Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Johannes Hispanus

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Alternate Espano, Juan de
Alternate Giovanni da Spoleto
Alternate Giovanni di Pietro
Alternate Hispanus, Johannes
Alternate Ioanes Ispanus
Alternate Ioannes Ispanus
Alternate Iones Ispanus
Alternate Janes Hispanus
Alternate Joanes Ispanus
Alternate Johanes Hispanus
Alternate Johannes Ispanus
Alternate Juan de España
Alternate Juan Hispanus
Alternate Spagna, Giovanni lo
Alternate Spagna, Juan de
Alternate Spagnolo, Giovanni lo
L.C. NameIoannes Ispanus, active 15th century-16th century
Datesop.late 15th - early 16th C.
NotesWorks attributed to Vicente Juan Macip [Juan de Juanes], the Master of the two Saint Vincents, and the Italian artist Andrea Solario have been assigned to Johannes Hispanus in the literature. However, only one signed work is securely attributed to the artist.
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CreatedDMR |D 1993 06 09 |T 11:50:54
CreatedDMR |D 1993 06 09 |T 11:50:54
Albi [Fita], Joan de Joanes, 1979, v.1, pp.276, 299, 304 (Ioanes Ispanus, op. last decade of 15th cent., probably the same as the Maestro de los dos Vicentes op.1510 [in fact a distinct artist, Master of the Two Saint Vincents]).
Angulo Iñiguez, Pintura del Renacimiento, 1954, pp.57, 117 (Johannes Hispanus, indexed also as Joanes Ispanus; not the same as Juan de Borgoña, as suggested by Longhi).
Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais [cat.], 1987, p.121 (also as Joanes Ispanus).
Bénézit, 1976 (Giovanni lo Spagna or Spagnolo, or Juan de Espano or de Spagna, or Giovanni di Pietro, or Giovanni da Spoleto [in fact the last two named are distinct artists] or Johannes Hispanus, n.1450-m.1528).
Berenson, 1936, p.347 (Ioanes Ispanus [no dates given], Italian (Ferrarese?); probably the same as Gian Battista Benvenuto Ortolano [in fact a distinct artist whose works are filed in the Library with the Italian school]).
Camón Aznar, Pintura XVI, 1970, p.94 (Johanes Hispanus, indexed also as Juan Hispanus [no dates given]; probably the same as Juan de Juanes [in fact a distinct artist]).
Díaz Padrón and Padrón Mérida, 1987, p.110 (Iones Ispanus, or Joanes Ispanus, op.16th cent.).
Dizionario Bolaffi/Mondadori, v.6, 1983 (Ioannes Ispanus).
Fahy, Letter dated May 6, 1995.
London, Witt, 1978 (15th cent.; also listed as Juan de España; Giovanni Battista Benvenuti L'Ortolano possibly identifiable with Johannes Hispanus, n.c.1488-m.1525?, Italian [in fact two distinct artists]).
Longhi, 1934, pp.129-130 ([no dates given]; probably the same as Juan de Borgoña [in fact a distinct artist]).
Mayer, 1922, p.110 (also as Janes Hispanus [no dates given]).
Post, v.11, 1953, pp.4-5, 85 (early 16th cent.; possibly the same as Vicente Juan Masip [Juan de Juanes [in fact a distinct artist]).
Sgarbi, 1985, p.152 (Johannes Ispanus [no dates given]).
Thieme-Becker, v.19, 1926 (Juan de España, op. end 15th cent., cross-referenced as Johannes or Janes Hispanus).
Zeri, 1955, n.p. (Ioannes Ispanus, op.1st half of 16th cent.; possibly the same as Vicente Juan Masip [Juan de Juanes [in fact a distinct artist]).