Hammond, John Hays, 1888-1965
type Collector
dates 1888-1965
city Glouchester
other citiesSan Francisco, CA;
sex M
history John Hays Hammond, Jr. was a businessman, patron of the arts, inventor, and a collector Roman, Medieval, and Renaissance art.

He was the son of millionaire, adventurer and philanthropist John Hays Hammond (1855-1936).
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:26
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Repository Description Links
Library of Congress
Manuscript Division
John Hays Hammond papers, 1908-1965 see details...
Yale University Library
Manuscripts and Archives
John Hays Hammond, Jr. papers, 1912-1963 (inclusive). see details...
Yale University Library
Manuscripts and Archives
William Gilman Thompson autograph collection see details...

see alsoHammond, Natalie Hays, 1905-
Hammond, John Henry, 1871-1949