Art in the Montias Database


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Artist NamePercellis
Authority NamePORCELLIS, JAN (I)
Artist ActiveHaarlem |a 1622-1623
Verbatim Entry1 schilderij onweder in zee met ebbe lijst Percellis
Titleonweder in zee
Montias SubjectSHIPS, SEASCAPE
Object Typepainting
RoomOpte voorkamer
Buyer NotesProbably identical with the painting in INVNO 4100: Een schilderij van een onweer met een ebben lijst gedaen bij Persullus 30 f.
Montias2 Record11447

Source Information   (View Inventory)

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberNA 840, film 567
Inventory Number410
Lot Number0012
Inventory Date1638/11/09
Owner NameRutgers, Cornelis
PurposePost-mortem inventory drawn up for the benefit of the late Rutgers's creditors. For evaluations of some of the works of art contained in this inventory, see INVNO 4100.