Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Mates, Pere (or Pedro)

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Alternate Catalan Monogrammist
Alternate Matas, Pedro (or Pere)
L.C. NameMates, Pere, approximately 1490-1558
NotesDo not confuse with Pere Mates, doc.1515-m.1530.
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CreatedBLR |D 1993 06 08 |T 15:55:23
CreatedMLH |D 1998 10 01 |T 12:44:49
Bibliographic Sources
Ainaud de Lasarte, 1978, p.103 (op.1526-1532). source
Ainaud de Lasarte, 1991, p.130 (op.1512-m.1558). source
Angulo Iñiguez, Pintura del Renacimiento, 1954, p.64 (Pedro Matas, op.1526-1536). source
Barcelona, Fundació Caixa de Pensions [exh.], 1985-1986, p.175 (op.c.1530). source
Barcelona, Pia Almoina [exh.], 1989, p.424 (doc.1512-m.1558). source
Camón Aznar, Pintura XVI, 1970, p.331 (Pedro Matas, op.1532). source
Garriga, 1986, pp.75, 77 (the same as the Catalan Monogrammist). source
Marías, 1989, p.215. source
Post, v.12, 1958, pp.123, 125 (Pedro Mates, op.1532-doc.1567; possibly the same as the Catalan Monogrammist). source
Ráfols, Diccionario, v.2, 1953, p.146 (Pere Matas, op.1526-1536). source