Verplanck, Gulian C. (Gulian Crommelin), 1786-1870
type Collector
dates 1786-1870
city New York City
other citiesFishkill, NY;
sex M
history Gulian C. Verplanck was a politician, lawyer, art collector and founding member of the New York Historical Society.

Verplanck was also a member of the Century Club.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:27
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Repository Description Links
The New-York Historical Society
Manuscript Department
Gulian C. Verplanck Papers, [ca. 1805]-[ca. 1857] see details...
Rosenbach Museum and Library
ALsS : to Gulian C. Verplanck, 1826. see details...
Connecticut Historical Society
Library, Manuscript Collections
Johnson family papers, 1722-1863. see details...
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
Edwards, Ogden (1753-1878)
Repository details:
Huntington Library, San Marino CA
NIDS fiche number:
ca. 49 items
NIDS index terms:
Adams, John Quincy
Allen, Stephen
Army officers; Arnold, Benedict
Arnold, Benedict
Arnold, Hannah
Arnold, Peggy
Bronson, Greene C.
Burr, Aaron
Butler, William
Calhoun, John Caldwell
Chandler, Joshua
Clinton, DeWitt
College of New Jersey
Daggett, David
Duer, W. A.
Edwards, Henry
Edwards, Ogden
Edwards, Pierpont
Edwards, William J.
Ellsworth, Oliver
Fitzsimons, Christopher
Gage, Thomas
Gaston, William
Genet, E. C.
Girard, Stephen
Granger, Frank
Green, Julia Boynton
Huntington, Samuel
Irving, William
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnson, William
Kent, William
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lawrence, J.
Lee, Gideon
North, W.
Nott, Eliphat
Ogden, Aaron
Paulding, James Kirke
Porter, Peter B.
Scott, Winfield
Sherman, Roger M.
Southard, Samuel
The West; History
Tynet, James N.
HitVerplanck, Gulian Crommelin
Wadsworth, Jeremiah

Durable URL
see details...
Berg Collection of English and American Literature
New York Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
Washington Irving collection of papers, [1805]-1933 bulk (1815-1859). see details...