Mills, Ogden Livingston, 1884-
type Collector
dates 1884-1937
city New York City
other citiesCambridge, MA; Newport, RI; Staatsburgh, NY; Albany, NY;
sex M
history Collector, sportsman, thoroughbred racehorse owner and breeder, lawyer, businessman and politician, Mills was a former Secretary of Treasury and the Republican Party Leader. Director of the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, Chase National Bank, National Biscuit Company, Seaboard Oil Company, City and Suburban Home Company, New York Herald Tribune, Charity Organization Society, Cerro de Pasco Copper Corporation, and trustee of the Provident Loan Society, American Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Art Museum of Art and president of the Home for Incurables.

Mills was married twice his first marriage was to Margaret S Rutherford, daughter of Mrs. W K Vanderbilt, in 1911, it ended in 1920, and in 1924, Mills married Dorothy Randolph Fell (daughter of Phillip S. P. Randolph of Philadelphia).

Mills was a member of the Union, Metropolitan, Knickerbocker, Racquet and Tennis and Harvard Clubs.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:24
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Staatsburgh (Mills Mansion)
State Historic Site
Ogden Livingston Mills and Ruth Livingston Mills family papers, 1713-1938. see details...
Library of Congress
Manuscript Division
Papers of Ogden Livingston Mills, 1920-1939 (bulk 1926-1933) see details...
Library of Congress Recorded Sound Reference Center

James Madison Building
[Federation of Polish Jews in America luncheon] [sound recording]. see details...
Library of Congress
Manuscript Division
Reid family papers, 1795-2003 see details...

see alsoMills, Ogden, 1856-1929