Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Cueman, Egas

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Alternate Anequín de Egas de Bruselas
Alternate Anequín de Egas de Bruxelas
Alternate Coman, Master Egas
Alternate Egas
Alternate Egas Coeman
Alternate Egas Coman
Alternate Egas Cueman
Alternate Egas Cueman, Anequín de
Alternate Egas Cuyman
Alternate Egas, Master
L.C. NameCueman, Egas, -1495
NotesBorn in Brussels; worked primarily in Spain from c.1440.
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CreatedMPI |D 1991 03 20 |T 09:29:13
CreatedMPI |D 1991 04 08 |T 11:18:54
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1948, p.173 (Egas, or Maestre Egas, or Egas Cueman [no dates given]).
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1951, p.311 (Egas Coman, op.1480).
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1990, p.243 (doc.c.1440-m.1495).
Azcárate y Ristori, 1974, pp.26, 29 (op.1458-m.1495).
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (maestre Egas, op.1466-doc.1507).
Checa, 1983, p.21 (Egas Cueman [no dates given]).
Duran [i] Sanpere and Ainaud de Lasarte, 1956, p.308 (Egas Cueman, doc.1454-1483).
Gilman Proske, 1951, pp.123, 134 (Egas, or Egas Coeman or Cueman).
Llaguno y Amirola, 1829, v.1, pp.133, 253 (Anequín de Egas de Bruselas, or Anequín Egas de Bruxelas, doc.1459-m.a.1494 [as one artist whose biographical information combines that of the brothers Egas Cueman and Hanequín de Bruselas]).
Toledo, Museo de Santa Cruz [exh.], 1992, p.539 (also as Egas Coeman or maestro Egas).
Torres Balbás, 1952, p.266 (Egas Cueman, or Maestro Egas).
Wethey, 1937, pp.381-382 (Anequín de Egas Cueman, or Egas, or Egas Coeman or Coman or Cueman or Cuyman, or Hanequín of Brussels or Master Hanequín, doc.1458-m.1478/1479 [as one artist whose biographical information combines that of the brothers Egas Cueman and Hanequín de Bruselas].
Yarza [Luaces], 1980, pp.398, 406 (Egas Cueman or maestro Egas, doc.1480-op.1468).
Zarco del Valle, 1916, v.1, p.8 (Egas, op.1463).