The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
Wormbout, Jacob Andriesz. |
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Inventory # | 246 | |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | NA 1004, film 1233 | |
Date | 1642/07/10 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Purpose | death inventory | |
Family Name | Wormbout | |
Owner Name | Wormbout, Jacob Andriesz. | |
Owner Notes | married to Maria Schellinger | |
Life Dates | 1591 |d 1642 | |
Marriage Date | 1637/08/12 | |
Type of Ceremony | Kerck | |
Residence | Amsterdam | |
Religion | Calvinist | |
Introduction | Inventaris ...bevonden ten sterfhuijs van wijlen Jacob Andriesz. Wormbout sulcx hy dese metter doot ontruijmt ... ende nagelaten heeft, Gemaeckt opt versoeck van de E. Philip Metsues, Christoffel Croegers, ... advocaet Cornelis Schellinger .... Maria Schellinger de selfde laetse huijsvrouw. Postcript: Aldus geinventariseert ...op den x-en en xi-en july l642 | |
Commentary | Among the books: Nieuw bijbel, Acta van de Sinod Dordrecht, Petit traict de Mr. Jean Calvin. Wormbout seems to have been a Calvinist of the Counter-remonstrant persuasion. On 5 June 1626, Jacob Andriess Wormbouts, 35, testified along with the painter Hendrick Dubbels, at the request of former burgomaster Reinier Pauw, that he had heard it said that the heeren burgermeesteren did not wish to disturb the gatherings of Remonstrants (Van Dillen, Documenten betreffende de politieke en kerkelijke twisten te Amsterdam, Historisch Genootschap Utrecht, Bijdragen, 59(1938), pp. 240-1). Maria Schelliger cannot be identical with the woman of that name in INVNO 415, since the latter was married to Francoijs Roskam from 1628 to at least 1639, when the couple had a child baptized, whereas the Maria Schellinger in the present inventory was married to Jacob Wormbout on 12 August 1637. Wormbout's sister Neeltgen Wormbouts was portrayed with her two children by Willem Duyster (R 5823). On 16 March 1645, the heirs of Jacob Andriesz. Wormbout had notary Coren notify Herman and Abraham Box that they had found in the house where Wormbout had died a contract dated 11 January 1642, whereby it appears that the deceased had bought a 500 Fl. pounds obligation of the W.I.C. (NA 998, film 1882, Not. Coren). | |
Notary | Gerrit Coren | |
# of Items | 76 | |
Montias1 # | 164 |