The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories


Schonemans, Marritge

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Inventory #192
ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call Number1266, act no. 11, film 1345
Family NameSchonemans
Owner NameSchonemans, Marritge
Owner Notesspinster
ResidenceIn de ronde Begijnhof, boven de beek, in Amsterdam
ReligionRoman Catholic
IntroductionInventaris van sekere meublen toebehorende Marritge Schonemans ongehoude dochter gemaeckt ten versoucke van Sr. Nicolaes Velt coopman alhier als last ende procuratie hebbende van de voors. Marritge Schonemans sijnde de voors. goederen bevonden ten respectyve plaetsen hier nae genomineert.
CommentaryMarritge Schonemans was the sister of Stijntje Schonemans, the wife of Claes Felt, cited in the INTRO. Claes Felt was one of the heirs of Jannetje Felt of INVNO 105. In 1643, Claes Felt, widower of Stijntje Schonemans, remarried with Maritje Coerten, the widow of the painter Pieter Dircxsz. Santvoort. For the post-mortem inventory of Maritje Coerten, see INVNO 371. On 29 July 1636, the eerbare Maria Schoonmans, passed a testament in which she made the following bequests: to her brother Claes Schonemans, 1000 f. (and to his children after him); to her sisters Cornelia and Stijntje, each 100 f. and no more (sonder meer); and to the eersame Outger Pietersz. Spiegel (of R 27584), 1000 f. (and also to his children in case of his decease). She added that Outger Pietersz. was discharged from all the guarantees (borgtochten) he had given in her favor. He was also named executor of her testament, which was passed in his house. She named Sijtge Sijmons, widow of Guilliaem Hendricksz., her goede bekende, as universal heir. Outger Pietersz. was named as the executor of her testament (NA 642, film 4953, Not. Sybrant Cornelissen, fol. 204-206). On 25 June 1638, Lysbeth Cornelis, spinster, living in the Ronde Bagijnhof, 45 years old, made a deposition at the request of Hendrick Schut, clock maker, as curator, along with Jan van Herenbergh, of the insolvent (desolate) estate of Maritgen Schoonemans, who had also lived in the Ronde Bagijnhof. She declared that, after Maritge Schoonemans had left her residence three days before Palm Sunday 1637, to the prejudice of her creditors, about 3 days before the following May in the same year, the wife of Claes Felten, being the sister of Maritge Schoonemans, came to the house (of Maritge Schoonemans) in the aforesaid Hoff, and, in several trips, took away the movable goods (inboel) of Maritge Schoonemans (NA 522, film 4861, Not. Westfrisius). The sister was of course Stijntje Schoonemans, the wife of Claes Felt. On 12 July 1638, Annetge Hessels, 69, widow of Martin Parijsz, declared at the request of Henrick Schut and Jan van Hardenburgh, as curators of the desolate estate of Maritge Schonemans, that they had been invited by Alexander Benyn and his wife Cornelia Schonemans to view a certain string of pearls which she (Maritge Schonemans) had asked to sell, which they did. Claes Felt had also been asked to sell some pearls for her (NA 992, film 1221, fol. 3). The cruycifix in de bedstede in the achtercamer is taken as evidence of Maritge Schonemans Roman Catholicism. On Claes Felt, of INVNO 371, see R 288 of Montias 1.
NotaryP. Barcman
# of Items47
Montias1 #110
 Prev Record 1 - 25 of 47  Last
Lot Type Artist Title Subject Verbatim Entry
0001 [ANONYMOUS] een crucifix in de bedstede
0002[a] [ANONYMOUS] ses viercante schilderijtgens met eeke lijsgens
0002[b] [ANONYMOUS] ses viercante schilderijtgens met eeke lijsgens
0002[c] [ANONYMOUS] ses viercante schilderijtgens met eeke lijsgens
0002[d] [ANONYMOUS] ses viercante schilderijtgens met eeke lijsgens
0002[e] [ANONYMOUS] ses viercante schilderijtgens met eeke lijsgens
0002[f] [ANONYMOUS] ses viercante schilderijtgens met eeke lijsgens
0003[a] [ANONYMOUS] drie ronde schilderijtgens met vergulde lijsgens
0003[b] [ANONYMOUS] drie ronde schilderijtgens met vergulde lijsgens
0003[c] [ANONYMOUS] drie ronde schilderijtgens met vergulde lijsgens
0004 [ANONYMOUS] een schilderije, sijnde Christus tusche de moordenaers, in een vergulde lijst
0005 [ANONYMOUS] een lantschapje in een vergulde lijst
0006 [ANONYMOUS] noch een schilderijtge van Christus met een vergulde lijst
0007 [ANONYMOUS] de geboorte Christi in een ebben lijst
0008[a] [ANONYMOUS] twee offgesetten engelen in printe met swarte rolletgen
0008[b] [ANONYMOUS] twee offgesetten engelen in printe met swarte rolletgen
0009 [ANONYMOUS] een print van Christus in de schoot van Maria in een ebben lijst
0010 [ANONYMOUS] een schilderijtge van Sinte Franciscus in een ebben lijst
0011 [ANONYMOUS] een Lieve Vrouwtgen in een vergulde [crossed out: ebben] lijst
0012[a] [ANONYMOUS] noch twe clene bordekens
0012[b] [ANONYMOUS] noch twe clene bordekens
0013 [ANONYMOUS] een vergult Lieve-Vrouwenbeelt
0014[a] [ANONYMOUS] twee clene engelsbeeldekens
0014[b] [ANONYMOUS] twee clene engelsbeeldekens
0015 [ANONYMOUS] eenige wasse beeldekens in een casge
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