Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Miguel, Master

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Alternate Florentín, Master Miguel
Alternate Florentín, Michel (or Miguel)
Alternate Florentino, Miguel
Alternate Miguel
Alternate Miguel, Florentino
L.C. NameMiguel, Master, active 1517
NotesDo not confuse with Miguel Perrín, op.1526-m.1560, also known as Miguel or Master Miguel.
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CreatedEG |D 1995 01 26 |T 17:42:37
CreatedEG |D 1995 01 26 |T 17:42:37
Bibliographic Sources
Araujo Gómez, 1885, p.605 (Miguel Florentín, op.1517-1525). source
Bénézit, 1976 (Miguel, op.1533). source
Bernales Ballesteros, Renacimiento, 1989, pp.100, 112 (Michel or Miguel Florentín, op.1527). source
Camón Aznar, 1961, p.111 (erroneously indexed as Miguel Perrín, op.1517-1526). source
Cascales Muñoz, 1929, v.2, pp.9, 11 (Miguel Florentín, 16th cent.). source
Ceán Bermúdez, 1800 (Maestro Miguel Florentín, doc.1510-op.1525, cross-referenced as Florentino Miguel). source
Gestoso y Pérez, v.1, 1899, p.325 (Maestre Miguel Florentin, op.1517-m.c.1552); v.3, 1908, p.225 (doc.1526; possibly the same as Miguel Florentín). source
Gómez-Moreno, 1931 repr. 1971, pp.35-36. source
Hernández Díaz, 1984, pp.242, 260-261 (Maestre Miguel Florentín, or Maestre Miguel, op.1519). source
Marías, 1989, p.272 (Miguel Florentino, op.1519). source
Morón de Castro, 1981, pp.149, 151 (op.c.1522-p.1524). source
Palomero Páramo, 1983, p.151 [no dates given; work executed by Miguel Perrín is erroneously ascribed to this artist]. source
Thieme-Becker, v.24, 1930 (Miguel, op.1517-1538). source