Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Caballero y Villarroel, José

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Alternate Caballero y Villaroel, José
Alternate Villarroel, José Caballero*
L.C. NameCaballero y Villarroel, José, 1842-
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CreatedMPI |D 1991 03 11 |T 09:11:56
CreatedMPI |D 1991 03 13 |T 16:00:30
Bibliographic Sources
Bénézit, 1976 (n.1842-exh.1866). source
Busse, 1977 (n.1842). source
Cien años de pintura, v.1, 1988. source
Espasa, v.10 [after 1910] (n.1842-op.1867). source
Ossorio y Bernard, 1883-1884 (n.1842-exh.1871). source
Thieme-Becker, v.5, 1911 (José Caballero y Villaroel, n.1842-exh.1871). source