Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Rodríguez, Ventura

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Alternate Rodrigue, Ventura
Alternate Rodríguez Tizón, Ventura
Alternate Tizón, Ventura Rodríguez
L.C. NameRodríguez Tizón, Ventura, 1717-1785
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CreatedBLR |D 1993 03 04 |T 12:28:31
CreatedBLR |D 1993 03 04 |T 12:28:31
Bibliographic Sources
Azcárate [y Ristori], 1983, pp.178-179. source
Banda y Vargas, 1991, p.27. source
Bottineau, 1986, pp.243, 303 (n.1717-op.1776). source
Hernández Díaz, 1981, p.293. source
Kubler and Soria, 1959, p.47. source
Kubler, 1957, p.225. source
Library of Congress (Ventura Rodríguez Tizón, or Ventura Rodríguez, or Ventura Rodríguez Tizón). source
London, National Gallery [exh.], 1989, p.17. source
London, Witt, 1978 (Ventura Rodrigue [sic], op.1738-c.1770; listed separately as Ventura Rodríguez Tizón). source
Madrid, Museo Municipal [exh.], 1983, title page. source
Reese, 1976, v.1, p.1 (also as Ventura Rodríguez Tízon). source
Thieme-Becker, v.28, 1934 (Ventura Rodríguez Tizón). source
Valdivieso González, 1991, p.662. source