Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Figueras Sanmartí, Alfred (or Alfredo)

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Alternate Figueras, Alfred
Alternate Sanmartí, Alfred Figueras*
L.C. NameFigueras Sanmartí, Alfred, 1900-1980
MediaPainter and printmaker
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Figueras Sanmartí, Alfred (or Alfredo)
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CreatedJRV |D 1990 12 07 |T 09:46:32
CreatedMPI |D 1991 01 14 |T 11:16:08
Bibliographic Sources
Barcelona, Ayuntamiento [exh.], 1944, p.39 (Alfredo Figueras Sanmartí, n.1900). source
Barcelona, Sala Parés [exh.], 1981, n.p. (Alfred Figueras, 1898-1980). source
Blas, 1972 (Alfredo Figueras Sanmartí, n.1900-op.1945). source
Diccionario Ràfols contemporáneo, v.2, 1987 (n.1900-m.a.1981). source
Espasa, sup., 1979-1980, p.98 (Alfred Figueras i Sanmartí, 1898-1980). source
Fontbona, 1978, p.283 (Alfred Figueras, n.1900). source
Fontbona, 1979, p.339 (Alfred Figueras, n.1900-doc.1949). source
Garrut, 1974, p.158 (Alfred Figueras i Sanmartí, n.1900). source
Madrid, Centro Reina Sofía, 1991. source
Ráfols, Diccionario, v.1, 1951 (n.1900-op.1950). source