Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: Advanced Search
Fill in the form with your search criteria and click "find records".
*Click on each field below for more information.
Name Enter all or part of the name (e.g. "Dalí, Salvador" or "Dalí").
Active After searches on the earliest year in the artist's dates. (e.g. "1700" will find all artists whose earliest recorded date is equal to or later than 1700)
Active Before searches the latest date in the artist records. (e.g. "1700" would find all of the artists working through the end of 1700)
These can be combined for range dates. (e.g. Active After "1700" and Active Before "1800" would show artists from the 18th Century)
Region finds all of the artists working in a certain region of Spain. (e.g. "Seville")
Media finds all of the artists working in a medium other than painting. (e.g. "architect", "sculptor", "printmaker", "miniaturist", or "draftsman")
Notes is a word search on the notes field in the artist records. The notes field often includes information identifying the artist (e.g. "Do not confuse with Juan Bautista Espinosa") or other countries where an artist worked. (e.g. "Mexico" or "Paris")
Female check-box finds women artists.