The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
Bertels, Hendrick |
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Inventory # | 1263 | |
Archive | Antwerp archive | |
Call Number | Insolvente boedel 1553 | |
Date | 1672/02/05 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | De insolvente boedelskamer | |
Purpose | Sale to pay off debt | |
Family Name | Bertels | |
Owner Name | Bertels, Hendrick | |
Owner Notes | sale of bankrupt inventory at request of Wijbrand Bertels | |
Marriage Date | 1663 | |
Occupation | Merchant (largescale) |a Spices | |
Residence | Amsterdam | |
Introduction | The two inventories, which have been combined in the present inventory, comprised the household goods owned by Hendrick Bertels, the brother of Wijbrant Bertels, living in Amsterdam, who owed his creditors 12,000 f. To pay off this sum, Wijbrant caused the art collection of his brother (together with a few other household goods) to be sold (apparently in Antwerp). | |
Commentary | Hendrick Bertels married Margareta Auxbrebis, the daughter of Heerman Auxbrebis and of Maria van Zinnick, the daughter of Dirck van Zinnick of R 21437 of Montias2, in 1663. Heerman Auxbrebis in turn was the son of Hans Auxbrebis II of R 25592 of Montias2. Wijbrant Bertels, living in Antwerp, had taken over the debts of his bankrupt brother Hendrick in Amsterdam, which amounted to f. 12,000. To requite him, he caused his brother's goods to be sold, apparently in Antwerp. Hendrick Bertels was a merchant in spices who apparently dealt with correspondents in Lisbon (Guillelm and Conrado Bequer). In the testament of Herman Auxbrebis, dated 12 August 1677, the testator stipulated that his portrait and that of his late wife Maria van Sinnick, should be inherited by his son Hans aux Brebis (III). If he died without issue, the portrait would be inherited by his oldest daughter Margareta. In case the latter died without issue or that she should enter a convent or other religious institution, the portrait would go to his other daughter Anna Maria Auxbrebis (Oud Holland 59(1942), p.101). The possibility cited that Margareta might enter a convent (after her first husband's death?) suggests that she at least may have been Roman Catholic. | |
Art Value | 5,202 |t gulden | |
# of Items | 41 | |
Montias1 # | 1182 |
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0022 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
een lantschap van [left blank]
0023 | painting | TIZIANO VECELLO | Europa | MYTHOLOGY |
een Europa van Titiaen
0024 | painting | PEETERS, BONAVENTURA | zeehaven | SEA PORT |
een zeehaven van B. Peeters
0025 | painting | ROMEYN, WILLEM | landtschap met beessiens | LANDSCAPE |
een landtschap met beessiens van W. Romaeijn
0026 | painting | WOUWERMAN, PHILIPS | lantschap met 2 paertiens | LANDSCAPE |
een dito [lantschap] met 2 paertiens van Wauwermans
0027 | painting | POELENBURGH, CORNELIS VAN | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
een dito [lantschap] van Poelenburgh
0028 | painting | DOES, JACOB VAN DER (I) | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
een dito [lantschap] van Van der Does
0029 | painting | MARTSEN, JAN, DE JONGE | ruijter | RIDER OR RIDERS ON HORSEBACK |
een ruijter van [left blank]
0030 | painting | AVERCAMP, HENDRICK | landtschap | LANDSCAPE |
een landtschap van de Stom
0031[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschappie | LANDSCAPE |
drie cleijne lantschappies
0031[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschappie | LANDSCAPE |
drie cleijne lantschappies
0031[c] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschappie | LANDSCAPE |
drie cleijne lantschappies
0032 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | Sint-Peters scheepien | NEW TESTAMENT |
een Sint-Peters scheepien
0033[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
twee cleijne schilderijen
0033[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
twee cleijne schilderijen