The Montias Database of 17th Century Dutch Art Inventories
Verbeecq, Isaack |
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Inventory # | 760 | |
Archive | Gemeentearchief Amsterdam | |
Call Number | WK 5073/942 | |
Date | 1608/02/27 | |
City | Amsterdam | |
Country | Nederland | |
Type | Orphan Chamber | |
Purpose | auction | |
Family Name | Verbeecq | |
Owner Name | Verbeecq, Isaack | |
Life Dates | ? |d c. 1607 | |
Occupation | Merchant (largescale) | |
Residence | In de Spinhuyssteech in Amsterdam | |
Religion | Reformed/Calvinist | |
Introduction | Opten 27e february 1608 zyn ter ordonnantie van de heeren weesmeesteren vercoft de goederen achtergelaten by Isaack Verbeecq. Postscript: De suyvere penningen ... betaelt aen Cornelis de Meyer de jonge. Expenses: Salaris, 139 f. 10 st.; tot hier toe [...] dagen en 3 persoonen, f. 18; voor de tafel, f. 1:16:--; oproepen, 6 st. | |
Commentary | Isaack Verbeeck (I), merchant, born in Antwerp, was the son of Aert Verbeeck, likewise from Antwerp. Isaack was first noted in Amsterdam in 1600 (Gelderblom, Zuid-Nederlandse kooplieden, p. 316). He invested 1000 f. in the first subscription for V.O.C. shares in 1602. Aert Verbeeck and his family lived for some time in Bremen after leaving Antwerp (Van Dillen, Het oudste aandeelhoudersregister, pp. 229 and 238). Isaack Verbeecq's inventory, in addition to the items listed in Montias2, included a lute, sold for 16 f., a vioolon for f 5: 5:--. and a viool for f 2: 6:--. It also included a stone for rubbing colors and sacks and boxes containing ashes and colors, which suggests he may have been an amateur artist. Note also that Isaack Verbeeck collected naturalia and East Indian exotic objects (some of which are listed in the inventory). Isaack Verbeeck was the brother of Abraham Aertsz. Verbeeck (cited in the NOTES to R 36982), of Jacques Verbeeck (of R 31364), of Susanna Verbeeck (who married David Joosten), of Tanneken Verbeeck (married to Adam Bessel de oude, the father of Adam Bessel de jonge of R 35041 of Montias2), of Margerite Verbeeck (married to Cornelis de Meyer of R 31367 of Montias2) and, in view of the following deposition, of Annetge Verbeeck. On 12 August 1634, Maximiliaen van Geel, 69, testified at the request of Annetge Verbeeck, and of Marten Gerritsz., married to Susannetgen Verbeeck, concerning their claims on the inheritance from Adriaentge Blocx, widow of Adriaen Verbeeck (NA 694B, film 4980, Not. J. Warnaerts). The connection of the Verbeeck family with Maximiliaen van Geel emerges from the NOTES to R 31364, Maximiliaen van Geel was the son of Hans van Geel I and the brother of Catharina Jans van Geel who married Jacques Verbeeck in 1602. Susanna Verbeeck may have remarried with Marten Gerritsz. Isaack Verbeeck II may have been the son of Isaack Verbeeck I. In any case, he was the father and guardian of Joost Verbeeck, whom he apprenticed to Cristoffel Crist for 4 1/2 years (NA 478, fol. 149). | |
Notary | Gerrit Jacobs | |
Total Value | 2789 |d 11 st. | |
Art Value | 114 |d 11 st, | |
# of Items | 75 | |
Montias1 # | 663 |
Lot | Type | Artist | Title | Subject | Verbatim Entry |
0044 | prints or drawings | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
uts. [cunsten] f 1:15:--
0045[a] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[b] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[c] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[d] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[e] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[f] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[g] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[h] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[i] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[j] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[k] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0045[l] | perhaps 12 different objects, painted or sculpted. | [ANONYMOUS] | Romeyn | CLASSICAL HISTORY |
12 Romeynen f 1:17:--
0046 | illuminated prints | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
afgesette printen f 1:--:--
0047 | prints | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
printen f -:19:--
0048 | prints | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
uts. [printen] f -:16:--
0049 | prints | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
uts. [printen] f -:19:--
0050 | prints | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
uts. [printen] f -:10:--
0051 | volutes | [ANONYMOUS] | NATURALIA |
hoorens f -:16:--
0052 | painting? | [ANONYMOUS] | SKULL, DEATH HEAD |
1 dootshoofgen f 2: 3:--
0053 | coconut ? | [ANONYMOUS] | NATURALIA |
1 oostindische nut f 2:18:--
0054 | coral | [ANONYMOUS] | NATURALIA |
coralen f 2:15:--
0055 | shields from Ceylon (?) | [ANONYMOUS] | ACCESSORY |
2 schilandts schilden f 1:16:--
0056[a] | almanach | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | ALMANACH |
1 almanach 1 bortgen f =:14:--
0057[b] | painting | [ANONYMOUS] | [untitled] | UNKNOWN SUBJECT |
1 almanach 1 bortgen f -:14:--