The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories


Leendertsz., Carel

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Inventory #640
ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/962
TypeOrphan Chamber
Family NameLeendertsz.
Owner NameLeendertsz., Carel
OccupationRetail merchant |a Book dealer
ResidenceIn de Nes in Amsterdam.
IntroductionDen 8e february 1636 zijn de nagelaten goederen van Carel Leendertsz. vercocht.
CommentaryIn 1631, Carel Lenartsz. (de jonge?) paid a tax of 100 f. , at which time he lived on the West side of the Nes (as confirmed by the address given in the above INTRO) (Kohier, fol. 235, p. 54). Dr. Carel Lenartsz. II, son of Carel Lenertsz. I, is probably identical with the famous Counter-remonstrant of that name (whom Elias called een eerzuchtige medicus and son-in-law of the predikant Ursinus) who accompanied Jan Willemsz. Bogaert and Pieter Jacobsz. Elias to The Hague in December 1628 to complain about the Remonstrants and was banned from the city of Amsterdam soon thereafter, or with the spice merchant of that name (Elias, Vroedschap, p. LXXX). Carel Leendertsz. (apparently the Counter-remonstrant) was married to Grietje van der Hart. Their daughter Margrite Kaerl Lenaerts married Daniel Plancius, son of Pieter Plancius, the rector of the Latin school in Delft on 23 October 1608 (David Beck, Spiegel van mijn leven; Haags dagboek 1624, p. 250). On 13 January 1634, Carel Lenartsz. assisted his grandson, Pieter Danielsz. Plantius, when he signed a pre-nuptial contract with Judith Persoij, the daughter of Michiel Persoij of INVNO 298 (NA 910, not. Pieter Eyloff). The late Carel Leendertsz. of this inventory seems to have been allowed to return to Amsterdam from his exile.
NotaryDaniel Jansz. van Beuningen
Total Value2527 |d 10 st.
Art Value8 |d
# of Items7
Montias1 #511
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Lot Type Artist Title Subject Verbatim Entry
0001 [ANONYMOUS] wat bortges (1 stoel) f 1:10:--
0002[a] [ANONYMOUS] 3 schilderytgens f -:17:--
0002[b] [ANONYMOUS] 3 schilderytgens f -:17:--
0002[c] [ANONYMOUS] 3 schilderytgens f -:17:--
0003 [ANONYMOUS] 1 schilderij f 1:15:--
0004 [ANONYMOUS] 1 keyser Karel f 1: 8:--
0005 [ANONYMOUS] 1 conterfeijtsel f 2:10:--
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