Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Ribalta, Francisco

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L.C. NameRibalta, Francisco, 1565-1628
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CreatedBLR |D 1993 03 10 |T 16:52:35
CreatedMLEWIN |D 1998 04 20 |T 13:50:25
Alcahalí, 1897, pp.255-256, 258 (1551-1628).
Aldana Fernández, 1970.
Angulo Iñiguez, 1971, p.59.
Bénézit, 1976 (Francisco de Ribalta).
Brown, 1991, p.109.
Camón Aznar, 1978, p.79.
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (n.p.1551?-m.1628).
Darby, 1938, pp.34, 67 (bapt.1551-m.1628).
Espresati, 1948, p.29 (1551-1628).
Gil Fillol, 1948, pp.16-17 (bapt.1555-m.1628).
Historia del arte valenciano, v.4, 1989, p.100.
Kowal, 1981, v.1, pp.3, 142.
Kowal, 1985, p.15.
London, National Gallery [cat.], 1986, p.528.
London, Witt, 1978.
Madrid, Prado [cat.], 1985, p.544.
New York, Spanish Institute [exh.], 1988, p.35.
Orellana, 1930, pp.98, 101, 128.
Palomino, Vidas, [1724] ed.1986, pp.108-109 (m.1600, with editor's annotation of 1564-1628).
Pérez Sánchez, 1992, pp.144-145.
Pérez Sánchez, Arte, 1985, pp.290, 294 (n.1564-op.1627).
Thieme-Becker, v.28, 1934 (n.c.1551/1555-m.1628).
Valencia, Colegio del Patriarca [cat.], 1980, p.124.
Valencia, Museo [cat.], 1955, p.333 (n.c.1564-m.1628).
Viñaza, v.3, 1894, p.294 (bapt.1555-doc.1617).