Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Hammond, John Hays, 1888-1965

titleJohn Hays Hammond papers, 1908-1965
repositoryLibrary of Congress
descriptionThe papers of John Hays Hammond (1888-1965) consist primarily of correspondence, notebooks, sketches, technical papers, legal briefs, printed material, chronologies, and annotated photographs. The collection spans the period 1908-1965, with the bulk of the material falling between 1912 and 1953.

The collection is divided into four series: Notebooks , General Case File , Photographs , and Oversize . The Notebooks series, dated 1912-1918, contains reports by Hammond and his staff on experiments with radio control inventions. The General Case File represents the bulk of the collection. The third series, Photographs , includes detailed prints and negatives of Hammond’s staff and radio equipment. Several of the technical prints have explanatory notes pointing out specific electrical components or design differences. The Oversize series contains a photograph album featuring the Hammond Research Library in Gloucester, Massachusetts.

Ellison S. Purington, Hammond’s business associate and personal friend for over forty years who prepared these papers for transfer to the Library of Congress, arranged the materials in basic categories and included notes that point out significant segments of the collection. The addenda often provide background details not found in the documents.

extent19 containers plus 1 oversize 7 linear feet
formatsCorrrespondence Notebooks Printed Materials Sketches Photographs
accessThe papers of John Hays Hammond are open to research. Researchers are advised to contact the Manuscript Reading Room prior to visiting. Many collections are stored off-site and advance notice is needed to retrieve these items for research use.
record link
finding aid
updated02/14/2025 10:07:53

titleJohn Hays Hammond, Jr. papers, 1912-1963 (inclusive).
repositoryYale University Library
descriptionPrinted patents, reports and related material on his system for the radio control of torpedoes, inventions for musical instruments and scrapbooks of newspaper clippings and congressional publications about Hammond and his work. Half the collection is made up of clippings.
extent9 linear ft. (18 boxes, 1 folio)
accessThe collection is open for research. Copyright status for collection materials is unknown. Additional information is provided in the finding aid.
record link
finding aid
acquisition informationGift of the John Hays Hammond, Jr. estate, 1965.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:54

titleWilliam Gilman Thompson autograph collection
repositoryYale University Library
descriptionCollection of autograph letters and photographs accumulated by Thompson, a physician.
extent3 Linear Feet (1 box, 1 folio)
accessThe materials are open for research.
record link
finding aid
acquisition informationGift of the William G. Thompson estate, 1939.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:54