Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

González, Roberta

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Alternate Gonzales, Roberta
L.C. NameGonzález, Roberta
NotesDaughter of the sculptor Julio González; born in Paris where she spent most of her life and exhibited as a Spanish artist.
Female ArtistY
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CreatedSCR |D 1991 08 23 |T 10:58:37
CreatedSCR |D 1991 08 23 |T 10:58:37
Bibliographic Sources
Aguilera Cerni, 1973, p.372 (exh.1948-1971). source
Ainaud de Lasarte, 1992, p.106. source
Barcelona, Museu d'Art Modern [cat.], 1987, v.1, p.469 (French). source
Bénézit, 1976 (also as Roberta Gonzales, 20th cent., French). source
Blas, 1972 (n.1912). source
Bozal, 1992, pp.566-567 (exh.1936). source
Campoy, 1973 (n.1924[sic], Spanish). source
Diccionario Ràfols contemporáneo, v.2, 1987 (1912-1976). source
Enciclopedia del arte del siglo XX, 1991, v.1 (n.1924[sic]-doc.1966). source
Espasa, sup., 1975-1976, p.192. source
Le semestriel des arts, v.5, 1990-1991 (Roberta Gonzales). source
London, Witt, 1978 (n.1909, French). source
Madrid, Centro Reina Sofía, 1991 [no dates given]. source
Paris, Jeu de Paume [exh.], 1936, p.15 (Roberta Gonzales, n.1911-exh.1936). source
Valle-Inclán, Letter dated January 14, 1994 (Spanish). source
Vollmer, v.5, 1961 (n.1909-doc.1950, French). source