Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924
type Collector
dates 1850-1924
city Nahant
other citiesWashington, DC;
sex M
history Collector, politician, and US Senator (1893-1924).

Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924) was a historian and U.S. senator, the son of John Ellerton Lodge (b. 1807) and Anna Cabot (1821-1900). He graduated from Harvard in 1871 and, later that year, married Anna "Nannie" Cabot Mills Davis (1850-1915). The couple had three children: Constance Davis Lodge (b. 1872), who married Augustus Peabody Gardner (d. 1918) in 1891; George "Bay" Cabot Lodge (1873-1909), a poet who married Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis (1876-1960) in 1900 and had two sons who became involved with United States politics, senator and diplomat Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. (1902-1985) and ambassador John Davis Lodge (1903-1985); and John Ellerton Lodge (1876-1942) , who married Mary Connolly. The Lodge family made their homes in Nahant, Mass. and Washington, D.C.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:24
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Massachusetts Historical Society
1154 Boylston Street

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Massachusetts Historical Society
1154 Boylston Street

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