly art related topics. Included are correspondence, printed material, notes, scripts, clippings, kinescope motion picture film, including "Eyes Opening", transferred to VHS, and photographs. Also included are printed material on Eero Saarinen, and photographs of his work. ADDITION: Notebooks containing Aline Saarinen's notes on architecture, art collectors and Stanford White; printed material; Saarinen's journal, 1928-1932; a guest book; photographs; scripts for Venus in Venice (1964), The American Image and other writings. Three phonograph recordings (33 1/3) of a discussion on opera between Eero Saarinen, Professor H. Ingham Ashworth and Professor Leslie Martin on the Australian Braodcasting Commission, January 29, 1957 are not available for research use. |
extent | 13.5 linear ft. (partially microfilmed on 10 reels) |
formats | Correspondence Notes Sketches Photographs Clippings |
access | Collection is being processed and digitized, and is closed to researchers. Access is to microfilmed material only. NBC TV material: Authorization to quote from scripts or film prepared for television must be cleared for rights with: NBC Studios, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N.Y. |
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acquisition information | Donated in 1973 by the Aline Saarinen estate via Charles Alan, art dealer and brother of Saarinen. The NBC TV material was donated 1974 by NBC Studios. Additional material donated 1991 by the Parrish Art Museum, who had received it from Aline Saarinen. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Papers of Raoul Heilbronner, 1887-1914 (MSS25650) |
repository | Library of Congress |
description | Correspondence; letterbooks; business records including invoices, inventories, notebooks, address book, records of purchases and sales, deposits, and consignments; and historical notes and clippings relating to particular objects. Individuals represented in the collection include George Grey Barnard, Samuel R. Bertron, Mrs. Chauncey J. Blair, Edson Bradley, Charles T. Crocker, Mrs. Edward H. Harriman, William Randolph Hearst, Mrs. William H. Klapp, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Thomas Fortune Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, and Henry Walters. |
extent | 9,000 items. 9 containers. |
formats | Correspondence Business Records Financial Records Notes Ephemera |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
finding aid | Finding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room./ |
acquisition information | Gift, Tudor Wilkinson, 1952. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:31 |
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title | Ellen Martin Henrotin Papers, 1865-1921 (inclusive). |
repository | Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute |
description | Correspondence, speeches, notebooks, pamphlets, albums, clippings, articles, and photos re: Henrotin's activities. Her speeches and articles pertain to social welfare, labor, suffrage, and women's roles in education, prostitution reform, the family, economics, and finance. Biographical and Historical Notes: Henrotin, the second president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs and wife of a Chicago banker, was active in reform movements; she helped bring the newly organized women's clubs into a national and international movement. |
extent | 1 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Writings Notebooks Ephemera Financial Records |
access | Collection stored off site: researchers must request access 36 hours before use. |
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finding aid | Electronic finding aid available Unpublished finding aid; see also Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library..., The Manuscript Inventories and the Catalogs...10v., (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1984) |
acquisition information | Gift of Mrs. Edward Henrotin, 1964. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:37 |
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title | G.P.A. Healy papers [manuscript], 1839-1889. |
repository | Chicago History Museum |
description | Correspondence, 1839-ca. 1889 (ca. 50 items), with Isaac N. Arnold, President Chester A. Arthur, William W. Corcoran, Thomas Couture, Healy's daughter Edith Healy Hill, Eastman Johnson, Bertha Honore Palmer, William T. Sherman, et al., about such matters as portrait commissions, Healy's working methods, etc. In addition there is a list of 82 of Healy's paintings owned by the Chicago Historical Society. Biographical and Historical Note GEORGE PETER ALEXANDER HEALY (1813-1894) Portrait and historical painter, Chicago, Ill. |
extent | 50 items |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:37 |
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title | President's letterbook [manuscript], 1892 July 26-1893 Jan. 3. |
repository | Chicago History Museum |
description | Letterpress copy book of outgoing letters from Bertha H. Palmer, president of the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Exposition. Includes alphabetical indexes to names of addressees in each volume. Author/creator: World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.). Board of Lady Managers Note: In many instances, the outgoing letters copied in the President's letterbooks do not correspond to the surviving incoming letters that are part of the Board's records. |
extent | 1 v.; 1 microfilm reel : neg. ; 35 mm; Camera negative of letterbook, v.# 14; 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. Reader copy. |
formats | Correspondence Photographs Microfilm |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
finding aid | Copies of the alphabetical indexes to addressees in the letterbooks are available in the Research Center of the Chicago Historical Society. |
acquisition information | Part of: World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.). Board of Lady Managers. World's Columbian Exposition, Board of Lady Managers records. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:37 |
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title | Registrar's Records |
repository | The Ryerson & Burnham Archives |
description | Collection records, 1894-1983 (9 ft.), including those of donors such as Edwin Bergman, Edward Butler, Arthur J. Eddy, William O. Goodman, Frank J. Logan, 3 Georgia O'Keeffe, Potter Palmer, Julius Rosenwald, Martin Ryerson, and Joseph Shapiro. Files may contain letters, bills of sales, research and bibliographic material, gifts and loans, bequests, collection lists and catalogs. |
formats | Correspondence Financial Records Research Files Inventories Ephemera |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:37 |
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title | Bertha Honore Palmer (Mrs. Potter Palmer) papers [manuscript], 1884-1902. |
repository | Chicago Historical Society |
description | Correspondence by and to Bertha Honore Palmer as well as bills, receipts, social invitations, and (1895-1896) wedding invitations. Related: Related materials at Chicago History Museum, Research Center, include additional manuscript materials by Mrs. Palmer filed (1) in the Potter Palmer and Palmer estate papers and (2) in the World's Columbian Exposition, Board of Lady Managers records. |
extent | 0.5 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Ephemera Financial Records |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Some materials in this collection were a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Johnson (1991.0485). |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | President's letterbooks [manuscript], 1890-1895. |
repository | Chicago Historical Society |
description | Letterpress copy books of outgoing letters from Bertha H. Palmer, president of the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Exposition. Includes alphabetical indexes to names of addressees in each volume. Volumes numbered within the World's Columbian Exposition collection: #9. 1891 Dec. 3-Feb. 21; #10. 1891 Aug. 2-Nov. 7; #11. 1891 Apr. 8-1892 Jan. 16; #12. 1891 Nov. 7-1892 Apr. 4; #13. 1892 Apr. 4-July 25; #14. 1892 July 26-1893 Jan. 3; #14a Copy of Oct. 18, 1892 report in preceding volume; #15 1892 Dec. 31-1893 Apr. 17; #16. 1893 Oct. 6-1894 Mar. 15; #17. 1894 Feb. 14-1895 Nov. 8, and #17a. pkg of letters from #17. Author/creator: World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.). Board of Lady Managers Note: In many instances, the outgoing letters copied in the President's letterbooks do not correspond to the surviving incoming letters that are part of the Board's records. |
extent | 10 v. |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
finding aid | Copies of the alphabetical indexes to addressees in the letterbooks are available in the Manuscripts Handbook in the Research Center of the Chicago Historical Society. |
acquisition information | Forms part of the World's Columbian Exposition, Board of Lady Managers records. Other copy: Microfilm copy available of B.L.M. vol. #14. Chicago Historical Society. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | World's Columbian Exposition, Board of Lady Managers records [manuscript], 1890-1904 (bulk 1890-1894). |
repository | Chicago Historical Society |
description | Includes 5 letters by James W. Scott: 1891, Aug. 10, 29, 29, 31, and Dec. 12. Includes 3 letters by Florenz Ziegfeld, Sr.: 1892 Nov. 3, 8, and 1893 Jan. 13. Incoming letters, most addressed to Bertha H. Palmer, president of the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Exposition, and a few outgoing letters (6 boxes, 1890-1904); letterpress copy books of outgoing letters (9 v., 1890-1895, with alphabetical indexes to addressees in each volume); and other volumes containing minutes, reports, lists, and other records of the Board of Lady Managers (BLM). Includes items relating to design of the Woman's Building and arrangements for exhibitions within the building; includes correspondence with committees and individual women representing states of the United States and foreign countries; includes lists of women receiving awards for creative work, such as needlework, crafts, inventions, and works of art. Most items arranged chronologically within volumes. Letterpress copies were compiled as each letter was written; stamped with a page number; and the addressee's name was added to an index under the appropriate letter of the alphabet. Later stacks of copies were bound into volumes. Therefore indexes are not in perfect alphabetical order; volumes are not in perfect chronological order; and some volumes contain 2 sets of page numbers (for example, page 121 may occur in two sections of one volume). Includes eleven letters by Daniel H. Burnham: 1891 Jan. 19, 24, Mar. 26, Jun. 15, Jul. 14, Dec. 26; 1892 Aug. 27, Oct. 5, 12, 18; 1893 Jun. 30. Includes many letters by Ellen Henrotin. See the indexes. Includes 2 letters by Harriet Monroe: 1891 Nov. 28, and n.d. Note: Most of the Board of Lady Managers records were formerly known as the Bertha H. Palmer collection. Local note: Some items in the Board of Lady Managers records are described in more detail in separate online catalog records. Author/creator: World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.). Board of Lady Managers |
extent | 5 linear ft. |
formats | Correspondence Microfilm |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Descriptive inventory available. Also, index pages from the letterpress volumes have been photocopied and are available with the descriptive inventory in the Research Center, Chicago History Museum. |
acquisition information | Eight folders of materials, primarily incoming letters from foreign Fair representatives, including those from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Algeria and Argentina, 1891-1895, were the gift of Johnson, Kenneth O. Johnson (1991.0485). Other items donated by Mr. Johnson are filed in the Bertha H. Palmer papers. Formerly: Bertha H. Palmer collection. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:38 |
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title | Potter Palmer and Palmer estate papers [manuscript], 1849-1920. |
repository | Chicago Historical Society |
description | Account books for personal expenses (1880-1916), account books for management of the Palmer estate (1904-20), other volumes, and correspondence and other papers, primarily concerning Potter Palmer's Chicago real estate investments and other business ventures. Includes a ledger from the Palmer House hotel (1894), an investment account book (1918) of his wife, Bertha Honore Palmer, and ca. 50 items concerning her Tiffany and Company purchases (1892-1920). The account books include a few notations relating to Mrs. Palmer's art purchases. Correspondence arranged in chronological order; Tiffany and other miscellaneous invoices filed after the correspondence folders. Microfilm reels: 1. Vols. 1-8; 2. Vols. 8-12; 3. Vols. 12-17; 4. Vols. 17-21; 5. Vols. 21-27.Related: Related materials at Chicago History Museum, Research Center, include the Potter Palmer album of South State Street views, 1868-1869 (1981.0067), and photographs of Potter Palmer, Bertha Palmer, and of their house filed by name/topic in the Image Files. Most of Mrs. Palmer's correspondence is arranged in two other collections at Chicago History Museum, Research Center: (1) the Bertha H. Palmer papers and (2) the records of the World's Columbian Exposition, Board of Lady Managers, of which Mrs. Palmer was president. Exhibited: Exhibited in: Chicago History Galleries, Chicago Historical Society, beginning in 1979. Pages from account book re. State St. property ca. 1869. |
extent | ca. 1500 items and 27 v.; 5 microfilm reels : neg.; 35 mm. Camera neg. of vols. 5 microfilm reels; 35 mm. Reader copy. |
formats | Microfilm Estate Papers Correspondence Financial Records |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
record source | |
acquisition information | Most of this collection was a gift of Potter Palmer IV, 1967. |
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title | Historic Spanish Point 1999. |
repository | Archives of American Gardens |
description | The folders include worksheets, brochures, booklets, maps, plant lists, copies of correspondence, and additional information about the history of the site, the gardens and the Palmer family. General Note: This 30-acre site is a unique environmental, archaeological, and historic preserve on the shores of Little Sarasota Bay. It was inhabited by Native Americans for 5,000 years, then briefly by the Spanish, and then by pioneers in the mid-19th century. Between 1910 and 1918 it was the home of Mrs. Potter Palmer of Chicago, who developed the gardens between 1912 and 1918 (the property remained in the Palmer family until 1980 when the site was donated to the Gulf Coast Heritage Association, Inc.). The Palmer-era gardens are one focus of the property today, along with historic and environmental preservation. Mrs. Palmer made "Osprey Point" her winter retreat and a self-sufficient plantation, adding and restoring buildings, walkways, an aqueduct, gardens, and more with architectural features typical of her era. In addition, she bought hundreds of additional acres for farming and investment. She preserved the lovely natural setting of native trees and lush greenery, while adding exotic ornamentals, fruits, and vegetables so capably that new plantings have been basically unnecessary since. Persons associated with the garden include: John and Elizabeth Webb (former owners, 1867-1911); Frank and Lizzie Webb Guptill (former owners, 1901-1911); Mrs. Potter Palmer (former owner, 1910-1918); the Palmer family (former owners, 1918-1980); Achille Duchêne (landscape designer, 1912-1918); William Prentiss (grounds supervisor, 1917); Rudy J. Favretti (landscape designer, 1990); Herschel Shepard (project restoration architect, late 1980s); Janet Snyder Matthews (project historian, late 1980s); Marion Almy (project archaeologist, late 1980s); John Maseman (conservator, late 1980s); and Nancy Lichtenstein (horticulturist and groundskeeper, 1997 to date). |
extent | 2 folders+ 13 35 mm. slides. |
formats | Ephemera |
access | Access to original images by appointment only. Researcher must submit request for appointment in writing. Certain items may be restricted and not available to researchers. For information or study purposes only. Use or copyright restrictions may exist. All requests for duplication and use must be submitted in writing and approved by Archives of American Gardens. |
bibliography | Garden has been featured in "Les jardin français aux États-unis, creations de MM. Duchêne et Gréber," La gazette illustrée des amateurs de jardin, 1923, pp. 16-36. |
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acquisition information | Forms part of: Garden Club of America Collection |
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title | Anna Howard Shaw Papers (Series X of the Mary Earhart Dillon Collection) |
repository | Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute |
description | Collection was assembled by Shaw's friend and secretary, Lucy Elmina Anthony, and was used extensively by Ida Husted Harper in the preparation of her unpublished Shaw biography. It includes certificates, tributes, reminiscences, drafts of the Harper biography, clippings, photographs, correspondence, diaries and appointment books, writings and speeches, etc. Bio/History: Anne Howard Shaw, English-born Methodist minister, temperance lecturer, and woman suffrage leader, was vice-president (1892-1904) and president (1904-1915) of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. For additional biographical information, see Notable American Women, 1607-1950 (1971). |
extent | 1.75 linear feet. |
formats | Diaries Writings Manuscript |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Electronic finding aid available Published guide to microfilm edition available at the Schlesinger Library and from University Publications of America, Bethesda, Md. Unpublished finding aid; most Schlesinger Library finding aids are also available in the National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the United States (Chadwyck-Healey, 1984-). |
acquisition information | Anna Howard Shaw Papers (Series X of the Mary Earhart Dillon Collection) |
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title | M. Knoedler & Co. records, approximately 1848-1971 |
repository | The Getty Research Institute |
description | The records of M. Knoedler & Co. document the business of the prominent American art dealer from the mid-19th century to 1971, when the Knoedler Gallery was acquired by Armand Hammer. The archive traces the development of the once provincial American art market into one of the world's leading art centers and the formation of the private art collections that would ultimately establish many of the nation's leading art museums, such as the Frick Collection and the National Gallery of Art. It brings to the foreground the business side of dealing as artworks shuttled back and forth among Knoedler, fellow dealers, and collectors, documenting developments in art connoisseurship, shifting tastes, the changing role of art in American society, and the essential role of private collectors in the formation of public American art collections. The records provide insight into broader economic, social and cultural histories and the nation's evolving sense of place in the world. The Knoedler Gallery became one of the main suppliers of old master and post-Impressionist paintings in the United States. Financial records of the firm provide crucial provenance information on the large number of artworks in American museums that were sold by the gallery. The archive includes stock books, sales books and commission books; correspondence with collectors, artists, art dealers and other associates; photographs of the artworks sold by the gallery; records from the firm's offices in London, Paris and other cities; exhibition files; framing and restoration records, and records of the firm's Print Department. Selected portions of the archive have been digitized and made available online. Connect to selected digitized portions of the archive. Arranged in 14 series: Series I. Stock books; Series II. Sales books; Series III. Commission books; Series IV. Inventory cards; Series V. Receiving and shipping records; Series VI. Correspondence; Series VII. Photographs; Series VIII. Exhibition files; Series IX. American Department records; Series X. Framing and restoration records; Series XI. Print Department records; Series XII. Other financial records; Series XIII. Library cards, scrapbooks, and research materials; Series XIV. Knoedler family papers Biographical/Historical Note: M. Knoedler & Co. was a successor to the New York branch of Goupil & Co., an extremely dynamic print-publishing house founded in Paris in 1827. Goupil's branches in London, Berlin, Brussels, and The Hague, as well as New York, expanded the firm's market in the sale of reproductive prints. The firm's office in New York was established in 1848. In 1857, Michael Knoedler, an employee of Goupil and a manager for the firm, bought out the interests in the firm's New York branch, conducted the business under his own name, and diversified its activities to include the sale of paintings. Roland Knoedler, Michael's son, took over the firm in 1878 and with Charles Carstairs opened galleries in Paris and London. In 1928, the management of the firm passed to Roland's nephew Charles Henschel, Carman Messmore, Charles Carstairs and Carstairs' son Carroll. In 1956 Henschel died, and E. Coe Kerr and Roland Balaÿ, Michael Knoedler's grandson, took over. In 1971 the firm was sold to businessman and collector Armand Hammer. The gallery closed in November 2011. |
extent | 3042.6 linear feet (5550 boxes, 17 flat file folders). |
formats | Auction Catalogs Business Records Correspondence Financial Records Ephemera |
access | Open for use by qualified researchers, with the following exceptions. Boxes 77, 262-264, 1308-1512, 1969-1974, 3592-3723 are restricted due to fragility. Box 4468 is restricted until 2075. |
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contact information | Contact gallery's archivist |
finding aid | At the Getty Research Institute and over their website. |
acquisition information | Acquired in 2012. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:44 |
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