Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Falcó the Younger, Nicolás

print view
Alternate Falcó II, Nicolás
Alternate Falcó, Nicolás (or Nicolau)
L.C. NameFalcó, Nicolás, active 1515-1560
NotesDo not confuse with Nicolás Falcó the Elder, n.c.1470/1475-op.1527, or Nicolás Falcó III, doc.1562-1587.
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CreatedIMS |D 1990 11 14 |T 10:04:49
CreatedIR2 |D 1997 11 03 |T 10:55:16
Alcolea i Blanch, Letter received September 10, 1992.
Aldana Fernández, 1970 (Nicolás Falcó II).
Bénézit, 1976 (doc.1560).
Library of Congress (also as Nicolau Falcó).
London, Witt, 1978 (Nicolás Falco II, op.1560-1576 [in fact these dates refer to two artists]).
Post, v.6, pt.2, 1935, pp.383-384 (Nicolás Falcó II, n.p.1490-doc.1576 [in fact these dates refer to three artists]).
Soler d'Hyver, 1966, p.88 (Nicolás Falcó II).
Thieme-Becker, v.11, 1915.
Valencia, Museo [cat.], 1955, p.[317] (Nicolás Falcó II, first half of 16th cent., under Nicolás Falcó).