Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Ferré Revascall, Josep (or José)

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Alternate Ferré Revascall, J.
Alternate Revascall, Josep Ferré*
L.C. NameFerré Revascall, Josep, 1907-
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Ferré Revascall, Josep (or José)
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CreatedJRV |D 1990 11 27 |T 12:35:32
CreatedJRV |D 1991 02 22 |T 10:24:13
Bibliographic Sources
Barcelona, Ayuntamiento [exh.], 1944, p.39 (José Ferré Revascall, n.1908). source
Barcelona, Museu d'Art Modern [cat.], 1987, v.1, p.385 (n.1908-exh.1944). source
Barcelona, Sala Barcino, Ferré [exh.], 1943, n.p. (J. Ferré Revascall [no dates given]). source
Diccionario Ràfols contemporáneo, v.2, 1987 (n.1908-doc.1941). source
Ráfols, Diccionario, v.1, 1951 (n.1908-exh.1951). source
Reus, Galeria d'Art Anquin's [exh.], 1988, [n.p.] (J. Ferré Revascall, doc.p.1934-exh.1988). source