Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Mills, Ogden Livingston, 1884-
title | Ogden Livingston Mills and Ruth Livingston Mills family papers, 1713-1938. |
repository | Staatsburgh (Mills Mansion) |
description | Miscellaneous family papers of Ogden Livingston Mills and Ruth Livingston Mills primarily concern their Livingston relatives and the family property in Staatsburg. Papers of Francis Lewis, signer of the Declaration of Independence include his marriage certificate, 1745, and a letter and receipts relating to Revolutionary War activities, 1776-1779. Papers of Livingston family members include agreements of Mrs. Margaret Livingston, 1783-1789, and her undated notebook from a trip to Europe; memorial booklet on Angelica Livingston Hamilton and Geraldine Livingston Hoyt, 1897; map of Livingston property in New York City, 1832; and typescript copies of lengthy letters from Mrs. Maturin Livingston (Staatsburg and New York) to her daughter Mrs. Rawlins Lowndes in South Carolina, 1826-1842, concerning social events, fashions, familial advice, domestic troubles, hired help, scandals, courtships, and other news. Items relating to Ogden Mills include drawing of a French car commissioned by Mills, a speech against New Deal policies, 1934, and a program from his memorial services, 1937. Other family papers include maps and drawings of the Mills Mansion and its grounds, 1920-1921 and undated; other maps owned by the family, 1811-1819; music used by the family, 1878-1906; minute book of the Staatsburg Golf Club, 1897-1900; indentures of Henry Beekman, 1713-1757; autograph letters by Benjamin Franklin, 1779, and George Washington, 1776; and an inventory of the contents of the house, 1938. |
extent | 1.5 cubic ft. |
formats | Correspondence Legal Papers Estate Papers Drawings Inventories |
access | New York State Library |
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acquisition information | Original or duplicate materials: Originals of Livingston letters are at/ Vassar College. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Papers of Ogden Livingston Mills, 1920-1939 (bulk 1926-1933) |
repository | Library of Congress |
description | Correspondence, galley proofs, memoranda, speeches, statements, clippings (some mounted in scrapbooks), and other printed matter dealing primarily with taxation, foreign debts, the Federal Reserve System, the tariff, and other financial matters. Includes bills considered by the House (1921-1927); speeches made by Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alfred Landon and others; material gathered for use in lectures at the New School for Social Research (1936-1937) and for an unpublished book. Correspondents include Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Frank B. Kellogg, Henry L. Stimson, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Charles Hamlin, Eugene Meyer, and Owen D. Young. Biographical/Historical Data: U.S. representative from New York and U.S. secretary of the treasury; died 1937. |
extent | 60,000 items. 206 containers |
formats | Correspondence Ephemera Writings Clippings Financial Records |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | Finding aid available in the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room. |
acquisition information | Gift, Dorothy Randolph Mills, 1954. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | [Federation of Polish Jews in America luncheon] [sound recording]. |
repository | Library of Congress Recorded Sound Reference Center |
description | Excerpts from a luncheon given by the Federation of Polish Jews in America to publicize a national campaign for the relief of the oppressed and impoverished Jews of Poland. Ogden Mills, former secretary of the treasury, discusses the plight of the Polish Jews, the rise of nationalism in Europe, and racial and religious injustice in general. Attorney George Gordon Battle comments on the history of Jews in Poland and the current efforts to solve their problems. Notes: Original recordings are 1930s instantaneous discs housed at Columbia University in the Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum. Forms part of the Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Collection; for general information, see collection record with title: Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Collection (Library of Congress). Recorded in New York City on Jan. 24, 1936. |
extent | 2 sound discs. |
formats | Sound Recording |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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title | Reid family papers, 1795-2003 |
repository | Library of Congress |
description | Journalists and newspaper publishers. Correspondence, financial records, office files, household and estate records, subject files, scrapbooks, printed matter, and miscellaneous papers related to newspaper publishing and public affairs. |
extent | 340 linear feet |
formats | Microfilm Correspondence Financial Records Legal Papers Scrapbooks |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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finding aid | In repository and on the repository's web site. |
acquisition information | The Papers of the Reid family, journalists and newspaper publishers, were given to the Library of Congress by Helen Rogers Reid and her sons, Whitelaw Reid and Ogden R. Reid, between 1953 and 1987. Transfers: Some photographs and photographic albums have been transferred to the Library's Print and Photographs Division here they are identified as part of these papers. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:36 |
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