Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Badía Plasencia, Francisco

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Alternate Badía, F.
Alternate Badía, Francisco
Alternate Plasencia, Francisco Badía*
L.C. NameBadía, Francisco, 1906-2000
MediaSculptor and painter
NotesLived in Paris from 1947.
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Badía Plasencia, Francisco
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CreatedSME |D 1991 10 16 |T 16:40:51
CreatedSME |D 1991 10 16 |T 16:40:51
Historia del arte valenciano, v.6, 1988, pp.19, 106, 188 (also as F. or Francisco Badía, 1903-1985).
Madrid, Ateneo [exh.], 1971, n.p. (Francisco Badía, n.1907).
Madrid, Centro Reina Sofía, 1991 (Francisco Badía, n.1907).
Madrid, MEAC [cat.], v.1, 1982, p.56 (Francisco Badía, n.1907-exh.1972).
Marín-Medina, 1978, p.206 (Francisco Badía, or F. Badía, n.1907-doc.p.1947).
Saur, Allg. Künst.-Lex., v.6, 1992 (Francisco Badía, n.1907-doc.1947).