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Artist NameA. Duyr
Artist ActiveNuremberg |a 1455-1502
Verbatim Entry1 hout passie van A Duyr f 1 :11:--
Titlede passie
Montias SubjectNEW TESTAMENT
Object Typewoodcuts, prints
Value1.55 |t gulden
BuyerFrans van Huffelen schilder
Buyer FamilyHuffelen (Uffelen), Frans (Francois)
Buyer NotesFrans van Huffelen (Uffelen) was a painter. He was apparently born in Antwerp where he was noted in 1609 and 1616-1617. On 14 June 1624, Franchoys van Uffelen, painter, appeared in Amsterdam and declared that a painting representing the History of Uppsigge (Psyche), which, according to the auction masters, was an original painted by Wenceslas Coebergher, was in fact a copy, since he had seen the original in the house of Pieter Bruegel in Antwerp (Briels, Vlaamse schilders, 1997, p. 390). On 1 October 1624, Francisco van Uffelen and Maijke Claes had their son Francisco baptized in the N.K. in the presence of Henrickje Douwes (DTB 40/174). On 6 July 1628, Fransoijs van Huffelen and Marijtje Jacobs (perhaps his second wife) had their daughter Marija baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Abraham Govertsz. Knol of R 24763 and Susanna Ryckening (?) (DTB 6/210). He lived in the Barndesteech in de Robijn in 1625 (R 32650) and on the corner of the Rosestraet near the Schans in 1628 (R 27555). He was buried in the N.K. on 24 November 1634, coming from the Herengracht (Briels, ibid.) It may have been his son of the same name who bought several lots of drawings, prints, and paintings at an Antwerp auction dated 16 April 1657. The son may also have been an art dealer (Duverger, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen 7(1993), pp. 325-325).
Buyer OccupationArtist |a Painter
Montias2 Record17944

Source Information   (View Inventory)

ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/952
TypeOrphan Chamber
Inventory Number565
Lot Number0009
Inventory Date1626/01/29
Owner NameBoelisz., Govert