Gaillard, Anthoni (de jonge)
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Inventory # | 163 |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam |
Call Number | NA 1598, film 1691, fol. 57-134 |
Date | 1639/12/21 |
City | Amsterdam |
Country | Nederland |
Type | Notarial |
Purpose | Death inventory drawn up at the request of the children's guardians |
Family Name | Gaillard |
Owner Name | Gaillard, Anthoni (de jonge) |
Life Dates | 1590 |d 1639/10/20 |
Marriage Date | 1613/12/21 |
Type of Ceremony | Pui |
Residence | Amsterdam, op de hoeck van de borse |
Religion | Reformed |
Introduction | Inventaris van alle de goederen ende imboel bevonden in den sterffhuijse van sal-r Anthoni Gaillard burger deser stad Amsterdam overleden den 20-en October 1639 binnen sijnen huijse gestaen op den hoeck van de borse alhier naerlatende twee sonen ende een dochter te weten Anthoni, Steven ende Anneken Gaillard , beschreven by mij Willem Hasen bij den Hove van Holland geadmitteerd openbaer Notaris ... ten versoecke van Sr. Jonas Abeels ende Mathys Luls, als geordonneerde testamentaire voogden, blykende by den testament van den selven Anthoni Gaillard. Gedaen in den jaer, maend ende ten dache ondergeschreven. |
Commentary | Anthony Gaillard de jonge (1590-1639) was the son of Anthony Gaillard de oude of INVNO 662 of 8 February 1625. He was a wealthy collector, who also bought at WK auction (see R 22087 of Montias2). He was only taxed 40 f. in 1631 (living on the Uterse Steygersteegh, Kohier, fol. 207 vo., p. 47). On 21 December 1613, Anthoni Gailliart de jonge was betrothed to Maaike Abeels (DTB 763/24). On 12 October 1614, he and his wife Mayke Abeels had their son Anthony baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Anthonij Galjaert (I) and Grietje Abeels (DTB 5/119). On 3 August 1617, the same parents had their son Steven baptized in the O.K. in the presence of Nikolaes Abeels and Josijntje Bincken (Bencken) (DTB 5/223). Nikolaes Abeels and Jonas Abeels, cited in the INTRO, may have been Mayke's brothers. On Jonas Abeels, who married Anna Rueland, see Elias, Vroedschap van Amsterdam, p. 572. On 30 July 1624, Nicolas Coques (of R 20336) and Anthony Gaillard de jonge declared before the Orphan Chamber that they had accepted the guardianship over the children left by Govert Gaillard (WK 5073/513, fol. 20). Govert Gaillard was the brother of Anthony Gaillard de jonge. On his son Joan, see the NOTES to R 22087. On 18 May 1641, a few paintings and drawings belonging to Anthony Gaillard (II), not included in the present inventory, were assessed. These are recorded in INVNO 1630. Matheus Luls, at whose request the inventory was drawn up, is probably identical with Matheus Luls Davidsz. cited in R 27047 of Montias2. |
Notary | Willem Hasen |
# of Items | 182 |
Montias1 # | 79 |