Butler, Theron R
type Collector
dates d.1884
city New York City
other citiesBeverly Hills, CA;
sex M
history Collector and president of the Sixth-Avenue Railroad Company.

His collection was sold by the American Art Galleries at Mendelssohn Hall, Jan. 7, 1910. The sale included, among other works, Corot's "Un Torrent dans les Romagnes," two drawings by Millet, two paintings by Rousseau and works by Troyon, Diaz, decorative works and Asian art.

According to The Art Treasures of America, Butler owned works by J. P. A. Antigna, C. Baugniet, R. Bonheur, W. A. Bouguereau, E. Boutibonne, F. Brillouin, D. Col, B. Desgoffe, J. L. Gérôme, F. Girard, E. Hamman, L. Knaus, I. Leon Y Escosura, J. L. E. Meissonier, J. G. Meyer von Bremen, V. Palmaroli, E. Plassan, F. Roybet, A. Schreyer, J. G. Vibert, and E. Zamacoïs.

updated 02/14/2025 10:12:22
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J.Y. Joyner Library, East Carolina University
East Carolina Manuscript Collection, Special Collections Department
Alice Green Hoffman Papers, 1911-1945 (Collection #127) see details...