Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Argelés Escriche, Rafael

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Alternate Argelés, Rafael
Alternate Escriche, Rafael Argelés
L.C. NameArgelés, Rafael, 1894-1979
Region(s)Cádiz; Madrid
NotesResided in Buenos Aires from 1936-1972; returned to Spain briefly but died in Argentina.
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Argelés Escriche, Rafael
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CreatedMJO |D 1989 08 09 |T 12:07:51
CreatedMLH |D 1996 11 26 |T 16:26:16
Banda y Vargas, 1991, p.326.
Blas, 1972 (Rafael Argelés, n.1894-exh.1926).
Cien años de pintura, v.1, 1988 (n.1894-exh.p.1920).
Espasa, sup., 1979-1980, p.67 (Rafael Argelés).
Gaya Nuño, 1970, p.151 (Rafael Argelés, n.1894-exh.1926).
Library of Congress (also as Rafael Argelés Escriche, or Rafael Argelés Escriche).
Pantorba, 1948, p.337 (Rafael Argelés n.1894-exh.1926).
Pantorba, 1980, pp.369-370 (n.1894-exh.1977).
Saur, Allg. Künst.-Lex., v.5, 1992.