Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Andreu Sentamans, Teodoro

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Alternate Andreu-Sentemens, Teodoro
Alternate Andreu-Sentements, Teodoro
Alternate Andreu, Teodoro
Alternate Sentamans, Teodoro Andreu*
L.C. NameAndreu Sentamans, Teodoro, 1870-1935
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CreatedMPI |D 1989 07 28 |T 11:03:54
CreatedMPI |D 1990 12 13 |T 16:51:59
Bibliographic Sources
Aldana Fernández, 1970 (1871-1935). source
[Andréu Sentamáns, obit.] 1935, p.115 (m.1935 at age 64). source
Bénézit, 1976 (Téodoro Andreu-Sentemens, exh.p.1897). source
Busse, 1977 (Teodoro Andreu-Sentements, doc.1897-1926). source
Cien años de pintura, v.1, 1988 (Teodoro Andreu y Sentamans, 1870-1934). source
Historia del arte valenciano, v.6, 1988, p.145. source
Pantorba, 1948, p.337 (Teodoro Andreu, n.1870-exh.1904). source
Pantorba, 1980, p.368 (n.1870-exh.1933). source
Saur, Allg. Künst.-Lex., v.3, 1992 (1871-1935). source
Thieme-Becker, v.1, 1907 (Teodoro Andreu-Sentemens, exh.1897-1904). source
Vollmer, v.1, 1953, (Teodoro Andreu, exh.1897-1899). source
Zumel, 1990 (Teodoro Andreu y Sentemans, 1870-1936). source