TENGNAGEL, JAN | Montias Database

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Artist NameTinghnagel
Authority NameTENGNAGEL, JAN
Artist ActiveAmsterdam |a 1619-1635
Verbatim Entryeen schildery van Salomons offerhande [crossed out: gerecht] van Tinghnagel
TitleSalomons offerhande
Montias SubjectOLD TESTAMENT
Object Typepainting
Montias2 Record10296

Source Information   (View Inventory)

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call Number1856, film no. 2103, fol. 749-752 and fol. 753-756.
Inventory Number382
Lot Number0002
Inventory Date1659/03/17
Owner NameGerensteijn, Anne Cornelis van
PurposeInventory of goods contributed to her marriage with Jacob Heermans by the late Anne van Gerensteijn drawn up at the request of her son. This covers LOTS 0001 to 0011. The rest of the inventory INVNO 382 consists of goods belonging to Jacob Heermans opgemaackt door de deurwaarder van de Hoge Raad van Holland in aanwezigheid van notaris Nicolaes Kruys en getuigen.