Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Panach Ballester, Felipe

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Alternate Ballester, Felipe Panach*
Alternate Panac, Felipe
Alternate Panach, Felipe
L.C. NamePanach Ballester, Felipe, active 1930-1932
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CreatedDOI |D 1994 09 20 |T 09:21:30
CreatedDOI |D 1994 09 20 |T 09:21:30
Historia del arte valenciano, v.6, 1988, p.92 (Felipe Panach, indexed as Felipe Panac [no dates given]).
Pantorba, 1948, p.355 (Felipe Panach, exh.1932).
Pantorba, 1980, p.453.