Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America
Archives related to: Verplanck, Gulian C. (Gulian Crommelin), 1786-1870
title | Gulian C. Verplanck Papers, [ca. 1805]-[ca. 1857] |
repository | The New-York Historical Society |
description | The Verplanck Papers reflect the interests and activities of Gulian Vrommelin Verplanck between 1805 and 1857; the collection occupies 10 linear feet. Topics addressed in the voluminous correspondence received include national finances; educational institutions; tariffs; national and New York State politics; commerce and manufacturing; activities of the Regents of the State University of New York and the Board of Commissioners of Emigration; the General Theological Seminary and the Protestant Episcopal Church of New York; literary and cultural societies; law and legal practice; and property in Delaware and Dutchess Counties. Verplanck's correspondents number in the hundreds. Additional correspondence, financial and legal records, speeches and writings document activities of the Verplanck and Crommelin families, particularly Daniel C. and Samuel Verplanck. Bio/Historic note The descendant of early settler in New Amsterdam, Gulian Crommelin Verplanck was born in 1786 to Daniel Crommelin and Elizabeth (Johnson) Verplanck, who died when Verplanck was a child. He graduated from Columbia in 1801, studied law under Josiah Ogden Hoffman, and six years later was admitted to the bar. In 1811, Verplanck married Hoffman's sister-in-law, Mary Elizabeth Fenno; they had two sons. Following family tradition, Verplanck became a Federalist and with Isaac Sebring and Richard Varick, he founded the Washington Benevolent Society to promote the party's interests. Verplanck played a major role in the Columbia Commencement riot of 1811, and in the litigation and bitter decade-long press war with DeWitt Clinton that followed. He travelled to Europe in 1815 with his wife, whose health was failing. Upon his return, Verplanck and Charles King founded the New York American, which the two used to satirize the Clinton administration. From 1821 to 1824, Verplanck taught at the General Theological Seminary and published Essays on the Nature and Uses of the Various Evidences of Revealed Religion, one of the earliest American works inspired by Scottish common-sense philosophy. He was a member of the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York, 1826-1870, and president of the Board of Commissioners of Emigration, 1848-1870. Verplanck's government service included terms in the New York Assembly, 1820-22; the House of Representatives, 1824-34 (where he chaired the Ways and Means Committee, 1831-33); and the New York Senate, 1838-41. After becoming estranged from the Congressional Democrats and by-passed for re-nomination, in 1834 Verplanck lost a close race as the Whig candidate in New York's first direct mayoralty election. That same year he refused to run for governor to avoid any connection with anti-Masonry. Verplanck spent the later part of his life on his estate at Fishkill, though he remained busy, editing the Talisman with William Cullen Bryant and Robert C. Sands, 1828-1830, and publishing an important work on Shakespeare's plays in 1847. He died on March 18, 1870. Arrangement Divided into two sections: I. Letters received; II. Miscellaneous Manuscripts and Family Papers. Series I is arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Library Holdings: New-York Historical Society Mss Collection Verplanck Papers Non-circulating |
extent | 10 linear feet |
formats | Business Papers Personal Papers Correspondence Financial Records Legal Papers |
access | The collection is open to qualified researchers. |
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finding aid | No overall finding aid available; partially indexed in card catalog and box lists. |
acquisition information | Gift of T. M. Etting, Feb. 1927 (6 linear feet). Gift of Mrs. T. Bache Bleeker (nee Verplanck; great-granddaughter of Gulian C. Verplanck), April 10, 1937 (4 linear feet). |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:42 |
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title | ALsS : to Gulian C. Verplanck, 1826. |
repository | Rosenbach Museum and Library |
description | Letters of 2 November and 9 December, in which Gilmor describes his collection and his plans to complete a set of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and asks for Verplanck's assistance in procuring material. Bio/History: Gilmor, a prominent citizen of Baltimore, was one of the first Americans to begain a formal autograph collection. |
extent | 2 items (4 p.) ; 26 cm. or smaller |
formats | Correspondence |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:43 |
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title | Johnson family papers, 1722-1863. |
repository | Connecticut Historical Society |
description | Connecticut and New York State deeds, business and personal correspondence, business agreements, estate records, financial records, diaries, and college essays of several generations of a Stratford, Connecticut, family. Of note are the Chancery Court records kept by William Samuel Johnson (1795-1883). Most of these records relate to the guardianship of the Mcdonough children and the settlement of the Rossiter estate. Among the collection are records for the construction of a parsonage in Stratford for the Episcopal Society, along with other administrative and disciplinary documents regarding the church, and letters concerning iron ore found in Kent, Connecticut. There are also letters and deeds about investing in land in Tioga County, New York. Of note are Anne Frances Johnson's religious diaries from 1813-1839. The family members whose papers can be found in the collection are George P. Devereux, Sarah Elizabeth Devereux, lawyer Thomas P. Devereux, Ann Frances Johnson, Charles F. Johnson, Edwards Johnson, Laura Woolsey Johnson, Mary Ann Bayard Johnson, lawyer Robert Charles Johnson (1766-1807), Robert Charles Johnson (1807-1886), Samuel William Johnson (1761-1846), Samuel William Johnson (1818-1895), William Samuel Johnson (1727-1819), lawyer William Samuel Johnson (1795-1883), William Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson Verplank, and Gulian C. Verplanck. Note(s): Manuscripts and Archives at Yale University also has a Johnson family collection. Preferred citation: Johnson Family Papers, 1722-1863, Ms 24421. Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Connecticut. Location: Manuscript Stacks Call Number: 24421 |
extent | 7 linear feet. |
formats | Legal Papers Financial Records Diaries Correspondence Estate Papers |
access | Contact repository for restrictions and policies. |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:43 |
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title | Edwards, Ogden (1753-1878) Repository details: Huntington Library, San Marino CA NIDS fiche number: 3.83.91 Type: Papers Extent: ca. 49 items NIDS index terms: Adams, John Quincy Allen, Stephen Army officers; Arnold, Benedict Arnold, Benedict Arnold, Hannah Arnold, Peggy Bronson, Greene C. Burr, Aaron Butler, William Calhoun, John Caldwell Chandler, Joshua Clinton, DeWitt College of New Jersey Daggett, David Duer, W. A. Edwards, Henry Edwards, Ogden Edwards, Pierpont Edwards, William J. Ellsworth, Oliver Fitzsimons, Christopher Gage, Thomas Gaston, William Genet, E. C. Girard, Stephen Granger, Frank Green, Julia Boynton Huntington, Samuel Irving, William Jefferson, Thomas Johnson, William Kent, William Lafayette, Marquis de Lawrence, J. Lee, Gideon North, W. Nott, Eliphat Ogden, Aaron Paulding, James Kirke Porter, Peter B. Scott, Winfield Sherman, Roger M. Southard, Samuel The West; History Tynet, James N. HitVerplanck, Gulian Crommelin Wadsworth, Jeremiah Durable URL |
repository | The Huntington Library |
description | Edwards, Ogden (1753-1878) Repository details: Huntington Library, San Marino CA NIDS fiche number: 3.83.91 |
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updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:44 |
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title | Washington Irving collection of papers, [1805]-1933 bulk (1815-1859). |
repository | Berg Collection of English and American Literature |
description | This is a synthetic collection that includes manuscripts, portraits, pictorial works, commonplace books, journals, and notebooks, a certificate, a scrapbook and correspondence. The manuscripts include early holograph drafts and notes for The Alhambra, Communipaw, A history of New York, sections of the Life of George Washington, and notes and fragments of Mahomet and his successors. They also include fragments from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, portions of text extracted from the Knickerbocker, two packets of holographic notes headed "Alhambra", holograph of Newstead abbey, proverbs apparently from Spanish sources, and notes and incomplete drafts for The sketchbook. The collection also includes an engraved acknowledgement from the Astor Library to William A. Macy; W. C. Bryant's Discourse on the life, genius and and writing of Washington Irving; and holograph notes by P. M. Irving relating to Washington Irving and to the history of the name "Irving." There are two holograph journals by Washington Irving and one journal by his son, Pierre, describing the author's last days. The notebooks include three consisting chiefly of memoranda towards Mahomet and his successors; one of rough drafts and incomplete essays; one of notes of a Conversation with William P. Duvall the original of Ralph Ringwood; and another of A tour on the Prairies. The collection also includes a notebook by P. M. Irving with his outline for Life and letters of Washington Irving. There is also a scrapbook of clippings and letters related to Irving gathered by J. C. Peters; and Irving's commonplace book of reading notes and observations on various subjects. T he correspondence includes letters written by Irving to Colonel Thomas Aspinwall, Richard Bentley, Henry Brevoort, Catherine D'Oubril, Charles R. Leslie, John Murray, Edgar Allan Poe, William H. Prescott, Daniel Webster, and others. The collection also includes letters from Julia Irving Grinnell to her sister; P. M. Irving to Dr. John C. Peters relating to the death of Irving; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to Dr. Peters; John C. Peters to Oliver Wendell Holmes; S. T. Williams to W. T. H. Howe, and others related to Irving. There are letters to Irving from Richard Henry Dana, Charles Dickens, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Murray, Philip Henry Stanhope, and others dating from 1807 to 1858. Biography Washington Irving was an American author of short stories, travel literature, humorous and historical works, folklore, biographies, and essays. Born on April 3, 1783 in New York, Irving spent several years abroad in both England and Spain. He was the secretary to the American Legation in London from 1829 to 1842 when he was appointed as the U.S. Minister to Spain for four years. His works include the well-known short stories The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle and extensive biographies of George Washington, Christopher Columbus and others. Local Note Creation of collection-level record funded with the generous support of the Gladys Kreible Delmas Foundation. Schwarzman Building (42nd Street & 5th Avenue) Berg Collection Berg Coll MSS Irving |
extent | 167 items. |
formats | Manuscript Printed Materials Journals Scrapbooks Correspondence |
access | Restricted access; Berg Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated. |
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finding aid | Inventory list and card catalog available in repository. |
updated | 02/14/2025 10:07:47 |
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