Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary

Herrera I, Francisco

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Alternate Herrera, Francisco (de)
Region(s)Balearic Islands
MediaArchitect and Sculptor
NotesDo not confuse with Francisco de Herrera the Elder, n.c.1590-m.1654, or with Francisco de Herrera the Younger, 1627-1685, or with Francisco Herrera II, op. first half 18th cent., all have been referred to in the literature as Francisco Herrera.
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CreatedIR |D 1993 06 09 |T 10:43:33
CreatedIR |D 1993 06 09 |T 10:43:33
Bénézit, 1976 (17th-18th cent.).
Furió, 1839, pp.71, 75 (Francisco Herrera, doc.1680/1690-op.a.1719).
Kubler, 1957, p.340 (Francisco Herrera, doc.1690).
Sebastián, 1974, pp.254, 278 (Francisco Herrera, op.1707-1722).
Thieme-Becker, v.16, 1923 (doc.c.1680/1690-op.1719).
Viñaza, v.2, 1894, pp.278, 280 (Francisco Herrera, doc.1680/1690-op.a.1719).