Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Flandes [the Elder], Juan de

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Alternate Flamenco, Juan
Alternate Juan de Flandes
Alternate Juan Flamenco
Alternate Sallaert, Juan
L.C. NameJuan, de Flandes, approximately 1465-1519
Region(s)Burgos, Palencia and Salamanca
NotesDo not confuse with Juan de Flandes the Younger, op.c.1550.
PhotoarchiveSee Photoarchive Holdings for: Flandes [the Elder], Juan de
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CreatedSME |D 1992 06 12 |T 12:13:52
CreatedSME |D 1992 06 12 |T 12:13:52
Bénézit, 1976 (Juan de Flandes, m.1519, Spanish; sometimes mistakenly identified with Juan Flamenco, end 15th cent.).
Bermejo [Martínez], 1962, pp.7, 9.
Bruges, Memlingmuseum [trav. exh.], 1985, pp.10, 12 (also as Juan Flamenco, doc.1496-1519).
Camón Aznar, Pintura XVI, 1970, p.115 (doc.1495-m.1519).
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (op.1509, distinct from Juan Flamenco, op.1496-1499).
Checa, 1983, pp.62, 99 (op.c.1490-c.1508).
Coo and Reynaud, 1979, pp.134-135, 139 (doc.1496-op.p.1509, probably the same as Juan Flamenco, op.1496-1499).
Gudiol Ricart, Pintura gótica, 1955, pp.359-360 (doc.c.1490-m.1519?).
Library of Congress (also as Juan de Flandes, or Juan Flamenco).
London, National Gallery [cat.], 1970, p.41 (Juan de Flandes, op.1496-m.1519).
London, Witt, 1978 (Juan de Flandes, op.c.1496-m.a.1519, Spanish; distinct from Juan Flamenco, op.1496-1499, Spanish).
Madrid, Prado [cat.], 1985, pp.220-221 (op.1496-m.1519, probably the same as Juan Sallaert, doc.1480).
Marías, 1989, pp.157-158 (doc.1496-m.1519).
Mayer, 1942, pp.172, 174-175 (doc.1498-m.1519, distinct from Juan Flamenco, op.c.1500).
Post, v.4, pt.1, 1933, pp.37, 46 (doc.1496-m.1519; distinct from Juan Flamenco, op.1496-1499).
Silva Maroto, 1990, v.1, pp.24, 74 n.36, 111, 114 (doc.1496-m.1519, probably the same as Juan Flamenco, op.1496-1499).
Sobré, 1989, p.338 (doc.1496-1519).
Thieme-Becker, v.19, 1926 (Juan de Flandes, op.1496-m.1519; distinct from Juan Flamenco, doc.1496-1499).