Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Hanequín de Bruselas

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Alternate Anequín (de) Egas de Bruxelas
Alternate Anequín de Bruselas
Alternate Anequín de Egas de Bruselas
Alternate Coeman de Bruselas, Hannequín
Alternate Coeman, Hanneken
Alternate Cueman, Hanequin
Alternate Egas
Alternate Egas Coman
Alternate Egas Cueman
Alternate Egas Cueman, Anequín de
Alternate Egas Cuyman
Alternate Egas de Bruselas, Hanequín
Alternate Egas de Bruxelas, Anequín de
Alternate Egas, Anequín de
Alternate Eycken, Jan van der
Alternate Hanequín
Alternate Hanequín of Brussels
Alternate Hanequín, Master
Alternate Hannequín de Bruselas
L.C. NameHanequín, de Bruselas, active 15th century
NotesBorn in Brussels, worked chiefly in Spain, from the early 1440's until his death.
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CreatedEW |D 1992 05 21 |T 11:19:26
CreatedEW |D 1992 05 21 |T 11:19:26
Bibliographic Sources
Angulo [Iñiguez] and Pérez Sánchez, v.1, 1975, p.18 (Hanequín of Brussels, op.1453). source
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1948, pp.174, 176, 186 (op.1448-m.a.1472; not the same as Jan van der Eycken). source
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1990, pp.116, 243 (doc.c.1440-op.1465). source
Bénézit, 1976 (Anequín de Egas, or Jan van den Eycken, doc.1458-m.c.1494 [the association between the two distinct names, Egas and Eycken, seems to be unfounded]). source
Camón Aznar, 1989, p.12 (Hanequin Cueman, op.mid 15th cent.). source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (Anequín de Egas de Bruxelas [no dates given], under his brother maestre Egas [Egas Cueman]). source
Chueca Goitia, 1965, pp.598, 600 (Hannequín de Bruselas, op.1448-1469). source
Gilman Proske, 1951, p.109 (Master Hanequin, indexed as Hanequín, op.1448-p.1470?). source
Gómez Moreno, Sobre el Renacimiento, 1925, p.248 (also as Hanequín Egas de Bruselas, op.1458-1465, distinct from Egas or Egas Cueman). source
Justi, 1908, v.1, p.65 (Anequín de Egas, op.1459-1467; the same as Jan van der Eycken, doc.1448 in Louvain [the association between the two distinct names, Egas and Eycken, seems to be unfounded]). source
Llaguno y Amirola, 1829, v.1, pp.133, 253 (Anequín de Egas de Bruselas or Anequín Egas de Bruxelas, doc.1459-m.a.1494). source
Marías, 1989, p.134 (Hannequín Coeman de Bruselas, op.1448-m.1471/1472). source
Martínez Caviró, 1990, p.215 [no dates given]. source
Rubio and Acemel, 1912, p.226 (Anequín de Egas, (op.1459-m.1494(?) [biographical information about the artist is combined with that on his brother Egas Cueman]). source
Thieme-Becker, v.10, 1914 (Anequín de Egas, or Egas Cueman or Coman, op.1448-m.1494 [biographical information about the artist is combined with that on his brother Egas Cueman], the same as Jan van den Eycken [the association between the two distinct names, Egas and Eycken, seems to be unfounded]). source
Toledo, Museo de Santa Cruz [exh.], 1992, p.535 (op.1448-1470). source
Torres Balbás, 1952, pp.264, 266 (op.a.1448-m.c.1470/1475). source
Wethey, 1937, pp.381-382 (Anequín de Egas Cueman, or Egas, or Egas Coman or Cueman or Cuyman, or Hanequín of Brussels, or Hanneken Coeman, or Maestre Hanequín, doc.1458-m.1478/1479; [biographical information about the artist is combined with that on his brother Egas Cueman]). source
Yarza [Luaces], 1980, pp.397-398 (also as Anequín de Bruselas, doc.1448-op.1475). source