The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
Endhoven, IJsack van |
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Inventory # | 629 | |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | WK 5073/960 | |
Date | 1629/09/19 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | Orphan Chamber | |
Purpose | auction | |
Family Name | Endhoven | |
Owner Name | Endhoven, IJsack van | |
Owner Notes | goods sold at request of Dr. Plantius, Dirck Kieft and Pieter Wachtmans as guardians of the child left by IJsack van Endhoven. | |
Life Dates | 1596 |d c. 1629 | |
Marriage Date | 1621/07/21 | |
Type of Ceremony | K | |
Residence | In de Hoochstraet in Amsterdam | |
Religion | Reformed | |
Introduction | Op den 26e martij 1629 zijn ten versoeke van Dr. Plantius, Dirck Kieft ende Pieter Wachtmans als voogden van't nagelaten kint van IJsack van Endhoven vercocht dese naervolgende goederen te betalen etc.. | |
Commentary | On 20 July 1620, IJsaack van Endhoven, from Amsterdam, 25 years old, assisted by his mother Janneken Kieft, living on the Zeedijck, was betrothed to Catharina van Hoogendorp, 23, living on the Koningsgracht (DTB 426/142). Dirck Kieft (I), one of the guardians of the children of Isaack van Eyndhoven, was his maternal uncle. Isaack van Eyndhoven , the son of Melchior van Eyndhoven, merchant in the Teertuinen in Amsterdam, and of Janneken Kieft, was born in Amsterdam in 1596. Catharina van Hogendorp was the daughter of Albert van Hogendorp. When Catharina was young she was under the guardianship of Catharina Schopmans, widow of Captain Harmen van Olthoff of INVNO 6071. Isaack's sister Neeltje married Jacobus van der Rosiere, secretary of the Admiralty (of R 27930), in 1610. Catharina's sister Susanna, born in Bremen in 1591, was married to the predikant Petrus Plancius II, the guardian of Isaack's child. Born in Brussels in 1591, Plancius became predikant in Diemen in 1610, Sloterdyk in 1613, Campen in 1619, and died in Campen in 1651. Pieter Plancius II was the son of the famous predikant, geographer and mapmaker Pieter Plancius I and of Joanna Geubels. Before her marriage to Plancius II, Susanna, after the death of her niece Livine Caluart Simons, took care of the household of Pieter Belten de oude of INVNO 980 (For the genealogy of the Hogendorp and Eyndhoven families, see Nederlandsche Leeuw 75(1958), col. 350, 378, and NL 84(1967), col. 112). Livina (Ledwina) Caluart (Caluwert) was the first wife of Pieter Beltens I. The heirs of Dirck Kieff I, living on the Nieuwen Dijck, paid a tax of 30 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 26, p.7). It may have been his son of the same name whose inventory was drawn up by the DBK in on 3 March 1661 (DBK 5072/968). Pieter Wachmans or Wachtmans may be related to an investor in V.O.C. shares by the name of Anthony Wachtmans, cited in the NOTES to R 21219 and R 21344 of Montias2. Anthony Wachmans's widow, living on the Keisersgracht, paid a tax of 75 f. in 1631 (Kohier, fol. 299, p. 68). (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, p. 194). Pieter Wachtmans lived on the Bischuit market when he bought shares in the Haarlem lottery. Note that Anthonetta van Eyndhoven, the sister of Isaack; Jeronimus van Eyndhoven, his brother; the widow Bambeeck, presumably Elisabeth Cornelis van der Belle, widow of Nicolaes Bambeeck (1570-1615), living in de Ster in the Breestraet; the widow of Jacques Hogendorp, living in the Breestraet over de Witte Lely; Leonora, widow of Jasper van Endhoven; and the widow of Jan Wallis all bought at this auction (though not all works of art). | |
Notary | Jan D. van Beuningen | |
Total Value | 3503 |d 9 st. 10 pen. | |
Art Value | 285 |d 14 st. | |
# of Items | 23 | |
Montias1 # | 529 |
Prev Record 1 - 23 of 23 Next
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0001 | clavecin | [ANONYMOUS] | ACCESSORY |
1 clavesimbal f 16:10:--
0002[a] | statue or sculpture | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
2 beeltgens f 3:--:--
0002[b] | statue or sculpture | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
2 beeltgens f 3:--:--
0003[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
3 lantschappen met ebben lystgens f 10:--:--
0003[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
3 lantschappen met ebben lystgens f 10:--:--
0003[c] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
3 lantschappen met ebben lystgens f 10:--:--
0004 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
1 uts. [lantschap] f 3: 6:--
0005 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
1 uts. [lantschap] f 6:10:--
0006[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | de oude Prins | PORTRAITS -- POLITICAL |
1 oude Prins, Mauritius ende de Graf van Bueren 't stuck a 3 f. 4 st. f 9:12:-
0006[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | Mauritius | PORTRAITS -- POLITICAL |
1 oude Prins, Mauritius ende de Graf van Bueren 't stuck a 3 f. 4 st. f 9:12:-
0006[c] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | de Graf van Bueren | PORTRAITS -- POLITICAL |
1 oude Prins, Mauritius ende de Graf van Bueren 't stuck a 3 f. 4 st. f 9:12:-
0007 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | doping Christi | NEW TESTAMENT |
1 doping Christi f 21:15:--
0008 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantchapge | LANDSCAPE |
1 lantschapgen f 7:--:--
0009 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | onweder | SHIPS, SEASCAPE |
1 onweder f 4: 5:--
0010 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | moderne | GENRE |
1 moderne f 3:12:--
0011[a] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschapgen | LANDSCAPE |
2 lantschapgens a 15 gul. f 30:--:--
0011[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschapgen | LANDSCAPE |
2 lantschapgens a 15 gul. f 30:--:--
0012 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap ruine | LANDSCAPE |
1 lantschap ruine f 32:--:--
0013 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | roverye | GENRE |
1 roverye f 21:--:--
0014 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
1 lantschap f 17:10:--
0015 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
1 uts. [lantschap] f 19:10:--
0016 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | lantschap | LANDSCAPE |
1 uts. [lantschap] f 88:--:--
0017 | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | koocken | KITCHEN SCENE |
1 koocken schilderij f 2: 4:--
Prev Record 1 - 23 of 23 Next