Butler, Edward Burgess, 1853-1928
type Collector Artist Patron
dates 1853-1928
city Pasadena
other citiesLewiston, ME; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; New York, NY; St. Louis, MO;
sex M
history Edward Burgess Butler was a collector, artist, millionaire owner and founder of Butler Brothers (wholesale dry goods with warehouses in Chicago, New York, St. Louis), philanthropist, Chicago Institute of Art Trustee and chairman of the finance committee for the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893.

Butler's collection included work by artist George Inness, he donated 18 Inness paintings to the Chicago Institute of Art, in 1911.

Butler was a charter member of the Pasadena Society of artists and its first president, 1925-27.

Butler, with his brothers George Henry Butler (1839-1880) and Charles Hamblet Butler (1845-1889), founded Butler Brothers in Boston in 1877.

In 1880 he married Jane Holly, she was the daughter of William Henry Holly, of Norwalk, Connecticut.
updated 02/14/2025 10:12:23
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University of Chicago, Library
Butler-Gunsaulus miscellaneous manuscripts collection, 1527-1900 (inclusive), 1770-1900 (bulk). see details...
National Portrait Gallery Library
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Artist File: Butler, Edward Burgess , 1853-1928 see details...