Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America

Archives related to: Butler, Theron R

titleAlice Green Hoffman Papers, 1911-1945 (Collection #127)
repositoryJ.Y. Joyner Library, East Carolina University
descriptionPapers (1911-1945) including correspondence of Bogue Banks, diary farm, letters commentary, social activities, republican committee, financial papers, manuscripts, pamphlets, blue prints, etc.

Biographical/Historical Note
Alice Green Hoffman was the daughter of Albert W. Green of Green-Joyce Company and the granddaughter of Theron R. Butler. She was the sister of Grace Green Alexander and Mary Butler Green Hartwell and the aunt of Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. She was also the cousin of Ohio Supreme Court Justice Edward G. Matthias. Mrs. Hoffman was a resident of Paris, France; of New York where she was involved in real estate; and of Carteret County, North Carolina, where she was involved in developing a dairy cattle herd and other agricultural interests on Bogue Banks.
extent5.353 cubic feet
formatsCorrespondence Diaries Financial Records Legal Papers Ephemera
accessNo restrictions
record link
record source
finding aidOnline and in the repository.
acquisition informationGift of Frank M. Wooten, Jr.
updated02/14/2025 10:07:33