Wouters, Dirckge

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Inventory #741
ArchiveGemeentearchief Amsterdam
Call NumberWK 5073/960
TypeOrphan Chamber
Family NameWouters
Owner NameWouters, Dirckge
Owner Notesgoods sold at request of Louijs Ponje as father of children under age of Dirckgen Wouters
OccupationServices |a Innkeeper
ResidenceAen buyten Amstel zyt panden
IntroductionOp den 9e october 1627 zyn ten versoecke van Louij Ponje als vader van twee onmondige kinderen van Dirckgen Wouters vercocht dese naervolgende goederen.
CommentaryOn 4 December 1627, Louys Pongie, from Doornik, innkeeper, widower of Dirckje Clevits (Kevits?), was betrothed to Stijntje Jans, from Bommel, widow (5 1/2 years) of Gerrit Jansz. Coerts (DTB 432/486). Louis Pongie (or Ponie) was an innkeeper (see the NOTES to R 24996 of Montias2). On 13(?) October 1633, Thomas Maes, 28, made a deposition at the request of Stijntje Jans, wife of Louis Ponje, about events that occurred in the inn de Vergulde Pauw (which was probably Ponje's inn) (NA 372, fol. 155, Not. W. Cluyt). Thomas Maes, the son of Harmen Tomasz., at one point (perhaps shortly after the last deposition) was in Recife da Pernambuco where he served Isack de Rosiere, an employee of the W.I.C. (NA 695A, omslag 73, fol. 420vo, Not. J. Warnaerts). Louis Pongie was buried on 10 April 1637 (DTB 1130/60). Dirckje Clevits (Kevits?) is presumably identical with Dirckje Wouters, to whom the goods sold had belonged.
Total Value717 |d 14 st.
Art Value13 |d 5 st.
# of Items3
Montias1 #644
Lot Type Artist Title Subject Verbatim Entry
0001[a] [ANONYMOUS] 2 printen f 1: 5:--
0001[b] [ANONYMOUS] 2 printen f 1: 5:--
0002 [ANONYMOUS] 1 stuck schilderij roverij f 12:--:--