Kuh, Katharine
type Dealer/Gallery
dates 1904-1994
city New York City
other citiesSt. Louis, MO; Chicago, IL;
sex F
history Katharine Kuh was an art consultant, gallery owner, curator, and critic; Chicago and New York City.

In 1959, a year after Rich's departure, Mrs. Kuh left the Art Institute; soon she moved to New York. Over the next decade, she worked as art adviser for the First National Bank of Chicago, assembling an eclectic corporate collection of some 2,000 works that is considered one of the best in the country.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:22
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Repository Description Links
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Katharine Kuh papers, 1875-1994, bulk, 1930-1994. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Oral history interview with Katharine Kuh, 1982 Mar. 18-1983 Mar. 24. see details...
Yale University Library
Manuscripts and Archives
Katharine Kuh papers, 1937-1964 (inclusive) see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Edward and Rosamond Walling Tirana Corbett papers, 1932-1978.
see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Avis Berman research material on Katharine Kuh, 1939-2006. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
New directions in American painting and sculpture, 1960 Apr. 13. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Robert Jay Wolff papers, 1926-1969. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Lee Gatch papers, 1925-1979. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Lily Harmon papers, 1930-1996. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
George Fedoroff papers, 1944-1979. see details...
University of Pennsylvania
Rare Book & Manuscript Library Collections
Correspondence with Carl Zigrosser, 1937-1968, n.d. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Oral history interview with Katharine Kuh, 1993 Jan. 26-27. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Oral history interview with Anne Rorimer, 2010 Nov. 15-16. see details...
Archives of American Art
Victor Building, Suite 2200
Mark Tobey papers, [ca. 1920]-1977. see details...
University of Washington Libraries
Special Collections Division, University of Washington Libraries
Mark Tobey Papers, circa 1850-1985 see details...